Eclipse Juno - Subversive SVN - Connection Timeout - Sorry, this connection is closed - eclipse

I've got the following problem: Since my update from Eclipse Helios to Juno my SVN seems to close the connection after a while to the server and can't reconnect.
I get the following:
Sorry, this connection is closed.
My server uses SVN v1.6.12. I'm using Eclipse Juno v4.2 and Subversive SVN and the SVNKit 1.3.8 Implementation (Optional). The newer SVNKit Connector with v1.7.5.v1 doesn't work at all.
Any ideas why this happens or how I can fix it?

I was having the same issue ( svn: Sorry, this connection is closed.) that SVN (in eclipse) close the connection after a while and sometimes I have to restart the eclipse to get it going again.
I changed the SVN Connector under Window > Preferences > Team > SVN > SVN Connector and it seems to work fine upto now.

As I mention in the comment, the article "[SOLVED] Fixing Subversive Commit Operation Failed Error in Eclipse!" describes the various connectors you could try, when you see the following error:
Amongst the commectors, you have one you didn't mention: SVN JavaHL
Adding a JavaHL (1.6 or 1.7) connector might solve the issue.


Subversive SVN Connector installation fails in Eclipse Oxygen

The installation of the Subversive SVN Connectors currently fails with Eclipse Oxygen.
!ENTRY 4 0 2017-07-03 10:55:36.977
!MESSAGE SVN: 'SVN Decorator' operation finished with error
!SUBENTRY 1 4 0 2017-07-03 10:55:36.977
!MESSAGE SVN: 'SVN Decorator' operation finished with error: Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
!STACK 0 Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
See also the bug report in the eclipse bugzilla
You can manually install the Subversive SVN Connectors by adding the update site (check latest stable update site here: and installing the necessary packages, e.g. for native 1.9.x in Eclipse x86:
Subversive SVN Connectors
Native JavaHL 1.9 Implementation
JavaHL 1.9.3 Win32 Binaries
Yes, I had the same problem.
My environment is eclipse jee oxygen1.
I installed the subversive first.
And when the eclipse popup the install connectors dialog and I select the connector, eclipse doesn't install the connector.
In the preference -> SVN page, the connector combo box is empty.
I solved as belows.
install new software by
select Subversive SVN connectors, and SVNKit implementation both.
The important is not only select Subversive SVN connectors, but also SVNKit implementation.
install and restart.
[edited in 2018-06-29]
As for eclipse photon, the svn connector problem seems to be resolved.
Just install svn plugin(subversive) through eclipse marketplace.
(eclipse marketplace locates in "Help - Eclipse Marketplace")
set svn connector in the preference
(window - preferences - team - SVN - SVN connector tab)
[edited in 2023-01-26]
Unfortunately, this website doesn't work anymore.
( )
So, you would have to install subclipse not subversive.
I had the same problem.
Like lazlev answered, I tried to manually install the Subversive SVN Connectors by adding the update site in the "Install new software" window.
When I chose Subversive SVN Connectors and SVNKit packages, I got the following error as MscG mentionned:
An error occurred during the org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.CheckTrust phase. session context was:(profile=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.CheckTru‌​st, operand=, action=). Error reading signed content. Exception in opening zip file: \plugins\‌​4.I20161211-1700.jar
The only way I could work around this is by:
-Install SVN connector alone first. Restart Eclipse.
-Then go back to Install new software and install SVNKit alone. Restart Eclipse.
I'm Using Spring Tool Suite 3.9.0 which is based on eclipse oxygen 4.7.0 and encountered the same problem.
From The Help / MarketPlace menu I installed "Subservive - SVN Team Provider 4.0.5"
Then I had to manually install the svn connector with the Help / Install new software menu. I used this URL : "" And choosed the SVNKIT 1.8.14 ( tried the 1.8.15 but it didn't worked ... )
As a result, I finally obtained a connector in the Preference/Team/SVN/SVN connector menu...
It worked better with the preceeding version of STS...
The problem seems to be the 64bit eclipse as the JavaHAL only exists in 32bit
Thanks for the hint.
I did exactly the same steps on ubuntu using the url mentioned for both steps (svn connector and svnkit):
It doesn't work with the latest version of SVNKit using svnkit url.
For those who above workarounds didn't resolve their problems, upgrade Eclipse Oxygen 1 to Eclipse Oxygen 3a. Seems to work like a charm with Subversive - SVN Team Provider 4.0.5
Reinstalling did the trick for me.
In eclipse go to help>Eclipse Marketplace search again for svn. click on installed. Update.

