As an author, I frequently have to swap two words, phrases or sentences. I do that by dragging and dropping or by using the clipboard history, or by retyping, all of which are cumbersome and prone to mistakes.
Is there a command or macro to automatically swap two selections?
Example: after selecting 'short' and 'simple' in the sentence 'This is a short and simple example' and swapping them, the sentence would become 'This is a simple and short example'
For simple word swapping, it would be handy if such a function would default to selecting the words with a cursor (empty selection) in them.
Example: place two cursors in the above sentence, one in the word 'simple' and one in 'short', and they'll be automatically selected and reversed.
For swapping a word and a phrase, it would be handy if I could select the word by Ctrl-clicking and the phrase by dragging to have it automatically selected (that is, a combination of 1 and 2).
More generally, I would like to be able to invert any number of selections of any length anywhere in a document.
Simple example: the text 'a b c d e f g' with the a, the c, the e and the g selected becomes 'g b e d c f a'.
Obviously swapping two selections is a special case of reversing any number of selections.
Here is a JavaScript macro for EmEditor to swap multiple selections or words at the cursor positions.
Redraw = false; // optimize for speed
CombineHistory = true; // combine Undo
nMax = document.selection.Count; // retrieve the number of selections
ax = Array( nMax );
ax2 = Array( nMax );
ay = Array( nMax );
ay2 = Array( nMax );
as = Array( nMax );
for( i = 0; i < nMax; ++i ) { // retrieve position of each selection
ax[i] = document.selection.GetTopPointX( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
ax2[i] = document.selection.GetBottomPointX( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
ay[i] = document.selection.GetTopPointY( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
ay2[i] = document.selection.GetBottomPointY( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
for( i = 0; i < nMax; ++i ) { // retrieve word text and positions
if( ax[i] == ax2[i] && ay[i] == ay2[i] ) {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax[i], ay[i] ); // set cursor position
document.selection.SelectWord(); // select a word
ax[i] = document.selection.GetTopPointX( eePosLogical ); // retrieve selection position
ax2[i] = document.selection.GetBottomPointX( eePosLogical );
as[i] = document.selection.Text; // retrieve selected text
else {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax[i], ay[i] );
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax2[i], ay2[i], true );
as[i] = document.selection.Text; // retrieve selected text
for( i = nMax - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { // set a selection from bottom to top
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax[i], ay[i] );
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax2[i], ay2[i], true );
document.selection.Text = as[nMax - i - 1]; // set new text
To run this, save this code as, for instance, Macro.jsee, and then select this file from Select... in the Macros menu. Finally, select Run Macro.jsee in the Macros menu while multiple selections are made.
I need to find the next neighbor using the euklid-distance-algorithm.
Given are two hashes with each 100 elements in this format:
I need to compare each hash elements with each other so that my result is a 100 x 100 matrix.
After that my matrix shoul be sorted after the following rules:
$hash{$i,$j} {lowest_euklid_distance}
$hash{$i,$j+1}{lowest_euklid_distance + 1}
$hash{$i,$j+2}{lowest_euklid_distance + 2}
$hash{$i+1,$j}{lowest_euklid_distance + 2}
My problem is to sort these elements properly.
Any adivices?
Thanks in advance.
/edit: adding more information:
I create the distance with the following subroutine:
sub euklid_distance{
#w1 = price_testdata
#w2 = height_testdata
#h1 = price_origindata
#h2 = height_origindata
my $w1 = trim($_[0]);
my $w2 = trim($_[1]);
my $h1 = trim($_[2]);
my $h2 = trim($_[3]);
my $result = (((($w2-$w1)**2)+(($h2-$h1)**2))**(1/2));
return $result;
I fetch the test and the origindata from two seperate lists.
The resulthash with the 100x100 matrix is created by the following code:
my %distancehash;
my $countvar=0;
for (my $j=0;$j<100;$j++){
for (my $i=0;$i<100;$i++){
$distancehash{$countvar}{distance} = euklid_distance( $origindata{$i}{price}, $testdata{$j}{price}, $origindata{$i}{height}, $testdata{$j}{height} );
$distancehash{$countvar}{originPrice} = $origindata{$i}{price};
$distancehash{$countvar}{originHeight} = $origindata{$i}{height};
$distancehash{$countvar}{testPrice} = $testdata{$j}{price};
$distancehash{$countvar}{testHeight} = $testdata{$j}{height};
where $j goes over the testdata and $i over the origindata.
