Wordpress social media feather plugin not returning the right featured image when shared in facebook and other social sites - facebook

This is my post featured image.
This is my post entitled "First post" with social icons at the bottom for sharing using social media feather plugin
This is what shows up when I clicked the facebook button
The image above shows that it doesn't return the right image set as featured image for the first post to be shared in facebook. I also encountered the same problem using WP Social Sharing. Can anybody help me solve this please. Thanks a lot.

Facebook, and other platforms that allow social sharing (LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, etc), all use a protocol called OpenGraph.
In it's simplest form, OpenGraph is a series of meta tags placed on a web page that describe that page. Common tags include a title of the page, description, image and a category. It is this OpenGraph image that Facebook uses in it's preview for the social share.
The tag itself is called og:image, and Facebook suggest it is at least 1200x630 pixels, although they will still use the image if it is less than that. As a side note for anyone viewing this thread and having the same issue with Facebook apps - you'll need to serve the image over HTTPS for that, something you don't need to do in this case.
I would suggest viewing the source of your page and finding the OpenGraph tags. If none are present (very possible) then Facebook is just doing it's best based on what it sees on the page. You can remedy this by adding your own tags, or using one of the many OpenGraph plugins available for WordPress.
More information on Facebook's best practices for social sharing are available.


Wordpress link on Facebook: no og:type warning in FB debugger

My website (http://www.guidoleurs.org) is finished, however if I want to share and promote it on social media I come across a problem. Somehow if I want to share my static frontpage on Facebook (by copy/pasting the link in a post) I only see “guidoleurs.org” without any information or image. Also beneath every blog post I have the Accesspress Social Share buttons, but if I want to use them to share a post, the Facebook post looks like “404 not found” (although the link works) without the featured image..
How can I fix this?
I also used the debug tool of Facebook and when I paste either link from my website in, I get the following result:

FaceBook feed dialog share options

Some Background Info
As of Mar/Feb 2014, the Facebook sharer.php way of sharing content no longer accepts custom parameters. See response from a Facebook engineer.
It used to allow multiple parameters in this form:
So you could override the title, image and description that facebook would scrape from the page, but it seems these are now ignored.
Instead, Facebook now favours the opengraph tags on the page.
So why is this a problem?
This is my scenario: I have a gallery page with multitple images. I have a lightbox that loads an image when clicked, and when the lightbox is shown, I also show share icons for all the major social networks, including facebook.
The facebook sharer url is built up using the above format, so I pass in the specific image together with the image caption. These values are now ignored.
Feed Dialog To The Rescue?
The Feed dialog method of sharing is now the preferred method, and it supports passing in custom images and captions. It works perfectly in my above gallery scenario. But it has a limitation: it does not allow you to share the content on a page you manage like the sharer.php does:
So my question is...
How can I get the Feed Dialog to work like the sharer.php and give the end-user the option to share to a group, friend's timeline or a page he/she manages?
But it has a limitation: it does not allow you to share the content on a page you manage like the sharer.php does
It incorrect statement. You can post anywhere using the Feed Dialog! You can use the to parameter and give it the concerned id where you want to share the feed.
For example
PS Facebook has introduces Graph API v2 today, and introduced new Share Dialogs over Feed Dialogs. I'm not share if that's to your significance but you can have a look.

Social meta tags when several articles on same page

This is my first attempt with social share buttons on a classic HTML website (not a CMS).
I understand that social meta tags are now the way to go as you have more control on what you are sharing (you can have more control on the title, the picture, the description, the content type etc..).
What I don't get is how to share a specific article only when you have ten articles displayed on the same page.
All the tutorials I read about sharing buttons are dedicated to a whole web page but I would like to share a specific section of the page per button, not the whole page (one page = 10 articles = 10 share buttons).
How would I achieve that?
Thank you.
(Bonus question: are social meta tags shared by FB, twitter and linkedin or are they only dedicated to FB?)
I don't know if you are still struggling with this, but I've just been thinking about a similar-but-different problem, with a one-page site where the content is swapped out dynamically so that it is not possible to change the og: tags in the header.
The solution requires generating individual pages for each specific article that have their own with dedicated og: tags. Then in your page which lists 10 articles, each one has a share button where the link points to the specific article page, e.g. <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http://yoursite.com/article1.html">.
When some clicks the share button, facebook will crawl the target url for og: tags, not the page you are currently on.
In your case the solution is pretty straightforward, as you presumably have individual pages for the articles already. Mine is slightly trickier because I have to generate extra pages which won't be navigated to from my site but exist for facebook to crawl (and to display the right content when people arrive via the social shares).

Thumbnails on shared links

I am currently working on a rebranding with my company, and I am having some issues with the thumbnails which are appearing next to the facebook posts when someone shares our website. The issue is that our old logo is still appearing in the thumbnail image, and not our new one - not ideal. Is there an easy way of updating the choice of these thumbnails to give the choice of our new logo?
Make sure you have the correct OpenGraph og:tags in your HTML markup and use the Facebook Debugger to scrape your URL and refresh Facebook's caching of your URL; it will show you what metadata Facebook can see for your URL.

need to choose from an array of images to share or like to facebook using graph API

I want to share to facebook a link and allow the user to choose from an array of thumbnails. This ability of choosing the thumbnail was capable with the share button but facebook has deprecated that functionality and the share button in favor of like which to my knowledge does not allow for selection of thumbnail it only uses one.
Can someone tell me how to pass a particular array of images to the share button object
how to enable this functionality using the facebook graph API?
If you share the url link, that url link can have many og:image tags in it. See: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ for further information on how to setup the og meta tags in your url.