Subversive to SVN server connection failure - eclipse

I just installed Eclipse Neon and added the Subversive SVN plugin. I tried to add a new repository location which I know is correct and all I get is:
Using the SVNKit 1.8.12 SVN connector (which I always used before): svn: E175002: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "cd"
Using the Native JavaHL 1.8.15 SVN connector:
java.lang.NullPointerException at
None of these errors seem to be known by search engines. My SVN server is 1.8.10.
PS : if it's offtopic because not specifically programmation-oriented, please indicate on which SE site I should post this.

I forgot to answer myself. It is a bug, that I filled here: and that has been fixed since then.
Now anyway a workaround is to use the SVN software from an old Eclipse repository such as Mars.


Eclipse Oxygen will not connect with the SVN server

I have ‘TortoiseSVN 1.10.0, Build 28176 - 64 Bit , 2018/04/14 08:00:32’ and it works in non Eclipse situations. I have read and followed most of the reverent post on Stackoverflow and others. Still no joy. I have added the SVN plugins, except for ‘JavaHl’ which failed after an hour of trying. My Eclipse is:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Build id: 20180405-1200
The current situation is:
When I try to add the Repository Location, I get:
I have also tried ‘file:///P:/SMC/TortoiseSVN/Projects/’ fails with the same message.
This is what TortoiseSVN gives me in a checkout dialog. When I look at the ‘Repository Browser’ I see:
I tried several other variations and none of them worked.
When I look under window→preferences→team→ SVN, I see:
I also do see an entry in the pull down for ‘Native JavaHL 1.8.11” but it gives the almost same error.
Thanks in advance Cliff2310
You have a filesystem (FS) repository (URL starts with file://), so no SVN server is involved and Eclipse or the connector of Subversive accesses the files directly.
The filesystem format 8 is understood by Subversion 1.10, not by 1.9. Unfortunately, there are no SVN 1.10 connectors for the SVN Eclipse plug-in Subversive yet. Also Subclipse which is an alternative to the Subversive Eclipse plug-in does not yet but will support SVN 1.10 in the next upcoming release.
As a hack you can change the version in the file db/format from 8 to 7. But beware, this could also destroy the repository.
The better solution is to downgrade the repository. A non filesystem repository would perform better. On Windows you can use e. g. VisualSVN Server for that and the latest version (3.9.0) should be able to import your FS 8 repository since it supports SVN 1.10.

Subversive: Compare with Revision operation failed

I get the following error message in eclipse (Mars) when trying to Compare With -> Base from Working Copy, using the Subversive plugin and the SVNKit connector:
SVN: '0x00400103: Compare with Revision' operation finished with error: svn: E195000: A path under version control is needed for this operation
svn: E195000: A path under version control is needed for this operation
My SVN password changed recently, and IIRC there was some subversion related updates that were installed recently as part of a periodic Eclipse plugin update. I'm not sure if either is related.
I've gone into the SVN Repository Exploring view, and cleared my Location Properties, as I've seen suggested in other password change threads, which got me access to the repository again, but doesn't fix this issue. I've also tried deleting my %AppData%/Roaming/Subversion/auth/svn.simple/* cached config data to no avail.
Anyone have any ideas?
*Edit - I updated my SVN Connector to use Native JavaHL 1.8.14. Sounds like I needed JavaHL for Windows 7 x64. Comparing with Base from Working Copy still doesn't work, but Compare With -> Latest from Repository does work.
I have the same troubles with Subversive and Eclipse Mars.
The solution is in that page :
If you have the last subversive version (3.0.3), you have to downgrade to 3.0.2.
You can find this version here :
Bug fixed in Version 3.0.4
check bug ticket

Eclipse Juno - Subversive SVN - Connection Timeout - Sorry, this connection is closed

I've got the following problem: Since my update from Eclipse Helios to Juno my SVN seems to close the connection after a while to the server and can't reconnect.
I get the following:
Sorry, this connection is closed.
My server uses SVN v1.6.12. I'm using Eclipse Juno v4.2 and Subversive SVN and the SVNKit 1.3.8 Implementation (Optional). The newer SVNKit Connector with v1.7.5.v1 doesn't work at all.
Any ideas why this happens or how I can fix it?
I was having the same issue ( svn: Sorry, this connection is closed.) that SVN (in eclipse) close the connection after a while and sometimes I have to restart the eclipse to get it going again.
I changed the SVN Connector under Window > Preferences > Team > SVN > SVN Connector and it seems to work fine upto now.
As I mention in the comment, the article "[SOLVED] Fixing Subversive Commit Operation Failed Error in Eclipse!" describes the various connectors you could try, when you see the following error:
Amongst the commectors, you have one you didn't mention: SVN JavaHL
Adding a JavaHL (1.6 or 1.7) connector might solve the issue.

Eclipse (Indigo) subversive 0.7.9: bad_record_mac

When trying to use subversive with my beanstalk svn repo ( I get the following type of error:
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac
This works fine via the command line, just not with eclipse or the subversive svn plugin. I've read that its to do with not allowing old versions of SSL but cannot find any way of fixing it in eclipse.
In case anyone is still interested, this seems to be an issue with SVNKit 1.3.6 (and the 1.7 betas) and JDK6. I was also having the same issue using my beanstalk svn repo. I think the bug may be related to this report.
Once you look more into it it's apparently a longstanding problem in JDK6 and that type of forced SSL connection from the server, though their solution did not work for me whatsoever (maybe I was totally doing it wrong).
So the "solutions" as it were, are to:
a. Develop with JDK7
b. Just start Eclipse with a 7.0 JVM (-vm parameter, continue developing with JDK6)
c. Go back to SVNKit 1.3.5 (again continue using JDK6)
d. Forget SVNKit altogether and use JavaHL (omg this is a whole new can of worms if you are using 64bit JVM)
e. Try adding that setting in eclipse.ini (I tried for hours... still got the same error trying to use svn repo)
I unfortunately went with option D for now. The rest I tested and all worked as well (cept the last).
Turns out you can use beanstalk without SSL (thanks Ray) which solves the problem for me.
Try to use -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=SSLv3

SVN client integration into Eclipse

I had integrated a Subclipse plugin into the Eclipse to perform SVN related operations.
I had successfully checked-in, checked-out and commited my project to the SVN.
But now when I am trying to commit or update my project, it is showing the following error
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'D:\EclipseWorkspace\EMSEclipse'; please get a newer Subversion client
I had tried to update the plugin through HELP >> SOFTWARE UPDATES... of the Eclipse but it is saying that the software is up to date and no newer version is available.
Should I switch to some other SVN Client. If yes, then could you please suggest me any other SVN Client for Eclipse?
Subclipse has different update sites for the 1.4 and 1.6 branches. So if you are using 1.4, it won't have updates. Get the 1.6 update site.
Whenever the subclipse plugin is not sufficient for you, you can download Turtoise SVN - it is a full-featured SVN client.
Subversive is the other Eclipse client for SVN
But for your error, the solution is indeed to upgrade. Did you check the Download and installation process?
As documented, get the right version of JavaHL.
Haven't personally seen that error before. The other popular SVN client for Eclipse is Subversive in-case you want to try that.