My goal is to have a new hash which is sorted by the lowest distance from the current $j ascending to the highest.
I have multiplication code for an API.
foreach($cXML->results->row as $sale)
$subId = $sale->subid;
$status = $sale->status;
$transId = "ad".$sale->OrderID;
$amount = $sale->total_commission;
$createdDate= $sale->date;
$subIdExplode = explode('-', $subId);
$userId = $subIdExplode[0];
$retailerId = $subIdExplode[1];
$retailerQuery = mysql_query("select * from db_retailers where retailer_id = '".$retailerId."'");
$retailer = mysql_fetch_array($retailerQuery);
if(trim($retailer['member_top']) != "")
$commision = $retailer['coef']*$amount;
Input example;
$retailer['coef'] has been entered as 0.6
$amount has been retrieved from XML as 2.50
$commision should be calculated as 1.50. However, it is printed as 1.20
I have found the reason of this difference when investigate from all other inputs that the fraction part of the $amount has not been taken for some reasons.
I could not figure out any possibility.
Although the values coming from XML are seen as 2.50 with dot, I was suspicious that they may be as 2,50.
So I added the code $amount = str_replace(',', '.', $amount); the problem is solved.
I wand to sort a 3-dimension array in Perl. The elements of the array are in the form:
$arr_3d[indA][indB][indC] , and each element for indC=1 is a number
What I need is, for a given value of indA, sort all the sub-arrays indexed/defined by indB, with the decreasing order of the value of $arr_3d[indA][indB][indC=1],.
e.g. for an 1x2x2 array if:
$arr_3d[1][1][1] = 1
$arr_3d[1][1][2] = 4
$arr_3d[1][2][1] = 2
$arr_3d[1][2][2] = 3
Then after sorting :
$arr_3d[1][1][1] = 2
$arr_3d[1][1][2] = 3
$arr_3d[1][2][1] = 1
$arr_3d[1][2][2] = 4
So after sorting the sub-arrays $arr_3d[1][1] and $arr_3d[1][2] are swapped.
Sorry for the messed up description.. Any ideas?
This is related to the " Schwartzian transform in Perl? " . You are really just sorting a single array (#{ $arr_3d[$indA] }).
I test this and it works. You are probably using Fortran index notation (starting at 1), so I changed it to C indexing (starting at 0).
use Data::Dumper;
my #arr_3d ;
$arr_3d[0][0][0] = 1;
$arr_3d[0][1][0] = 2;
$arr_3d[0][0][1] = 4;
$arr_3d[0][1][1] = 3;
my $indA = 0;
my $indC = 0;
my #temp = #{ $arr_3d[$indA] };
#{ $arr_3d[$indA] } = sort { $b->[$indC] <=> $a->[$indC] } #temp;
print Dumper(\#arr_3d);
how we display fpdf multicell in equal heights having different amount of content
Great question.
I solved it by going through each cell of data in your row that will be multicelled and determine the largest height of all these cells. This happens before you create your first cell in the row and it becomes the new height of your row when you actually go to render it.
Here's some steps to achieve this for just one cell, but you'll need to do it for every multicell:
This assumes a $row of data with a String attribute called description.
First, get cell content and set the column width for the cell.
$description = $row['desciption']; // MultiCell (multi-line) content.
$column_width = 50;
Get the width of the description String by using the GetStringWidth() function in FPDF:
$total_string_width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($description);
Determine the number of lines this cell will be:
$number_of_lines = $total_string_width / ($column_width - 1);
$number_of_lines = ceil( $number_of_lines ); // Round it up.
I subtracted 1 from the $column_width as a kind of cell padding. It produced better results.
Determine the height of the resulting multi-line cell:
$line_height = 5; // Whatever your line height is.
$height_of_cell = $number_of_lines * $line_height;
$height_of_cell = ceil( $height_of_cell ); // Round it up.
Repeat this methodology for any other MultiCell cells, setting the $row_height to the largest $height_of_cell.
Finally, render your row using the $row_height for your row's height.
I was also getting same issue when i have to put height equal to three lines evenif i have content of half or 1 and half line, i solved this by checking if in a string no of elements are less than no of possible letters in a line it is 60. If no of letters are less or equal to one line then ln() is called for two empty lines and if no of words are equal to or less than 2 line letters then one ln() is called.