Can not share new project with Subversive SVN in Eclipse Neon

I just downloaded a fresh Eclipse JEE Neon.1a Release (4.6.1) on my Windows 10 machine.
I went to the marketplace to get the latest Subversive SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
Trying to install results in the Message: The following solutions are not available: SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
I chose to continue anyways, and it seemed to work.
After the restart, i chose the SVNKit 1.8.14 Subversive SVN Connector and installed without any issues.
Now I was able to do basic SVN operations, all seemed fine.
Except to share a new project. I created a new Project called "test" and tried to share as a new project.
That results in the Message:
Share project was failed.
Can't overwrite cause with org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E160013: URL 'http://sol:3380/svn/repo/test' non-existent in that revision.
I tried to share a new project to another SVN Server, same error message.
I repeated the whole process on different machines, same message.
I Installed SVN Team Provider directly from the Update Site instead of the Marketplace. Same Issue.
I went to the SVNKit website to try older Versions of SVNKit and installed via the archived Update Sites, but they wont even show up in the SVN Connector Chooser in Eclipse.
I really dont know what to do anymore, can anyone help me to get it work?
I hope this solution will help you as it helped me. I think your problem is related to an unmatched client/server version. Neon subversive version is 4 and related svn connector is 1.8. But you probably need an svn connector 1.7 as it was in my case. Try the next steps and let me know if it works. Otherwise let me know the point in which you get in trouble.
go to help > installation details > filter by "svn" > uninstall everything related to subversive, subclipse and svn connectors
restart eclipse
to to help > install new software > work with > use the previous major subversive version from this URL:
install at least the plug-in and the integrations
restart eclipse
it will probably not ask you for a connector to be installed because you have already installed one previously, so go to window > preferences > team > svn > svn connector tab > get connectors > 1.7! (you can install all of them, the important thing is the one you choose in the combo box, it must be 1.7)
try the svn check-out process again
Bug was fixed yesterday. So just update.
I uninstalled the SVNKit 1.8.14, and it worked for me.

Subversive to SVN server connection failure

I just installed Eclipse Neon and added the Subversive SVN plugin. I tried to add a new repository location which I know is correct and all I get is:
Using the SVNKit 1.8.12 SVN connector (which I always used before): svn: E175002: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "cd"
Using the Native JavaHL 1.8.15 SVN connector:
java.lang.NullPointerException at
None of these errors seem to be known by search engines. My SVN server is 1.8.10.
PS : if it's offtopic because not specifically programmation-oriented, please indicate on which SE site I should post this.
I forgot to answer myself. It is a bug, that I filled here: and that has been fixed since then.
Now anyway a workaround is to use the SVN software from an old Eclipse repository such as Mars.

Importing project from svn failed again and again

I use eclipse Version: Helios Service Release 2and Build id: 20110218-0911. And my subversive svn connector is SVNKit 1.2.3. r5745(for SVN 1.5.6, all platforms). And I'm new to subversion control system.
Every time I try to import project from svn, it start checkout slowly and failed after 90% with this message.
I have tried many times but still I got the above message and checkout failed at after 90%.
But when I try to checkout that same url from tortoise svn, its ok and may be file size is around 229MB and takes around 30 minutes.
I don't know why my importing project from eclipse using subversive is very slow and failed again and again.
Here is the list of installed software in my eclipse.
And the svn connector image.
I don't want to use tortoise svn in this project because all of my co-worker used eclipse subversive. So, I'm worries of conflict and some error if I used tortoise svn instead of eclipse subversive.
I'm very appreciate for any solution and advice.
You use very old SVNKit version. That's why there are no problems in more up-to-date TortoiseSVN, but there are in Eclipse IDE.
Upgrade Subversive and its connectors to solve the problem:

SVN client integration into Eclipse

I had integrated a Subclipse plugin into the Eclipse to perform SVN related operations.
I had successfully checked-in, checked-out and commited my project to the SVN.
But now when I am trying to commit or update my project, it is showing the following error
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'D:\EclipseWorkspace\EMSEclipse'; please get a newer Subversion client
I had tried to update the plugin through HELP >> SOFTWARE UPDATES... of the Eclipse but it is saying that the software is up to date and no newer version is available.
Should I switch to some other SVN Client. If yes, then could you please suggest me any other SVN Client for Eclipse?
Subclipse has different update sites for the 1.4 and 1.6 branches. So if you are using 1.4, it won't have updates. Get the 1.6 update site.
Whenever the subclipse plugin is not sufficient for you, you can download Turtoise SVN - it is a full-featured SVN client.
Subversive is the other Eclipse client for SVN
But for your error, the solution is indeed to upgrade. Did you check the Download and installation process?
As documented, get the right version of JavaHL.
Haven't personally seen that error before. The other popular SVN client for Eclipse is Subversive in-case you want to try that.