PayPal IPN Status - paypal

i am working on PayPal IPN and got problem when i got payment status = reversed.
is it possible for Paypal to send status = reversed for first time hit to IPN?
Shouldn't i got the status = completed first?

If its an eCheck, then it could be reversed before the check was completed... You don't get the money for those until PayPal clears the ACH.


Why would PayPal's IPN return the status as 'Completed' when it's on hold?

I'm using Express Checkout, and the response from DoExpressCheckout returns the following parameters:
However, the IPN that's sent along doesn't make any reference to the funds being held. The payment_status is set as Completed and there's no mention of a parameter that might signify an issue in the documentation for the IPN values.
How can I ensure that I only react once the payment has been taken out of review, and is no longer being held?
(Note: I need to resolve how to handle this in the IPN, not the underlying problem with the account, as this is a historical issue that I need to prevent from happening again for any reason)
IPN are showing the transaction status during the time it was happen, in your case, the payment are done, completed which means, the money was initiated from the buyer account into your account, but due to some issues/reasons the transfer of the said money was pending. Some security check has caused the transaction funds being held
In IPN payment status, it was showing that COMPLETED_FUNDS_HELD which means there is a money come into your account but then it was held due to some reason where only PayPal knows.
This payment will be release in a few days, and until that time, if you handling the payment carefully from your website dashboard order, it shouldn't be any issue because normally PayPal only hold it for a few days.
Until this time, I written this, PayPal hasn't got any solution for this type of held because it was an account related issue where IPN are not feed to the get the update.

Will i get an IPN on completion of payment review in Paypal?

I am currently working on a project using PayPal. When I made a transaction, the payment status in the IPN received was 'Pending' and reason was Payment review. I found out that it will take 24 hours for the review process. So I want know if I will get an IPN when the review process is over?
You should get an IPN notification when the transaction changes status. For example, PayPal sends you an IPN notifying you of a pending payment. PayPal later sends you a second IPN telling you that the payment has completed.
Because of security reasons you may get the first IPN with payment status pending But when the payment review is over You will get another IPN with payment status as completed.You can can transfer your stuffs then.The payment review will take maximum 24 hours.

Is there an IPN sent after DoExpressCheckoutPayment?

After we do DoExpressCheckoutPayment - resulting in payment status Completed or failing with some other status - is there any IPN sent from PayPal?
Yes, DECP sends IPN notifications. If you're not getting them make sure you have IPN enabled either through your profile or by the NOTIFYURL parameter in your request. Then check the IPN History in your PayPal account and your web server logs for details on whether or not the script is getting hit or not, and if there might be an error keeping it from running correctly.

How to know MaxFailedPayments has reahced from IPN message?

I am working on the paypal recurring payment and I have set the MaxFailedPayments as 3. I want to send email to user when the this maximum failed payment has reahced 3. So from which status field in the IPN message ,we can understand MaxFailedPayments has reached ?
Thanks in advance
There is a "txn_type" value that tells you when a Recurring Profile reaches it maximum failed payment attempt limit - txn_type=recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_payment
You can use that to trigger your notice to buyers.
You should receive an IPN post when the payment fails - txn_type=recurring_payment_failed
Trigger a notice to send out after two failed payment IPN posts arrive instead of waiting for the third failure and the Profile going into a suspended status.

opencart 1.5 paypal standard issue

So I followed the instructions per this link
but my paypal account is not being credited.
the error log(below) shows the ipn is moving back and forth. but no balances shows in paypal
2012-03-05 8:48:06 - PP_STANDARD :: IPN REQUEST: cmd=_notify-validate&mc_gross=1.00&invoice=13+-+tobechi+mlemchukwu&protection_eligibility=Ineligible&address_status=confirmed&item_number1=adfasf&payer_id=JKZVZAQKD5892&tax=0.00&address_street=11+walden+laurel+ct&payment_date=00%3A47%3A57+Mar+05%2C+2012+PST&payment_status=Pending&charset=windows-1252&address_zip=21207&mc_shipping=0.00&mc_handling=0.00&first_name=tobechi&address_country_code=US&address_name=tobechi+mlemchukwu¬ify_version=3.4&custom=fZ4%3D&payer_status=verified&address_country=United+States&num_cart_items=1&mc_handling1=0.00&address_city=baltimore&verify_sign=AomRS5l2W2xlt2An.GaSrAzpCl-NAT2IbPpLv.vUbRIXtRrM2gIGm3lq&
2012-03-05 8:48:06 - PP_STANDARD :: IPN RESPONSE: VERIFIED
Your payment_status is 'pending' and the pending reason is 'unilateral'.
You would not see the funds in PayPal. Basically, PayPal is waiting to deliver the funds....
You need to check with paypal and make sure that your email address is confirmed, and that it is entered correct in opencart (e.g. check for typeos)