JScrollPane touch scrolling doesn't work in IE10/Surface - touch

I've tried searching for this but it doesn't appear to be a known issue.
Finger scrolling doesn't appear to work in IE10, even on the main jscrollpane site: http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/
Demos: http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/basic.html
Only tested on a Surface RT device...
It seems to work fine on iOS/Android devices.
Any ideas?

I am also having the same issue, I have found the following article somewhat helpful, but still can't seem to get it to work completely. I would have just commented but I don't have enough rep apparently.
From what I can tell, this has something to do with IE10 and 11 hijacking the touch action on touch devices in order to allow the user to swipe left and right to switch between apps. I am currently testing on a Surface Pro2 using both the metro version of IE11 and the desktop version of IE11. According to the article you should be able to prevent that behavior using css "touch-action" property but I can't quite get it to work right. I'll update if I find anything more useful.


Touch is not working with Unity UI Toolkit buttons

I'm having a weird issue, may be a simple fix.
I've got a UI only "game" using the new UI Toolkit. It's a little kind of a drawing program. I've got a draw area in the middle with "tool buttons" on the sides. Everything works fine with Mouse, Pen, and touch when drawing (using scripts I can access all types of pointers), but for some reason touch doesn't work with the UI buttons only.
What's even weirder is that touch on UI buttons works when testing directly in Unity Play mode (I've got a touch screen laptop), but doesn't work when I make a Build.
In my Project Settings -> Input System Package, I've got Pen, Mouse, and Touchscreen active under "Supported Devices"
The new UI Toolkit is so new there's no help or similar issues I can find online.
if its still relevant:
I had the same issue and used "Standalone Input Module" instead of "Input System UI Input Module" in EventSystem. It says it's the old option, but it works for me :D
I add the touch screen here and it works now.
Just a follow up since I ended up finding my answer somewhere else.
In the "Input System UI Input Module" component in the EventSystem, I changed the "pointer Behavior" to "Single Unified Pointer" and that fixed it. Not sure if that's just a work-around, but it works great now.

CSS drop shadow not showing on iPhone…?

I have a drop shadow on the animated buttons on my website which works fine across all browsers but it doesn't seem to be showing up on the iPhone... strange because it was showing a couple of days ago. Not exactly sure what I've changed to prevent it working.
Any pointers to what I've done wrong would be much appreciated!
I believe Older versions of safari need the -webkit-box-shadow since box-shadow was not fully supported. However it does work on the newest mobile safari
You will also run into problems with IE8 and IE7 using box-shadow. If I could recommend something (and I tend to do this), it is to make some images and use that as the background for those. It is a little bit of work but that is the safest route.

How can you make Mootools drag and drop that is touch compatible?

I am building a drag and drop interface using Mootools .draggable() method. It's working great except that it does not work on touch devices which is important for it to do. Is there a way to make .draggable() touch compatible?
have you read this answer? Drag with mootools on mobile
it does not seem to work too well with droid tablets. see http://jsfiddle.net/dimitar/kLVJy/ - dragging is choppy and drops it too early. might be better on ios, not sure. something to build on anyway
As Dimitar said, read the answer Drag with mootools on mobile.
The provided answer though is buggy, and works bad in both android and ios at the time of this writing.
Speaking about android the problem is due to a bug, see http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=5491.
The workaround consists in calling
in the touchmove callback. Such workaround works well in my case for both android and ios.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/abidibo/aWJ8S/

How can I use gestures on iPhone apps using Delphi Firemonkey?

I am trying to write an iPhone app using Delphi XE2 / FireMonkey and have got past many of the initial hurdles, but am now stuck on gesture handling.
I have created a test app with a TVertScrollBox, but I cannot scroll the contents, unless I enable the scroll bars (which are very thin), and touch those. This is not very iPhone friendly (and almost unusable). Would appreciate a pointer in the right direction.
Documentation seems to suggest using UIGestureRecognizer...
...however these need to be attached to a View, whereas the app is using a FireMonkey form.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I have worked out how to do this...
The TVertScrollBox control needs to have the MouseTracking property set to True.
All controls added to the TVertScrollBox then need to have their HitTest property (if it exists) set to False. After that it just works!
With Delphi Xe3, Fire monkey as support for basic gestures (zoom, rotation, pan)
But officially Xe3 doesn't support anymore "IOS" as a target.
You have to wait beginning of 2013 for the release of their "mobile studio" extension
Gestures not in FireMonkey at the moment.

MKMapView Cannot Zoom Map

I created a really basic app that just shows an MKMapView and the UserLocation. I'm having problems drawing this base map sometimes (it only shows pieces of the map), and whenever I pinch zoom the map, it fails to redraw, and just shows the blank gray tiles. The console shows this whenever it needs to get a new map tile:
/SourceCache/GoogleMobileMaps/GoogleMobileMaps-263.5/googlenav/mac/Loader.mm:231 server returned error: 502
This looks like a gateway error, but that doesn't make any sense, since I'm using open WiFi for testing. I haven't implemented any region zooming code, I just want to display and zoom the basic map first. I'm using iOS 4.2.1 (8C148), so I'm wondering if this is a problem with the newer iOS versions? Any ideas?
Edit: Works fine now, must just be a problem with Google's servers.
Just started getting the same error. I've searched online and can't see anyone else having the issue (yet). Thought it was something I did, but suspect its at Google's end.
I think that the problem is solved now. It had to be a momentary Google Maps problem.