Open source and cross platform application [closed] - matlab

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know what would be the best programming languages to develop an open source that can work on mainly windows and mac.
any person should be able to change the source code if he/she wanted to without the need to recompile it. this is to allow further development and bug fixing.
The application does not require a massive computational resources and it would have a GUI.
what would you recommend?
the only thing i have in mind is to do the application using matLab. any other choice?
Many thanks for your feedback,

Python. There are many IDEs available, and the code is extremely readable. The community also maintains excellent documentation. I would advise against using Matlab to develop Open Source Software because Matlab itself is not an open source program. Maybe since you are talking about something mathematical, an open source alternative could be Octave? But I don’t really know what you mean by an application. Hope anything I suggested helped.


What's the best way to start using Lift? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a Ruby on Rails developer and I'm very intrigued by what Lift has to offer, but I'm having a very hard time getting together some good resources/documentation to start off.
Should I use Lifty? I can't manage to get it working under sbt 0.12; Is there another tool for code generation?
Is there a way to see snippet changes live on the development server without spending money on JRebel?
Going around on some forums i saw that Manning's Lift in Action is not up-to-date; is there any other tutorial-style book I can look into to grasp the basics on how to make a Lift app from scratch? I found many guides but none of them gives me a clear path on how to work with Lift.
Is there a way to see snippet changes live on the development server
without spending money on JRebel?
JRebel is free for Scala developers - just get yourself an account at

Are there any guides for design MetroUI-like interfaces for desktop apps like Zune or Metrotwit? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Of course, there is the UX Design Guidelines for Windows Phone, but it, obviously, miss tips for the window header design and behavior.
I suppose MS is not interested in Metro apps on classic desktop, but may be some one else (hello, Metrotwit team ;) ) wrote something interesting?
You could use the documentation of the Windows 8 Metro apps that is slowly appearing.
When looking at Zune etc. they decided to get rid of the standard chrome/borders and implemented their own.
The problem is that the desktop still requires a minimize/maximize, title while these do not exist on Metro.
My advise copy the ideas from Zune and others. I do not expect any official guidance on this soon.
Metro is also for Windows 8. Take a look at
8 traits of great Metro style apps
Designing Metro style apps

Code generation with Machine learning [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am very interested in machine learning. i have an idea to develop a program which can generate a source code according to a given standards. for example if i have trained the system to how to write something to console and the standard way of using variables then it should be able to generate a source code for anything which i ask to print something to the console, likewise. Is there any resources source codes or existing open source projects?
You might be interested in Genetic Programming. It's a genetic algorithm that operates directly on programs.
The demo I saw used Lisp (Common Lisp, I think), which is a natural fit, but any language with eval should be decently easy to use.
The Wikipedia page lists a whole pile of implementations, many of them open source, so you should be able to start there.
This sounds like this is would be a Constraint Satisfaction [CSPs] or Search Problem, these approaches would probably be your best bet:
Genetic Algorithm
Some sort of goal seaking heuristic [with negative/positive reenforcements]
The algorithms that are under the CSP category.

Airplay SDK, MoSync and others comparison [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Are there any experienced developers to make a comparison between these two SDKs?
What have better learning curve for beginners? Is the deployment for many platforms easy the same in both? Any others sugestions about difference unvisible in the first contact working with these SDKs?
I have not used MoSync, but I have made several games with Airplay SDK, for iPhone, Android, and bada. It's a very solid system with very good community support when you have questions. You need to know C (and a bit of C++ but mostly it's just C), but otherwise it's very easy to use. You can use a 3D API or a 2D API. They include lots of good examples. They have good profiling tools. It's great for people who like Visual Studio, with all the debugging advantages of that system. You can definitely make games for multiple platforms all from the comfort of your PC (or Mac, but I haven't tried the Mac version). I have a bit more about my experiences with it at

MSHTML tutorial [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to learn some basics about MSHTML, like how to use IHtmlDocument and IHtmlDocument2 interfaces. I searched for quite a while, but can not find out a tutorial for beginners. Could anyone recommend something to read?
EDIT: I prefer to use C#.
When I was learning to use MSHTML I mostly relied on the MSDN documentation and asked specific details in newsgroups and sites like this.
It also helped me alot to download the whole Windows SDK instead of reading online.
If you are using C#, then you should not be using MSHTML. Use the WebBrowser component if you're using Windows Forms, use any of the XML APIs if you're trying to generate HTML (as XHTML). You might possibly want to use an HtmlWriter, but stay away from unmanaged code, if you can help it.
WebBrowser Control (Windows Forms)
HtmlTextWriter Class (System.Web.UI)
BTW, MSHTML is not a new thing - it's an old thing.
BTW2, is this the George2?
There are some tutorials under the "hosting and reuse" section of IE SDK documentation. But I guess you need to read the DHTML tutorials under the HTML/CSS section as well.