Can't install glassfish server -EJB 3.1- on eclipse Indigo - eclipse

I am facing problem with server adapter of glassfish. Whenever I download the adapter I can't use it as I cannot see it in the wizard.
I download it using "download additional server adapter", but even when it is successfully downloaded, I still do not have choice to work with glassfish as its adapter doesn't show up on the screen.
can any one help?

Hi I found the solution ,
First I am using windows 7 ,64 bit
So when i used JRE 1.6 for 64 bit and i run the eclipse using "run as administrator" , the adapter downloaded and appeared in the wizard .


Eclipse cannot add weblogic server

Why is Next button greyed even after I selected my weblogic server :
I have faced same problem on the eclipse which i have downloaded from But I search and spend time but, only solution which i found is "download eclipse from oracle site". Oracle is supplying eclipse for development purpose, If you can download that you can find it here.
This eclipse has adapter included by default. It has latest version of weblogic server adapter. You just download it and configure your existing work space and serer domain path. It will work as it is as normal eclipse.
Hope this will solve your problem.

glassfish adapter missing in eclipse kepler

hi Guys currently started to build my new workspace into a newly formatted PC,
all goes well until when I about to attached the server into my eclipse, the glassfish adpater is gone, below is a sample screenshotenter image description here.
can anyone help me how can I add the glassfish from here? thanks
after days, weeks and so on. my problem is based on the java that is currently usin. JUNO eclipse should be based on java 8 onwards, I cannot add the glassfish adapter due to the compatibility of java,eclipse and glassfish.
I could install it manually adding the update site in Install new software menue instead the marketplace. Also needed JDK 8 for glassfish compatibility.

Tomcat server doesn't reflect in my IDE

I downloaded and installed tomcat 6.0. I am using rational application developer. I am not able to see my tomcat server in my IDE at all. I tried server->new-> and windows->preferences->server->server runtime environment but I don't find it here either. Any idea where I am going wrong or which step i missed? I know i installed my tomcat properly because http:localhost:8080 works properly.
thanks in advance!!
Will a trial license affect my servers in any way? Like only a specific server you can use with the IDE while u have a trial license or something like that?
when I click Add, Tomcat isn't there in the list of options for me to select and that is where my problem arises. I tried clicking on search and the selecting the tomcat folder but i get an error that states - No new server runtime found
I had the same issue and I followed these steps to solve it in Eclipse Helios:
Help -> Install New Software
Choose "Helios -" site
Expand "Web, XML, and Java EE Development"
Check JST Server Adapters (version 3.2.2)
Please change the download URL in step 2 according to the Eclipse version which you are using.
Hope this helps.

"Cannot create a server using the selected type" Eclipse juno on Windows xp

I am using eclipse juno on Windows xp with jdk1.6.0_23 and Tomcat 7.0.I was able to run web projects very well a until few days back.But now when I tried to run a web project it was showing some "bootstrap.jar" not found so i deleted all the tomcat Run Environment in servers tab below.Then when I tried to create again it shows "Cannot create a server using the selected type" when I google i found solutions only for linux,unix os But not WinXP :( How to solve this problem on Windows xpo thanks in advance

How to add GlassFish Server to Eclipse Oxygen?

I am using Eclipse Oxygen for Java EE. I have installed the Java EE 7 Web Profile SDK Update 3, that includes GlassFish Open Source Edition Web Profile 4.1.2.
When I do File >> New >> Server, the GlassFish does not appear on the server type list.
I already have seen this answer to this question, but it didn't help me because in Eclipse Oxygen I don't know where is the option to download additional server adapters.
How can I add GlassFish to Eclipse Oxygen?
I solved this problem by just installing GlassFish Tools through Marketplace.
What you have to do is drag the Install button in this link GlassFish Tools
and drop in your workspace, it may take a few minutes but after reboot your eclipse you will be able to add a GlassFish server