open a xib or addressbook from PSChildPaneSpecifier - iphone

I know we can open a second view from PSChildPaneSpecifier in settings.bundle, i want to open a view(Xib) which is in my xcode project, how can i do this ?
or can i make a button in settings.bundle so we can fire view event ?

I am answering my question so that others may seek help.
This is not possible with Apple Settings Bundle, so i decided to use this beautiful api inappsettingskit. This works very Fine with plenty of other advantages and no cancellation of app from apple.


Xcode 4.2 is missing a .xib file?

So I'm pretty new to programming, so I downloaded Xcode 4.2 and got to work. I watched many online tutorials and the main problem I was having was that all the tutorials were for Xcode 4 and not 4.2, meaning when you chose empty application setting, it was missing the .xib file. So I found a tutorial on how to create a .xib file. I got through it all except for one step, and that was to drag the from the window outlet of the xAppdelegate to the window. I've tried this over and over, but it doesn't work.
Here is the tutorial if anyone needs to see it
Please someone help me!
You need to hold Ctrl while dragging, else it will not work.
As you Control-drag from an object to your source code, Interface Builder indicates where a new binding is valid. After you’ve made the connection, Xcode displays a dialog you use to configure the binding. You can use the dialog to configure all aspects of the binding.
Interface Builder uses the Xcode index to determine which key paths are valid, and can also discover what controller it should connect through—you can therefore connect from a user interface element such as a table column to a property in a model class header.
Check out the video here.
You should choose a SingleViewBased Application instead of Empty Application then study all files that how they connect with each other. You can choose Master Application also. They will help you.
see this Hello world Tutorial click me.
And Youtube is the best way to learning for beginners. Search tutorial video because action teach more than the text.

implement a notification view like xcode's "build success" in iPad

I don't like the UIAlert from cocoa and want to have some notification that does not require any user interaction, very similar to the "build success/failed" notification from Xcode. Is there anything on the shelf that I can use or what's the best approach to do this myself?
Thanks in advance
You download working source code from GitHub: MBProgressHUD.
I'm using it and it works great.
Take a look at samvermette's Progress HUD. It is highly configurable & customizable, should help you out.

How do I implement navigation button like Echofon for iPhone does?

Hi, how do I implement navigation button like Echofon does, especially with those icons (like Home, Messages) on the button ? I am new to iPhone development so I am really appreciated if someone can paste some code samples or point to me some tutorial.
That is called a tab bar view controller, and you can find a good tutorial on how to create an app using it here
Here is a great tutorial. You need to create a tab based application. It's pretty simple to implement.
Thanks for answering my dumb question. I found that the Chapter 6 "Multiview applications" of "Beginning
iPhone 4 Development" gives a very good explanation of all kinds of mutiview app.
Basically you need to create Tab Based Application for it.

SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone

I want to create an iPhone app that uses a navigation scene similar to the one pictured in the link
Please note I do not want this to only work for iPad, I want it to work for iPhone exactly as pictured, when you click on a tableview item it hides the tableview and makes that view full screen. I want ideas on how to do this because I cannot figure it out myself.
Facebook guys have done brilliant job in the new version of the app. The similar open source code can be found from here - JTRevealSidebarDemo. Please note that as of June 2014, this project has been discontinued, so you'll probably have better luck with a project from the list below.
It reveals technique behind doing split view for iPhone.
Some other open source code:
How about projects with storyboard compatibility?
I found 1 more slide menu which is compatible with storyboards:
Another storyboard-compatible menu is
from Sagar's answer. They both have storyboard examples (for the last one link is ViewDeckStoryboardExample)
For anyone else looking for an Android version, take a look at:
android fb like slideout navigation
emerging ui pattern side navigation
I realize you asked about facebook, but now that ios7 is out, and this is the defacto thread i thought id post here.
For an effect similar to the kindle app on ios7 you can use:
If anyone else is looking for a way to implement this in MonoTouch now known as Xamarin.ios, take a look at this article I just found. monotouch slide out navigation
I just found that they have a free component for this!
I noticed no one listed this wonderful class... SWRevealController.
I use it with my project apps all the time. It's Easy to use and heavily documented... There are also a few examples John gives to the user to understand how it works or if you'd like to derive your project from... Hope this helps
SHSidebarControllerwith filder effect.
This might be helpful to you.. try this :)
This looks to be the best match for me.
It has nice scroll effect with finger and moves back on partial drag.
MMDrawerController is very good option.
You can configure many things. try it once
I've been working on a floating-style navigation drawer that I hope people will like. It's on GitHub, take a look.

iPhone login screen number pad

I am writing an app and I want to show the login screen just like in iPhone where you have to enter 4 digit code to login. What's the best way to do this? Is there a UIView that comes with the SDK or will i have to design my own keyboard
CocoaControls is an excellent site to browse Cocoa & Cocoa Touch custom UI components:
You can use PINView:
Or KVPasscodeViewController:
Or JSLockScreen:
Previously answered at steps / idea for a Iphone passcode like custom interface for Application: this option from that question looks promising (see
You can use this latest source code to do so. URL is
Hopes this will help you.