Zooming only an image in mobile Safari - iphone

I'm looking to see if anyone has experience with this. I'm a developer first and a designer second, so this is really not my strongest suit.
I have a project I'm working on where the goal is to get image and text side-by-side in landscape mode on the iPhone. I'd like to be able to zoom in on the image using a pinch like normal, but not zoom in on the text as well while that is happening. I don't know if this is even possible or what kind of hacks it would take to get it working.
If someone thinks this is bad in general from a UI perspective, I am open to suggestions.
I have considered keeping two copies of the image (low and high res) and then swapping them out inside of div with an overflow: scroll; so users can get a zoomed version and then scroll around. It doesn't give you the full effect of zooming, but it might accomplish a similar goal. I don't know if this would work either.
If anyone has suggestions or experience on the subject, please chime in. Thank you!

To do this in mobile safari you would probably have to use javascript. Theres a jQuery plugin here: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/pinch
Might be of some help

If you want to use Mobile Safari, then you will need a touch framework like jTouch to simplify things.
Natively, you should put your image and text inside a UIScrollView, and return the image view in the the viewForZoomingInScrollView: (in the scroll view's delegates) to the image view.
Is that what you want?


How to make full screen zoom feature with scrolling multiple images with TNImageSliderViewController?

I am losing most of my work time stucking at scrollview,autolayout issues.And now,when i found TNImageSliderViewController.I see that i have hope in scrolling images with no autolayout issue.Thanks to the developer who write TNImageSliderViewController.But,after that I want to do another thing which still keep making me stuck.I tried many tutorial and video and which keep making me stuck.
Here is what i need to do...
1.When I clicked one of my image in scrollview,i want to see full screen of that images i click at another view.
2.That another view should also have capabilities like TNImageSliderViewController which we can slide images.
3.I want to add zoom with pinch or tapped zoom at full screen image that i clicked.
Any Idea?or suggestion or library which it can do it easily and completely with no autolayout issue which we can rotate as we like?
Please help...Please,I really need help.Also all newbie like us might want the same answer like me.

Photo viewer (with zoom, pan, scale etc)? Alternative to Three20

I have an app with a few pictures. If the user clicks on one of them, I want him to be able to zoom, pan, scale and so on. I don't need something like Three20. First of all, I'm loading the images from file inside the app, second I don't need the "library" feature (that displays all the images in a grid > like the Photos.app). So I only need the part in the left picture...
How can I do that? Is there any "sample class" or tutorial?
Thanks a lot in advance!
The UIScrollView supports not only scrolling, but also zooming in and out, in fact, it's the super class of things like webViews and tableViews.
It's a matter of fitting an UIImageView inside an UIScrollView and make the contentSize match, and enable zooming (maximum/minimum zooming is 1.0 by default, setting it to something else allows zooming).
check out the Nibmus Project, they have a nice photos controller http://jverkoey.github.com/nimbus/group___nimbus_photos.html, which sounds to be exactly what you're looking for.

Image with gestures - phonegap

I'm making an application who needs to display a map, contained in a large image file (png). The user must be able to zoom in/out the image and drag it in order to scroll the image with touch gestures.
I'm not sure that you get it, but i want to display a single image as it would be displayed by the "Photos" iphone application.
I would like some hints about the best way to do it with those gesture and with a navigation header in order to leave the image view.
Thanks in advance if you can give me any help about this issue because I did not find any clue on the phonegap doc.
Why don't you use the built inn components for this?
Sounds like you need to wrap an ImageView inside a ScrollView and a HorizontalScrollView, then rescale the image by handling onTouch-events.
Take a look at the MapKitPlug plugin:
Good Luck!
I would use http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4 which has some really slick image zoom going on. You can also start loading new images after certain zoom levels for finer grains of quality.
I would suggest Child Browser phonegap plugIn.
It is very simple and easy to implement.
It supports loading page from a url as well as you can show any kind of images.(png, jpg, jpeg, bmp and gif)

Creating a tableview in the form of a 'film strip'

I am developing an RSS-reader-type application. I am toying with the possibility of using a normal TableView application but showing the articles as a film-strip. I am mainly thinking for an iPad application (but possible it works on the smaller iPhone as well).
The idea is to have the cells passing/scrolling across the screen using swipe touches (but horizontal, and not vertical as with the normal TableView). They will be some-kind of miniatures of the full article, and when tapped (or with multi-touch zoom to have better control) can be enlarged to read. Then can then just be be moved on as soon as the user has seen enough of it.
Does anybody know if there is an easy way of accomplishing something like that?
The most obvious solution that springs to mind would be to use a UIScrollView, as this will provide the inertial effects, etc. for free - all you'd have to do it populate it with the relevant sub-views. (UITableView's actually use a UIScrollView.)
For more information and sample code, see Apple's UIScrollView docs.
If you want horizontal scrolling, take a look at Jeremy Tregunna’s JScrollingRow. It’s open source under a public domain licence.

UIPickerView that scrolls horizontally on the iPhone?

I'm taking a look at this widget, and it appears to be a UIPickerView, however I haven't seen anything provided by the iPhone SDK API that allows for horizontal scrolling only. Mostly it's all done vertically. Also there appears to be a custom graphic around this picker, so it might not be that either.
I'm curious if anyone is able to determine if this is indeed a UIPickerView or perhaps a hacked up UIScrollView? The widget is handy -- and I like its use. I found it in some random groceries app in the app store.
Here is the screenshot:
Thanks all.
I'd definitely use iCarousel library:
The library is really well documented, the code is clean and maintained.
That is totally custom. You could indeed do something of the sort overlaying an UIImageView and an UIScrollView. I'd guess it's a 100% custom. As with all programming, there are many ways to do any single thing.
As I recently posted in response to this question, a class for an iOS horizontal picker control (STHorizontalPicker) has just been posted on GitHub. It's nowhere near as sophisticated as UIPickerView, but it provides the basic functionality for picking numeric values and the underlying foundation is probably a good starting point for adding more sophisticated functionality (it's a UIScrollView containing a UIView with multiple CATextLayers for the markers).
It was designed to be used in UITableCellViews and currently looks like this:
This website has source code for a picker that is aligned horizontally without subclassing it.
That definitely looks like a custom component. I'd suggest getting the .app file off your iPhone, opening up the bundle, and looking to see if there's a xib file for that interface. You may get lucky and find the component sitting in there. My guess is that it's a subclass of UIScrollView, but of course there's no way I could be sure of that without personally knowing the developer or the codebase.
You will recognize pickers by their giant screen-gobbling footprint :-) This is most likely a horizontal UIScrollView with a series of fixed-width labels (or images). The tricky bit is to have the bezel on top with a transparent center pass touches back to the underlying scroll view. Or you can take the easy way out and overlay four image strips (for each edge) and leave the middle open so touch events go directly to the scroller.
It's a custom control, but it's really not that hard to build.