My code is here:
$line_width = 60; // Line width (approx) in mm
if($pdf->GetStringWidth($msg1) < $line_width)
$pdf->MultiCell(75, 8, $msg1,' ', 'L');
$pdf->MultiCell(76, 4, $msg1,' ', 'L');
Ok I've done the recursive version. Hope this helps even more to the cause!
Take in account these variables:
$columnLabels: Labels for each column, so you'll store data behind each column)
$alturasFilas: Array in which you store the max height for each row.
//Calculate max height for each column for each row and store the value in //////an array
$height_of_cell = 0;
$alturasFilas = array();
foreach ( $data as $dataRow ) {
for ( $i=0; $i<count($columnLabels); $i++ ) {
$variable = $dataRow[$i];
$total_string_width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($variable);
$number_of_lines = $total_string_width / ($columnSizeWidth[$i] - 1);
$number_of_lines = ceil( $number_of_lines ); // Redondeo.
$line_height = 8; // Altura de fuente.
$height_of_cellAux = $number_of_lines * $line_height;
$height_of_cellAux = ceil( $height_of_cellAux );
if($height_of_cellAux > $height_of_cell){
$height_of_cell = $height_of_cellAux;
array_push($alturasFilas, $height_of_cell);
$height_of_cell = 0;
First, it's not the question to get height of Multicell. (to #Matias, #Josh Pinter)
I modified answer of #Balram Singh to use this code for more than 2 lines.
and I added new lines (\n) to lock up height of Multicell.
$cell_width = 92; // Multicell width in mm
$max_line_number = 4; // Maximum line number of Multicell as your wish
$string_width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($data);
$line_number = ceil($string_width / $cell_width);
for($i=0; $i<$max_line_number-$line_number; $i++){
$data.="\n ";
Of course you have to assign SetFont() before use GetStringWidth().
My approach was pretty simple. You already need to override the header() and footer() in the fpdf class.
So i just added a function MultiCellLines($w, $h, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false).
That's a very simple copy of the original MultiCell. But it won't output anything, just return the number of lines.
Multiply the lines with your line-height and you're safe ;)
Download for my code is here.
Just rename it back to ".php" or whatever you like. Have fun. It works definitely.
My personal solution to reduce the font size and line spacing according to a preset box:
// set box size and default font size
$textWidth = 100;
$textHeight = 100;
$fontsize = 12;
// if you get text from html div (using jquery and ajax) you must replace every <br> in a new line
$desc = utf8_decode(str_replace('<br>',chr(10),strip_tags($_POST['textarea'],'<br>')));
// count newline set in $desc variable
$countnl = substr_count($desc, "\n");
// Create a loop to reduce the font according to the contents
while($pdf->GetStringWidth($desc) > ($textWidth * (($textHeight-$fontsize*0.5*$countnl) / ($fontsize*0.5)))){
$pdf->SetFont('Arial','', $fontsize);
// print multicell and set line spacing
$pdf->MultiCell($textWidth, ($fontsize*0.5), "$desc", 0, 'L');
That's all!
A better solution would be to use your own word wrap function, as FPDF will not cut words, so you do not have to rely on the MultiCell line break.
I have wrote a method that checks for every substring of the text if the getStringWidth of FPDF is bigger than the column width, and splits accordingly.
This is great if you care more about a good looking PDF layout, than performance.
public function wordWrapMultiCell($text, $cellWidth = 80) {
$explode = explode("\n", $text);
array_walk($explode, 'trim');
$lines = [];
foreach($explode as $split) {
$sub = $split;
$char = 1;
while($char <= strlen($sub)) {
$substr = substr($sub, 0, $char);
if($this->pdf->getStringWidth($substr) >= $cellWidth - 1) { // -1 for better getStringWidth calculating
$pos = strrpos($substr, " ");
$lines[] = substr($sub, 0, ($pos !== FALSE ? $pos : $char)).($pos === FALSE ? '-' : '');
if($pos !== FALSE) { //if $pos returns FALSE, substr has no whitespace, so split word on current position
$char = $pos + 1;
$len = $char;
$sub = ltrim(substr($sub, $char));
$char = 0;
if(!empty($sub)) {
$lines[] = $sub;
return $lines;
This returns an array of text lines, which you could merge by using implode/join:
join("\r\n", $lines);
And what it was used for in the first place, get the line height:
$lineHeight = count($lines) * $multiCellLineHeight;
This only works for strings with a space character, no white spacing like tabs. You could replace strpos with a regexp function then.