Stored procedures with joined data in entity framework - entity-framework

We currently have a system with quite large database and stored procedures are used both for CUD and querying. DataSets are used to retrieve the results from the SP querys.
Now we are looking into developing another project against the same database using Entity Framework. When querying the database, the stored procedures often perform a lot of joins to gather some fields not in the target table, but data from the joined tables that is needed by the client in some way. When using DataSets, all the fields returned by the SP was included in the DataTable. So the DataTable doesn't actually match the target database table.
What is the correct way of handling this scenario in EF? When creating my model, the entities are mapped to each table which as mentioned above only sometimes matches the result of the SP. Can I add the "additional" fields of the SP query result to the entity class as properties and have them filled by the query but with these properties being excluded when it comes to CUD on the specific entity type? Seems like the EF-way, if queried through LINQ to Entities and not SPs, would be to have entity instances with relational properties to the joined entities so that using those "additional" properties would be done by navigating the relational properties?

You can define an arbitrary complex type (just a class that's generated for you, to match the columns and datatypes returned by the stored procedure) as the return type for your stored procedure in Entity Framework (as of version 4 and newer) - no problem here.
See Stored Procedures in the Entity Framework for a great explanation of all things related to using stored procedures in Entity Framework.


Entity Framework is it possible using entity populated from a stored procedure but no physical table in database

I want to utilize the capability of EF to populate an entity from calling a stored procedure, but this entity does not need to map to a physical table, as it only exists in my application.
Is it achievable?
Many thanks.

Implementing security in Entity Framework

At my client site the database user has permissions to execute stored procedures only.
Database user doesn’t have permissions to execute queries directly.
But I have used Entity Framework, and no stored procedures used.
What can I do?
In such scenario it is better to use native SQL + ADO.NET directly. The main power of EF is in mapping, linq / ESQL querying and loading strategies. Once you are limited to stored procedures you will lose support for latter two = no querying and no loading strategies. You will still have support for mapping but it will come with performance costs and it will demand strict limitations on your stored procedures.
The Entity Framework allows you to map each entity to a set of stored procedures that will execute the insert, delete and update.
That way the user won't have to execute queries directly when modifying the data in your database.
If the user also doesn't have Select permissions, you need stored procedures to access the data. The Entity Framework can help you because you can import Stored Procedures in the SSDL part of your EDMX and then you can map those stored procedures to functions on your ObjectContext.

MVC 3 and LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework

I'm trying to display the results of a sproc in my MVC 3 web app.
However, the sproc calls into 4 tables on one database and joins them with 5 views (single table views only, thank goodness) on another database. Each (SQL Server) db is on a separate server but that shouldn't matter.
I've read this:
and this:
and still cannot determine whether I should use the dataContext classes or just embed the straight SQL.
Perhaps there is a better way to return my results than LINQ to SQL (15 columns, 3 different data types)? I need to update the tables as well. The user will have the ability to update each value if they choose. Is this a task best suited for the entity framework classes?
I plan on using the repository pattern so I can change data access technology if I must but would rather make the correct decision the 1st go 'round.
I was hoping for a resource that was more up-to-date than say, NerdDinner and more robust than the movie apps for MVC3 that abound, particularly implementing the sproc results inside a view. Any suggestions would surely be appreciated. Thanks.
Once you plan to "update" data then you are going to handle it all through stored procedures. Both Linq-to-sql or Entity framework will not help you with this because they are not able to persist changes to something created from arbitrary query. You should very carefully check if you are even able to track the data back to the correct record in the correct table. Generally result of a stored procedure is mostly for viewing the data but once you want to modify the data you must work with each table directly or again use some stored procedure which will do the task. Working with tables from multiple databases can be pretty complex in entity framework (EF doesn't support objects from multiple databases in one entity model).
Also what you mean by 15 columns, 3 different data types? Stored procedures support in both Linq-to-sql and Entity framework will return enumeration of one flattened data type containing 15 properties.
I'm not aware of anything that linq-to-sql can do that Entity Framework can't really, so EF seems to be a better solution in this case. You can add a stored procedure to your Entity Framework model as well, so you can just have it call the procedure and deal with whatever comes back.
Since the end goal will involve accessing the same Databases with either technology and they will be using sql to retrive the data either way its really a subjective anwser.
I would use whatever technology you are most comfortable and focus more on the implementation. Both data access platforms are based off of technologies and are for the most part equally powerful.
Regardless of the technology I would evaluate how the data is accessed and make implementation decisions based on that.

Enity Framework for existing enterprise database

I am working on creating a service layer for a large sql server database (2008 R2) that is currently the backend for a winforms POS application with strongly typed datasets.
I think WCF is the way to go, and at first glance it seemed EF 4 was a good choice but now I'm having my doubts. Here is what I have found:
The stored procedure mapping isn't that great. I have hundreds of stored procs that I want to reuse. Most of them wouldn't return an 'entity' so the stored procs would have to be mapped to a complex type. Many of the procs use dynamic sql or temp tables so EF can't figure out what complex type to crete. Many of the procs return multiple result sets. I've read that EF extensions have a way to map stored procs with multiple result sets, but only for entities, so that doesn't help me.
Large models are a problem. There doesn't seem to be a good way to handle large entity models. The workaround of creating smaller models isn't that desirable and splitting the model loses design support, am I missing something?
EF mappings only go so far. The stored procs that I want to reuse return projections or information from many tables into a result set. There doesn't seem to be a way to map these results into entities, am I wrong? I've read about combining results from 2 table into 1 entity, but that only works if the tables have the same primary key.
Are people using EF in large scale existing databases? If not what would you recommend?
I've used EF on large scale databases, but as you say, the support for SPs as you have got is not great. That's not specifically a failing of EF per-se - ORMs in general work on the same principle and have the same "limitation".
If you have lots of SPs and are mapping them to datasets, you'll have to do lots of work even without SPs in terms of no longer referencing datasets and referencing your domain model types through your system, so you'd need to have some way to map your SPs to your domain model and back anyway.

Accessing runtime-created tables with Entity Framework

We have an application that creates new tables at runtime, but always with the same table schema. The only thing that varies from one of these tables to the next is the table name. Is it possible to access these tables using Entity Framework, specifying which table to access by name?
Entity Framework is not designed for DDL, it's an ORM tool for data access. You would want to use a simple ADO.NET query to create/drop the table.
Creating and dropping tables for every user session will make your log file grow very big very fast. I would consider carefully the reasons you think this is necessary. If the data is temporary, why not save the Session ID in each row and truncate the table on a daily basis?
No, not really. The Entity Data Model is not dynamic, it's a static XML document that describes the structure of the database. If you want to interact with a table with a dynamic name, you're going to have to stick to "classic" ADO.NET.
With Linq to SQL I guess it would be possible with a stored procedure taking the table Name as a parameter.
A nice post about SP in L2SQL:
I don't know if that feature exists in EF.