fpdf multicell issue - fpdf

how we display fpdf multicell in equal heights having different amount of content

Great question.
I solved it by going through each cell of data in your row that will be multicelled and determine the largest height of all these cells. This happens before you create your first cell in the row and it becomes the new height of your row when you actually go to render it.
Here's some steps to achieve this for just one cell, but you'll need to do it for every multicell:
This assumes a $row of data with a String attribute called description.
First, get cell content and set the column width for the cell.
$description = $row['desciption']; // MultiCell (multi-line) content.
$column_width = 50;
Get the width of the description String by using the GetStringWidth() function in FPDF:
$total_string_width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($description);
Determine the number of lines this cell will be:
$number_of_lines = $total_string_width / ($column_width - 1);
$number_of_lines = ceil( $number_of_lines ); // Round it up.
I subtracted 1 from the $column_width as a kind of cell padding. It produced better results.
Determine the height of the resulting multi-line cell:
$line_height = 5; // Whatever your line height is.
$height_of_cell = $number_of_lines * $line_height;
$height_of_cell = ceil( $height_of_cell ); // Round it up.
Repeat this methodology for any other MultiCell cells, setting the $row_height to the largest $height_of_cell.
Finally, render your row using the $row_height for your row's height.

I was also getting same issue when i have to put height equal to three lines evenif i have content of half or 1 and half line, i solved this by checking if in a string no of elements are less than no of possible letters in a line it is 60. If no of letters are less or equal to one line then ln() is called for two empty lines and if no of words are equal to or less than 2 line letters then one ln() is called.
My code is here:
$line_width = 60; // Line width (approx) in mm
if($pdf->GetStringWidth($msg1) < $line_width)
$pdf->MultiCell(75, 8, $msg1,' ', 'L');
$pdf->MultiCell(76, 4, $msg1,' ', 'L');

Ok I've done the recursive version. Hope this helps even more to the cause!
Take in account these variables:
$columnLabels: Labels for each column, so you'll store data behind each column)
$alturasFilas: Array in which you store the max height for each row.
//Calculate max height for each column for each row and store the value in //////an array
$height_of_cell = 0;
$alturasFilas = array();
foreach ( $data as $dataRow ) {
for ( $i=0; $i<count($columnLabels); $i++ ) {
$variable = $dataRow[$i];
$total_string_width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($variable);
$number_of_lines = $total_string_width / ($columnSizeWidth[$i] - 1);
$number_of_lines = ceil( $number_of_lines ); // Redondeo.
$line_height = 8; // Altura de fuente.
$height_of_cellAux = $number_of_lines * $line_height;
$height_of_cellAux = ceil( $height_of_cellAux );
if($height_of_cellAux > $height_of_cell){
$height_of_cell = $height_of_cellAux;
array_push($alturasFilas, $height_of_cell);
$height_of_cell = 0;

First, it's not the question to get height of Multicell. (to #Matias, #Josh Pinter)
I modified answer of #Balram Singh to use this code for more than 2 lines.
and I added new lines (\n) to lock up height of Multicell.
$cell_width = 92; // Multicell width in mm
$max_line_number = 4; // Maximum line number of Multicell as your wish
$string_width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($data);
$line_number = ceil($string_width / $cell_width);
for($i=0; $i<$max_line_number-$line_number; $i++){
$data.="\n ";
Of course you have to assign SetFont() before use GetStringWidth().

My approach was pretty simple. You already need to override the header() and footer() in the fpdf class.
So i just added a function MultiCellLines($w, $h, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false).
That's a very simple copy of the original MultiCell. But it won't output anything, just return the number of lines.
Multiply the lines with your line-height and you're safe ;)
Download for my code is here.
Just rename it back to ".php" or whatever you like. Have fun. It works definitely.

