How to have a calender popup with in iPhone app? - iphone

In my iPhone application, I would like to open a calendar on click of a UIButton, from where user would be able to choose a date.
I could not find much material on google.
Help with code would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Some of the solutions I could find:


How to customize file_picker UI in flutter

I find it difficult to customize the UI of the file picker. I want to implement a picker with my own new UI rather than a native picker. What should I do?
waiting for a good answer!
I'm not good at English, so I got help from a translator. thank you for reading.
Is it possible to customize with this plugin?
You can use the photo_manager plugin to get all the photos and make your own file picker, but there is no way to modify the file_picker ui as it calls native file pickers directly.
you can use file_manager plugin it support android and linux by the time this answer was written .

implement a notification view like xcode's "build success" in iPad

I don't like the UIAlert from cocoa and want to have some notification that does not require any user interaction, very similar to the "build success/failed" notification from Xcode. Is there anything on the shelf that I can use or what's the best approach to do this myself?
Thanks in advance
You download working source code from GitHub: MBProgressHUD.
I'm using it and it works great.
Take a look at samvermette's Progress HUD. It is highly configurable & customizable, should help you out.

open a xib or addressbook from PSChildPaneSpecifier

I know we can open a second view from PSChildPaneSpecifier in settings.bundle, i want to open a view(Xib) which is in my xcode project, how can i do this ?
or can i make a button in settings.bundle so we can fire view event ?
I am answering my question so that others may seek help.
This is not possible with Apple Settings Bundle, so i decided to use this beautiful api inappsettingskit. This works very Fine with plenty of other advantages and no cancellation of app from apple.

iPhone login screen number pad

I am writing an app and I want to show the login screen just like in iPhone where you have to enter 4 digit code to login. What's the best way to do this? Is there a UIView that comes with the SDK or will i have to design my own keyboard
CocoaControls is an excellent site to browse Cocoa & Cocoa Touch custom UI components:
You can use PINView:
Or KVPasscodeViewController:
Or JSLockScreen:
Previously answered at steps / idea for a Iphone passcode like custom interface for Application: this option from that question looks promising (see
You can use this latest source code to do so. URL is
Hopes this will help you.

How to create a pop-up on UITabBar

Here is a screenshot of the Arsenal Football Club iPhone app : here.
Can you see the little pop-up used to highlight the next match ?
Well, do you have any idea how they did it ?
Thanks !
iDevRecipes just came out with a post on something just like this. Check it out, it should answer your question.
This article might help: How does the Instagram iPhone app implement a custom tab bar notification?