Accessing runtime-created tables with Entity Framework - entity-framework

We have an application that creates new tables at runtime, but always with the same table schema. The only thing that varies from one of these tables to the next is the table name. Is it possible to access these tables using Entity Framework, specifying which table to access by name?

Entity Framework is not designed for DDL, it's an ORM tool for data access. You would want to use a simple ADO.NET query to create/drop the table.
Creating and dropping tables for every user session will make your log file grow very big very fast. I would consider carefully the reasons you think this is necessary. If the data is temporary, why not save the Session ID in each row and truncate the table on a daily basis?
No, not really. The Entity Data Model is not dynamic, it's a static XML document that describes the structure of the database. If you want to interact with a table with a dynamic name, you're going to have to stick to "classic" ADO.NET.

With Linq to SQL I guess it would be possible with a stored procedure taking the table Name as a parameter.
A nice post about SP in L2SQL:
I don't know if that feature exists in EF.


Is there a database administrator's guide for building stored procedures for Entity Framework?

I'm working on a green-field application that has a corporate mandate that Stored Procedures are used for all database interaction.
I'd like to use Entity Framework and leverage Stored Procedure Mapping to gain the benefits of the ORM.
Since we will be developing the database and .NET application in parallel, I'm looking for information to help the database developer/administrator. Does anyone know of a consolidated guide on how to design tables and stored procedures so they can be best integrated with the Entity Framework?
A couple tips I've collected are:
Update Stored Procedures require exactly 1 parameter per table column
There must be an insert, update, and delete Stored Procedure for every table
I want to know as much about how the database should be designed for easy use with Entity Framework because the database is very difficult to change later in our environment.
I wrote a blog post describing the limitations of using mapping in this way after working on this for several months:
The Pitfalls of Mapping the Entity Framework to Stored Procedures
If you want to use Stored Procedures are used for all database interaction, I just don't see the need to use Entity Framework. One good reason of EF is to save time to write T-SQL, and if you don't take advantage of this, why even use EF?

Recursive data retrieval from database in Zend framework similar to CakePHP

In CakePHP, we can provide recursive option while retrieving data from database, which automatically fetches the data from all the dependent tables.
We can also provide option for recursive e.g recursive=2, which fetches dependent tables of the dependent tables.
How can we achieve the same functionality in Zend framework?
If you have defined Table Relationship on your model before, you can use findDependentRowset() to retrieve records from multiple related table. For more details, see this.
But i am not sure of limiting the recursion.

Map multiple tables to a single entity dynamically

I have some tables which should add to my database every year and name of databases contains the year (like sell2005) and iv'e written some ef queries on these tables ,and queries can only be on a single entity (like sell2005) but what should i do when sell2006 or sell2007 add ? how can i manage them with that single query which iv'e written before?
thank you.
There is no easy way. EF is simply not tool for this scenario. For EF you must have "single table" so you must either use partitioning with one real database table partitioned by year or you must build a view on top of these tables.
The problem is that in EF you have strict relation between classes and tables. You cannot have single class mapped to multiple tables even if they are exactly same (except inheritance which is not solution for you). So the workaround would require to have multiple SSDL/MSL mappings - one for each table and construct correct context instance with correct mapping for every query. As I know dynamic changes of mapping are not possible (except modifying SSDL/MSL files before using them).

MVC 3 and LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework

I'm trying to display the results of a sproc in my MVC 3 web app.
However, the sproc calls into 4 tables on one database and joins them with 5 views (single table views only, thank goodness) on another database. Each (SQL Server) db is on a separate server but that shouldn't matter.
I've read this:
and this:
and still cannot determine whether I should use the dataContext classes or just embed the straight SQL.
Perhaps there is a better way to return my results than LINQ to SQL (15 columns, 3 different data types)? I need to update the tables as well. The user will have the ability to update each value if they choose. Is this a task best suited for the entity framework classes?
I plan on using the repository pattern so I can change data access technology if I must but would rather make the correct decision the 1st go 'round.
I was hoping for a resource that was more up-to-date than say, NerdDinner and more robust than the movie apps for MVC3 that abound, particularly implementing the sproc results inside a view. Any suggestions would surely be appreciated. Thanks.
Once you plan to "update" data then you are going to handle it all through stored procedures. Both Linq-to-sql or Entity framework will not help you with this because they are not able to persist changes to something created from arbitrary query. You should very carefully check if you are even able to track the data back to the correct record in the correct table. Generally result of a stored procedure is mostly for viewing the data but once you want to modify the data you must work with each table directly or again use some stored procedure which will do the task. Working with tables from multiple databases can be pretty complex in entity framework (EF doesn't support objects from multiple databases in one entity model).
Also what you mean by 15 columns, 3 different data types? Stored procedures support in both Linq-to-sql and Entity framework will return enumeration of one flattened data type containing 15 properties.
I'm not aware of anything that linq-to-sql can do that Entity Framework can't really, so EF seems to be a better solution in this case. You can add a stored procedure to your Entity Framework model as well, so you can just have it call the procedure and deal with whatever comes back.
Since the end goal will involve accessing the same Databases with either technology and they will be using sql to retrive the data either way its really a subjective anwser.
I would use whatever technology you are most comfortable and focus more on the implementation. Both data access platforms are based off of technologies and are for the most part equally powerful.
Regardless of the technology I would evaluate how the data is accessed and make implementation decisions based on that.

Must I use all tables in an Entity Framework model?

I am building an Entity Framework model for a subset of the Pubs database from microsoft. I am only interested and publishers and books, not publishers and employees, but there is a foreign key constraint between the publishers and emoloyees tables. When I remove the employees entity from my model, the model won't validate because of the foreign key constraint.
How do I create a model for a subset of a database when that subset links to other tabes with foreign key constraints?
Because this is for a demo, I deleted the offending tables and constraints from the database, but this won't work in production.
The correct way to do this is by exposing the foreign key columns as scalar properties. There is a complete explanation, and downloadable sample code, in this blog post. You might find the rest of the post interesting, as well.
You could create views of the pertinent data and bind your model to that. I am not a database expert, but a DBA that I formerly worked with recommended this approach because she said that the view is less intensive on the database server to begin with.
Prior to the release of 3.5 SP1, we built a DAL on top of LINQ to SQL (without DBML mappings, but that is another story) that mapped all of the domain objects to either stored procedures or views. That way, the DBA was happy about the calls following a more set execution plan, as well as being able to encapsulate the database logic outside of the codebase.