My personal solution to reduce the font size and line spacing according to a preset box:
// set box size and default font size
$textWidth = 100;
$textHeight = 100;
$fontsize = 12;
// if you get text from html div (using jquery and ajax) you must replace every <br> in a new line
$desc = utf8_decode(str_replace('<br>',chr(10),strip_tags($_POST['textarea'],'<br>')));
// count newline set in $desc variable
$countnl = substr_count($desc, "\n");
// Create a loop to reduce the font according to the contents
while($pdf->GetStringWidth($desc) > ($textWidth * (($textHeight-$fontsize*0.5*$countnl) / ($fontsize*0.5)))){
$pdf->SetFont('Arial','', $fontsize);
// print multicell and set line spacing
$pdf->MultiCell($textWidth, ($fontsize*0.5), "$desc", 0, 'L');
That's all!

A better solution would be to use your own word wrap function, as FPDF will not cut words, so you do not have to rely on the MultiCell line break.
I have wrote a method that checks for every substring of the text if the getStringWidth of FPDF is bigger than the column width, and splits accordingly.
This is great if you care more about a good looking PDF layout, than performance.
public function wordWrapMultiCell($text, $cellWidth = 80) {
$explode = explode("\n", $text);
array_walk($explode, 'trim');
$lines = [];
foreach($explode as $split) {
$sub = $split;
$char = 1;
while($char <= strlen($sub)) {
$substr = substr($sub, 0, $char);
if($this->pdf->getStringWidth($substr) >= $cellWidth - 1) { // -1 for better getStringWidth calculating
$pos = strrpos($substr, " ");
$lines[] = substr($sub, 0, ($pos !== FALSE ? $pos : $char)).($pos === FALSE ? '-' : '');
if($pos !== FALSE) { //if $pos returns FALSE, substr has no whitespace, so split word on current position
$char = $pos + 1;
$len = $char;
$sub = ltrim(substr($sub, $char));
$char = 0;
if(!empty($sub)) {
$lines[] = $sub;
return $lines;
This returns an array of text lines, which you could merge by using implode/join:
join("\r\n", $lines);
And what it was used for in the first place, get the line height:
$lineHeight = count($lines) * $multiCellLineHeight;
This only works for strings with a space character, no white spacing like tabs. You could replace strpos with a regexp function then.


What unicode characters are suitable for making a heatmap in console?

I want to make a command that takes a matrix or vectors of numbers and prints a string-representation where every number is mapped to a character with varying darkness depending on its value.
The only characters I've found that gives a consistent shape but varying color is the unicode block elements ' ░▒▓█' (see e.g. wikipedia), but this only gives me 5 possible shades (space, 3 shades, 1 filled block). I use every character twice so the widhts is approximately the same as the height.
What other characters are suitable for drawing a heatmap in console?
See example code in python below. The question is of course applicable for other languages as well.
import numpy as np
def ascii_heatmap(matrix: np.ndarray, disp=True):
assert matrix.ndim <= 2
matrix = np.atleast_2d(matrix)
vmax = matrix.max()
vmin = matrix.min()
symbolrange= ' ░▒▓█'
symbol_index_matrix = (matrix - vmin) * (len(symbolrange)-1) / (vmax-vmin)
heatmap_rows = []
for row in symbol_index_matrix:
heatmap_rows.append("".join(map(lambda x: symbolrange[int(x)]*2, row)))
heatmap = "\n".join(heatmap_rows)
if disp==True:
return heatmap
#Examples with vector and matrix
Use the turbo ramp (Python code) and true colour terminal output.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $step = 17;
for (my $r = 0; $r <= 255; $r += $step) {
for (my $g = 0; $g <= 255; $g += $step) {
for (my $b = 0; $b <= 255; $b += $step) {
print "\e[48;2;$r;$g;${b}m ";
# ↑ escape char ↑ coloured space char

