CSS drop shadow not showing on iPhone…? - iphone

I have a drop shadow on the animated buttons on my website which works fine across all browsers but it doesn't seem to be showing up on the iPhone... strange because it was showing a couple of days ago. Not exactly sure what I've changed to prevent it working.
Any pointers to what I've done wrong would be much appreciated!

I believe Older versions of safari need the -webkit-box-shadow since box-shadow was not fully supported. However it does work on the newest mobile safari

You will also run into problems with IE8 and IE7 using box-shadow. If I could recommend something (and I tend to do this), it is to make some images and use that as the background for those. It is a little bit of work but that is the safest route.


Is it possible to fix an iPhone app for iOS6+7 and 3.5 + 4 inch displays without editing code?

At this time I'm trying to edit an app of mine to support iOS6+7 aswell as 3.5+4 inch displays.
However I'm trying to do this without changing the code. And it works fine...for one of my requirements.
First I tried fix the 3.5/4 inch display issue with autolayout/contraints. It worked well but either it looked good with iOS6 or iOS7. And I didn't find a way to fix the iOS6/iOS7 diffrence without adjusting tons of code.
Then I resetted my contraints, disabled autolayout and fixed the iOS6/7 issue via offsets (iOS6/7 Deltas). Worked fine too for resolving the other requirement.
Since you can't use offsets AND autolayout at the same time I'm wondering if it's not possible to fix both problems without either checking iOS version or display size in my code?
I didn't provide code or screenshots because it's a more general question and I'm trying to solve this issue without touching my code. However what I can say is that I'm using .xib files to create the views not knowing if that's a problem too...
Thanks in advance,
if your using storyboard with autosizing you can achieve that one

JScrollPane touch scrolling doesn't work in IE10/Surface

I've tried searching for this but it doesn't appear to be a known issue.
Finger scrolling doesn't appear to work in IE10, even on the main jscrollpane site: http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/
Demos: http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/basic.html
Only tested on a Surface RT device...
It seems to work fine on iOS/Android devices.
Any ideas?
I am also having the same issue, I have found the following article somewhat helpful, but still can't seem to get it to work completely. I would have just commented but I don't have enough rep apparently.
From what I can tell, this has something to do with IE10 and 11 hijacking the touch action on touch devices in order to allow the user to swipe left and right to switch between apps. I am currently testing on a Surface Pro2 using both the metro version of IE11 and the desktop version of IE11. According to the article you should be able to prevent that behavior using css "touch-action" property but I can't quite get it to work right. I'll update if I find anything more useful.

Double header on iphone

I have come across a weird double header/h1 tag on the iPhone 4. If you view the my site on an iPhone the header is rendered twice, but overlaying each other slightly, if you zoom in on the header, it becomes one, like a normal heading on any website.
Has anyone else encountered this and know a solution? I've been at it for weeks can't find anything like it online.
Here is my site: http://cafe.cic.hull.ac.uk/~405851/
Thanks for any help.
Your problem seems similar to the one discussed and answered here: iOS 4.2+ webfont (ttf) 's bold font-weight rendering bug
Apparently one solution is to to change the inherited style via a font-weight:normal styling. This doesn't solve your issue if you feel that the text needs to be bold of course. You could try using different font weights as well.
Custom font rendering has had funky bugs in iOS for a while. In the iOS3 days, I was able to crash webkit itself with custom fonts. Good times.
So I would recommend using something like http://www.google.com/webfonts instead. The font files they serve are guaranteed to work well cross platform, and the stylesheet to include the fonts is tailored to the quirks of platform that requests it. They do a good job at avoiding font rendering bugs and cross platform inconsistencies.
For that reason, I would use Google WebFonts to serve any custom fonts if I had web content that needed to be shown consistently cross platform.
The tradeoff is that you don't get as much selection of fonts. But they do have a good amount, just not every font.

IB z-order on simulator 6.0

Consider the above's IB objects listing. Siblings further down the list should be on top of the siblings listed further up when rendered on the screen.
Under Xcode 4.5.2, everything is ok if iphone simulator 5.1 is used. But for simulator 6.0 the map just covers everything. The same if using actual devices (phones) for testing.
Hope that somebody knowledgeable could help.
Please also add comments if you do not (or do) find such a problem on simulator 6.0. Chances are the problem is related to how my project is setup.
Update :
Have setup a new test project with iOS 6 map view myself. There seems to be no problem with z-order at all. So the problem could relate to my code. Unfortunately, quite a lot have already been written, there wouldn't be enough time to go over everything for the time being. I suspect that it has something to do with the rootViewController property. My project initially followed a older scheme in which rootViewController was not used ...
I dont know if that order is reliable at all -- in the past definitly not and I am not conviced it is today :D. (even though apple claims it :D)
see: IPhone Interface Builder: Z-Index, Z-order of a button, image, ui element, etc?
(the 3rd answer currently. 7 votes)
The problem is solved by calling Window's bringSubviewToFront method. But I believe a better and more proper solution can be found given enough time.

Zooming only an image in mobile Safari

I'm looking to see if anyone has experience with this. I'm a developer first and a designer second, so this is really not my strongest suit.
I have a project I'm working on where the goal is to get image and text side-by-side in landscape mode on the iPhone. I'd like to be able to zoom in on the image using a pinch like normal, but not zoom in on the text as well while that is happening. I don't know if this is even possible or what kind of hacks it would take to get it working.
If someone thinks this is bad in general from a UI perspective, I am open to suggestions.
I have considered keeping two copies of the image (low and high res) and then swapping them out inside of div with an overflow: scroll; so users can get a zoomed version and then scroll around. It doesn't give you the full effect of zooming, but it might accomplish a similar goal. I don't know if this would work either.
If anyone has suggestions or experience on the subject, please chime in. Thank you!
To do this in mobile safari you would probably have to use javascript. Theres a jQuery plugin here: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/pinch
Might be of some help
If you want to use Mobile Safari, then you will need a touch framework like jTouch to simplify things.
Natively, you should put your image and text inside a UIScrollView, and return the image view in the the viewForZoomingInScrollView: (in the scroll view's delegates) to the image view.
Is that what you want?