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Closed 10 years ago.
linux kernel is really worth to spend a lot of time of read, but it is so large, and you don't know how to trace where you should start to read, and what you have read before?
usuallly people try to read linux kernel would make some comments when reading code, anybody agree? so git maybe nice when read linux kernl, but maybe sometimes you would like to read code on web tools such as lxr, but what make you disppointed is that you cannot make comments on lxr.
google code support comment, but you cannot export such comment:(
so what tool you would like to choose if you want to read source code of linux kernel?
You cannot understand the whole kernel at once, not even with a magic tool. There are too many facets and each has many aspects and quite a few nuances.
I suggest starting with a particular area of interest and focus primarily on it. If you have never looked at an OS before, the innermost areas are:
memory management
process management
thread scheduling
file system
As far as tools, any good cross referencing website is fine. LXR is good, but it takes awhile to get familiar with it.
Before starting with code , some theory knowledge is important.
Professional linux kernel architecture book will be of great help.
Lxr is good for browsing code online
VI editor with ctags and Taglist plugin is optimal for browsing kernel source code offline.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know what would be the best programming languages to develop an open source that can work on mainly windows and mac.
any person should be able to change the source code if he/she wanted to without the need to recompile it. this is to allow further development and bug fixing.
The application does not require a massive computational resources and it would have a GUI.
what would you recommend?
the only thing i have in mind is to do the application using matLab. any other choice?
Many thanks for your feedback,
Python. There are many IDEs available, and the code is extremely readable. The community also maintains excellent documentation. I would advise against using Matlab to develop Open Source Software because Matlab itself is not an open source program. Maybe since you are talking about something mathematical, an open source alternative could be Octave? But I don’t really know what you mean by an application. Hope anything I suggested helped.
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Closed 10 years ago.
Recently I've started on a project which requires a Cortex M3 processor.
I have some previous experience with 8bit AVR microcontrollers, so I was hoping for a not to big transition.
So I've bought a STM32L-Discovery kit (since low power is an important point) and started looking at some examples.
However, I'm completely stuck at the beginning.
When programming with AVR it was all very straightforward, just by including 2 or 3 files it was possible to write a simple main.c for like say a blinking LED.
However the examples in IAR EWARM (which I'm using) all look very bloated, lots of files which make it difficult to start. I'm having the same problem with most online tutorials.
Does anybody know any (very) simple tutorials which might help me. I'm thinking about purchasing "The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3" since it seems highly recommended.
This might be a very dumb question but I'm stuck for too long now and I'm feeling a bit desperate.
I completely agree with you. I am also starting out and I find it difficult to even scratch the surface! I have some good experience with PICs, but with ARMs the learning curve is really steep.
For the STM32F4Discovery I am using, ST provides a number of examples. Starting from simple pin toggling. I am going through the main.c file which for every example is well commented, and try to understand from there. They have a peripherals library, so locate that and look into the declarations of the functions. I learned a few things like that.
Also make sure you reference the actual manual of the ARM you are using.
I think it boils down to how much time you have to spend. Speaking for myself, I don't have the time to go through the manual and understand how everything works. If you do find some good sources please post them!
In closing I am pasting a couple of urls I am found useful information:
I would suggest using CMSIS and standard peripheral library for programming ARM Cortex. Here are some tutorials on how to set up things and start writing code:
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Closed 10 years ago.
Im a total beginner with programming ARM microcontroller, But I do have experience with AVR and PIC microcontrollers.
Few days back i have purchased (STM32 STM32F103VET6 development) from
I'm now trying to programming this board but I dont know where to start. I have also received a cd which contains some datasheets and some documents (all in chinese).
could someone tell me how to start? or have some source samples...
I have already installed Keil uVision4. I also have a J-link debugger.
thank you.
I guess you have almost everythin to start.
Now you may need the STM firmware library. You can download it from the web site ( It contains also a lot of examples.
Which board did you get?
Hope this helps
I may have the same board actually. At first that cd will appear useless but once you explore it a bit you will find that there are a bunch of examples written for that board. I suggest that you start with the most basic example (usually GPIO). Often the more complex examples (MP3 Player and others) have a lot of errors that have to be worked out and it a huge headache for beginners.
your next step would be to find the data sheet for that specific chip. Then loop at the dev board diagrams and find a pin with an LED connected, try to get it to flash. Once you've done that the sky is the limit.
Happy programming
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Closed 11 years ago.
Dev-C++ was one of the first IDEs that I got my hand on long ago. To me, Dev-C++ was a small software that can be downloaded and I could quickly do academic assignments with it.
In my college, people have been suggesting Dev-C++ for a quick download and just do the homework, for a few generations now. I recalled I used to have some problems with Dev-C++, mainly not understanding what exactly are mingw, different dependencies, different compilers, and all the complicated stuff.
When I tried to go for bigger projects, I always have the trouble of getting help. Other online helps seem to favor Visual Studio a lot more. For veteran developers who understand compilers and how things go around in software development, this may not be so difficult. But for people who are new to learning programming, is Dev-C++ a reasonable choice? Or should they not use Dev-C++ at all? Will the end justify the mean in the long run?
It's my understanding that Dev-C++ hasn't been supported for a long time and accepts a lot of bad code which it should reject, and it's not recommended simply because it's low quality compared to Visual Studio. Dev-C++ was my first C++ development environment too, and I wouldn't recommend it. VS also has one hell of a debugger, and some strong online reference material, not to mention all the other fun features of having a proper IDE. Visual Studio Express is free for everyone, even the current version, and whilst it's not quite as powerful as the commercial versions, it's still far superior in quality to Dev-C++.
All you have to do is look at the supported versions of Windows. Their latest non-beta version doesn't even list XP as supported.
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Closed 9 years ago.
I need a free very simple CMS which i can host on my own server just like Cushy CMS is there any ?
I recently wrote an alternative to CushyCMS because I wanted the open source community to have a free alternative.
Mechedit is an open source CushyCMS like applciation. Runs on PHP5 only though.
Orbis CMS is another open source alternative to CushyCMS. It's built on the same pricinples (simplicity, ease-of-use) and features a stylish interface, but is self-hosted and free.
SnappySnippets is a free and simple alternative; it is highly customizable and has a desktop interface that your clients will find easy to use. It is hosted so that you don't have to install anything
There are many questions like this on Stackover flow
for example:
link text
Just search for CMS
Good question which I was asking myself recently. This is a neglected corner of the CMS landscape. However, I did find:
this rather detailed and intelligent summary list:
a briefer but recently updated list of 40 lightweight CMSs|-vivalogo-resources/
Two other lists, both from 2012 and neither suggesting much examination of the products:
In case you're wondering, the project I was looking at using one of these for got a little more complicated and I ended up going to a more heavyweight system, with a simplified interface on top of it.
There's a lesson there. Many systems that will cope with complex needs (Drupal, MODX etc) can still be installed pretty quickly, and your users' needs are only going to grow more complex over time.
That said, I'd still like to think lightweight systems have their place. Let us know what you chose.