FPDF : Table Cell Line Break after 10 cells

hey guys its me again
I am trying to copy this output
but my output in fpdf is like this
and this is my code:
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf->Cell(45,10,'Teacher'."'s ".'Table',1,'','C');
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$fname = $row['stud_fname'];
$lname = $row['stud_lname'];
$pdf->Cell(35,10,$lname.", ".$fname,1,'','C');
the out put should be five cells in the left then (space) and another five cells in the right
make sure you adjust the width of the cell so that could put 11 cell in one line, or if still not have enough space, try to change the font type and size
you should try something like this
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$fname = $row['stud_fname'];
$lname = $row['stud_lname'];
if ($num mod 5==0 && $num mod 2 == 1){
$pdf->Cell(5,10,$lname.", ".$fname,1,'','C');
}else if ($num mod 5==0 && $num mod 2 == 0){
$pdf->Cell(5,10,$lname.", ".$fname,1,1,'C');
$pdf->Cell(5,10,$lname.", ".$fname,1,'','C');
by that code, we have to set maximum of the cell that we want to create
first looping we need to create the cell with have a data from database, the second looping we need to create the cell without data
if ($num <= $max){
for ($i=$num;$i<=$max;$i++){
if ($num mod 5==0 && $num mod 2 == 1){
}else if ($num mod 5==0 && $num mod 2 == 0){
the code should be work, if you still didn't see the five cells in the right the you should change the cell width, font size or type to fit the view with the paper size
You can make some modification to add the number inside the cell
The things that you should pay attention is that the Cell function will be write an overlap text and will not wrap the text except you made changes the core function or you can using MultiCell function

Sand 3D Printer Slicing Issue

For my doctoral thesis I am building a 3D printer based loosely off of one from the University of Twente:
So far, everything has gone relatively smoothly. The hardware part took longer than expected, but the electronics frighten me a little bit. I can sucessfully jog all the motors and, mechanically, everything does what is supposed to do.
However, now that I am working on the software side, I am getting headaches.
The Pwder people wrote a code that uses Processing to take an .STL file and slice it into layers. Upon running the code, a Processing GUI opens where I can load a model. The model loads fine (I'm using the Utah Teapot) and shows that it will take 149 layers.
Upon hitting "convert" the program is supposed to take the .STL file and slice it into layers, followed by writing a text file that I can then upload to an SD card. The printer will then print directly from the SD card.
However, when I hit "convert" I get an "Array Index Out of Bounds" error. I'm not quite sure what this means.. can anyone enlighten me?
The code can be found below, along with a picture of the error.
Thank you.
// Convert the graphical output of the sliced STL into a printable binary format.
// The bytes are read by the Arduino firmware
PrintWriter output, outputUpper;
int loc;
int LTR = 0;
int lowernozzles = 8;
int uppernozzles = 4;
int nozzles = lowernozzles+uppernozzles;
int printXcoordinate = 120+280; // Left margin 120
int printYcoordinate = 30+190; // Top margin 30
int printWidth = 120; // Total image width 650
int printHeight = 120; // Total image height 480
int layer_size = printWidth * printHeight/nozzles * 2;
void convertModel() {
// Create config file for the printer, trailing comma for convenience
output = createWriter("PWDR/PWDRCONF.TXT"); output.print(printWidth+","+printHeight/nozzles+","+maxSlices+","+inkSaturation+ ",");
int index = 0;
byte[] print_data = new byte[layer_size * 2];
// Steps of 12 nozzles in Y direction
for (int y = printYcoordinate; y < printYcoordinate+printHeight; y=y+nozzles ) {
// Set a variable to know wheter we're moving LTR of RTL
// Step in X direction
for (int x = 0; x < printWidth; x++) {
// Clear the temp strings
String[] LowerStr = {""};
String LowerStr2 = "";
String[] UpperStr = {""};
String UpperStr2 = "";
// For every step in Y direction, sample the 12 nozzles
for ( int i=0; i<nozzles; i++) {
// Calculate the location in the pixel array, use total window width!
// Use the LTR to determine the direction
if (LTR % 2 == 1){
loc = printXcoordinate + printWidth - x + (y+i) * width;
} else {
loc = printXcoordinate + x + (y+i) * width;
if (brightness(pixels[loc]) < 100) {
// Write a zero when the pixel is white (or should be white, as the preview is inverted)
if (i<uppernozzles) {
UpperStr = append(UpperStr, "0");
} else {
LowerStr = append(LowerStr, "0");
} else {
// Write a one when the pixel is black
if (i<uppernozzles) {
UpperStr = append(UpperStr, "1");
} else {
LowerStr = append(LowerStr, "1");
LowerStr2 = join(LowerStr, "");
print_data[index] = byte(unbinary(LowerStr2));
UpperStr2 = join(UpperStr, "");
print_data[index] = byte(unbinary(UpperStr2));
if (sliceNumber >= 1 && sliceNumber < 10){
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR000"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
} else if (sliceNumber >= 10 && sliceNumber < 100){
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR00"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
} else if (sliceNumber >= 100 && sliceNumber < 1000){
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR0"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
} else if (sliceNumber >= 1000) {
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
What's happening is that print_data is smaller than index. (For example, if index is 123, but print_data only has 122 elements.)
Size of print_data is layer_size * 2 or printWidth * printHeight/nozzles * 4 or 4800
Max size of index is printHeight/nozzles * 2 * printWidth or 20*120 or 2400.
This seems alright, so I probably missed something, and it appears to be placing data in element 4800, which is weird. I suggest a bunch of print statements to get the size of print_data and the index.

