Facebook and Twitter Integration with Unity for iOS and Android - iphone

I am new bee in Unity Development and developing an app in which I want to share a Image with Text on user's wall On Facebook and Twitter. I googled and got few links which says that buys plugins Prime31, I getting bit confuse on Followings.
How to Integrate Facebook and Twitter in Unity without buying any external plugins, like we can do easily in xcode.
If there are available free of cost Plugins, What are the links for tutorial and any helping Material, so that i can easily hookup with my app.
Can we do this task without plugins like in xcode we just need Facebook SDKs and same with twitter.

You should try UniShare, a sharekit for unity3d, both iOS, Android support, include twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc.

Let's Tweet in Unity
Haven't tested yet... but I'll post an update on my findings.
Facebook Unity SDK
It's the official SDK published by Facebook itself. Here's a tutorial.

Did you check ShareKit?
Documentations are here.

Have you tried SocialAuth
You can integrate Facebook , twitter , linkedin , myspace


How to create Login with Facebook or twitter in ios6 iphone App

I am very new in iOS development.In my app,homepage is for login to the app.Where i need to give facility to login with Facebook and twitter. I am using iOS 6.1 and there i have social framework.
Please tell me an easy way to achieve this,i have tried to read facebook developer tutorial, but i am not able to catch from there.
If you have any sample project or any good tutorial link,please share with me.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook sdk github repo is here .
You can find many example projects in it.
Also Facebook authentication guide explains the login part very clearly.

Where to download Facebook sdk for Visual Studio?

I'm trying to make a Windows Phone application with VisualStudio, This app has a button, when I click on that button, it post a sentence and image in facebook user. It's always the same so I will hardcode the sentence and the image.
To do that I think I need to download the Facebook sdk and add the Facebook.dll to my reference proyect, but I don't know where to download the sdk and how to add it.
Sorry about that...
Try this FB SDK on codeplex which has some Phone samples along with the FB SDK.
Try the Facebook C# SDK, you can get the Facebook C# SDK from github or nuget.
The Facebook Toolkit SDK hosted on Codeplex has been abandoned.

share on facebook photo api new IOS

I found this tutorial to share photos on the facebook wall is perfect however if I change the ID of the facebook api, putting my ID instead of using the MyGrades it does not work, because the Facebook SDK has been updated and is no longer compatible.
I get the following message: "Sorry, the application you are using is Facebook integration is misconfigured ......"
've researched about the solution would be to update the facebook api.
anyone have a suggestion that works exactly like this example but with the current api?
With ios6, apple as introduced a number of their own sharing tools in the Social framework. I'd suggest that you look into SLComposeViewController. There is a good explanation of it in this question

Sharing image on facebook and twitter from QtQuick application

I have a nokia Qt application (QtQuick QML App) that should share an image on facebook and twitter . is there is any way to do that ?
Simple answer, yes.
Long answer, yes. You'll need to decide how you want to post it but both Facebook and Twitter have exposed APIs for uploading images to their services, or you can post it off to an image hosting service like YFrog or TwitPic then use the returned URL with the Facebook & Twitter APIs to share the link.
I'm not sure on Facebook but there's definitely a Twitter Qt library that'll play nice, I'd assume there's one for Facebook but I've never had need to look into one.
Edit: here's the Qt Twitter lib I've looked at before, had to dig into my GitHub bookmarks https://github.com/minimoog/QTweetLib.
you can do actions on Facebook as well as described on Facebook Graph
that api can be used by javascript QML

iphone - facebook api in ios4

Facebook released new API that works perfectly on iOS4.
The API's that are in older facebook api are no longer working in new api.
I have the experience of integrating facebook api in iphone3 Apps. but now the api's are no more available.
I'd like to post a message the user's wall. How can I do it with latest API. Is there any tutorial. I googled a lot and I couldn't find perfect URL
Have a look at Dominic Dimarco's tutorial part 1 and part 2. Hope that helps.
There is an example in the Facebook Connect iOS SDK, download here.