Matlab; how to extract information from a header's file (text file)

I have many text files that have 35 lines of header followed by a large matrix with data of an image (that info can be ignored and do not need to read it at the moment). I want to be able to read the header lines and extract information contained on those lines. For instance the first few lines of the header are..
File Version Number: 1.0
Date: 06/05/2015
Time: 10:33:44 AM
Beam Voltage (-kV) = 13.000
Filament (W) = 4.052
Cond. (-kV) = 8.885
CenterX1 (V) = 10.7
CenterY1 (V) = -45.9
Objective (%) = 71.40
OctupoleX = -0.4653
OctupoleY = -0.1914
Angle (deg) = 0.00
I would like to be able to open this text file and read the vulue of the day and time the file was created, filament power, the condenser voltage, the angle, etc.. and save these in variables or send them to a text box on a GUI program.
I have tried several things but since the values I want to extract some times are after a '=' or after a ':' or simply after a '' then I do not know how to approach this. Perhaps reading each line and look for a match of a word?
Any help would be much appreciated.
This is not particularly difficult, and one of the ways to do it would be to parse line-by-line as you suggested. Something like this:
fid = fopen('input.txt');
lineCount = 0;
dateString = '';
beamVoltage = 0;
while ~eof(fid)
line = fgetl(fid);
lineCount = lineCount + 1;
%//check conditions for skipping loop body
if isempty(line)
elseif lineCount > MAX_LINES_TO_READ
%//find headers you are interested in
if strfind(line, 'Date')
%//find the first location of the header separator
idx = find(line, ':', 1);
%//extract substring starting from 1 char after separator
%//note: the trim is to get rid of leading/trailing whitespace
dateString = strtrim(line(idx + 1 : end));
elseif strfind(line, 'Beam Voltage')
idx = find(line, '=', 1);
beamVoltage = str2double(line(idx + 1 : end));

Zend executes only one of two table updates

I have this little piece of code to update the position of element
public function moveUp($id) {
$row = $this->find($id)->current();
$kategoria = $row->kategoria;
$position = $row->position;
if($position > 1) {
$data1 = array(
'position' => new Zend_Db_Expr('position - 1')
$where1['id = ?'] = $id;
$this->getDefaultAdapter()->update($this->_name, $data1, $where1);
$data2 = array(
'position' => new Zend_Db_Expr('position + 1')
$where2['position = ?'] = $position - 1;
$where2['kategoria = ?'] = $kategoria;
$this->getDefaultAdapter()->update($this->_name, $data2, $where2);
The problem is that only second update is executed and first one does nothing. If I comment out second update then the first update works fine. Why is that?
Also should I check for the next smaller / bigger position instead of just +/- 1 ? That is assuming the code in other parts of application don't make gaps in position column.
Ok figured it out. After first update BOTH rows have the same position so the second update affect BOTH rows instead of one.
Fixed it by adding
$where2['id != ?'] = $id;