"Cannot create a server using the selected type" Eclipse juno on Windows xp - eclipse

I am using eclipse juno on Windows xp with jdk1.6.0_23 and Tomcat 7.0.I was able to run web projects very well a until few days back.But now when I tried to run a web project it was showing some "bootstrap.jar" not found so i deleted all the tomcat Run Environment in servers tab below.Then when I tried to create again it shows "Cannot create a server using the selected type" when I google i found solutions only for linux,unix os But not WinXP :( How to solve this problem on Windows xpo thanks in advance


STS 3.6.1 on Windows using JDK 7 or 8: "No server selected" error

I run STS 3.6.1 on Windows 7 under either Java 7 or Java 8 JDK.
The "Pivotal tc Server Developer Editions v3.0" is created fine, using tc Server Developer Edition v3.0 and Tomcat 8. It runs fine. However, I cannot edit the runtime configuration. In the Edit Launch configuration dialog (that opens by clicking the "Open launch configuration" link) the error displays as "No server selected". Indeed, there is no Server available in the combo box.
No matter how I create the server (using existing or new tc Server setup) and no matter which JRE I use, the launch configuration will not "stick". The Edit Configuration dialog lets me change the VM Arguments (under Arguments tab) but the changes are not saved.
This error seemed to be introduced in 3.6.1 and tc Server v3.0. It worked in 3.6.0 that used tcServer v2.9
Any ideas of a workaround?
The issue of not showing Pivotal tc Server 3.0 on the launch config Server tab in the launch config wizard is in fact turned out to be a tc server eclipse integration problem.
It's fixed now. Please install update tc server integration from this update site:
P.S. Please report any other problems you notice with tc 3.0 server eclipse integration :-)
It seems to be an issue with TC Server rather than STS. I've got the same issue with STS 3.6.1 and TC Server 3.0.0, but creating a server in STS 3.6.1 using my older TC Server 2.9.3 works like a charm.

com.google.appengine.tools.enhancer.Enhance not found in Google App Engine project

I installed the Google Plugin for Eclipse and created a new Google App Engine project just as decribed in https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/tools/eclipse. When building the project I'm getting the error
Error: Could not find or load main class com.google.appengine.tools.enhancer.Enhance
I have searched similar questions on stackoverflow and the only suggestions were to use JDK 7 and uninstall any existing JDK 6 even if not pointed in Eclipse Installed Jres. I have done both, and I'm still I'm facing the same error. This is on Windows 7 x64 machine and the Eclipse and JDK are 32 bit ones. I also tried on another computer which is a Windows server 2008 x64 machine and again the Eclipse and JDK 32 bit. I face the same error there also.
Please help before I shoot myself.
If you are not using JDO/JPA, uncheck the box for this option in the App Engine tab for your project.
If you do use them, make sure that the relevant files are present in the WEB-INF/lib/ folder: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/jdo/overview?csw=1

Eclipse TFS - Source Control Explorer Error

I am using Eclipse (version Juno) with the TFS Plugin. When I click Source Code Explorer I get this error message:
Plug-in "com.microsoft.tfs.client.common.ui.vcexplorer" was unable to
instantiate class
I saw this Eclipse plug-in development Unable to instantiate class due to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: but am not sure if it is the fix for this TFS plugin or what it really means:
put the project of the missing file as dependency in the plugin
configuration file too.
I've seen this exact error before on my box. In my case this file had gone missing due to its long path and filename:
"...plugins\com.microsoft.tfs.client.common.ui.vcexplorer_10.1.0.201101271439\com\microsoft\tfs\client\common\ui\vcexplorer\versioncontrol\ VersionControlEditor$VersionControlEditorRepositoryUpdatedListener.class"
You can see how this can get somewhat long. I'd suggest checking if you have all the files perhaps comparing it with an installation on a shorter path. Hope this helps.
I hope this can help somebody that researches this error. I was able to fix the problem on a virtual machine (Windows Server 2012 R2) running on a Windows 7 desktop with Eclipse Mars 4.5.0 and TFS plugin 14.0.1.
Plug-in "com.microsoft.tfs.client.common.ui.vcexplorer" was unable to
instantiate class
I installed Eclipse and the TFS plug-in on both the desktop Win 7 and the virtual machine. It worked perfect on Win 7 but on the virtual machine running Windows Server the error came up.
My first step to solve this was by following moerketh advice and moved that specific file from Win 7 to Server 2012.
It did remove the error but did not show the folders in the server. In other words, I couldn't see the folders I am trying to map to.
Next, I decided to copy all files in the folder as shown below and paste it to the same folder in the virtual machine.
Restarted Eclipse, and then the TFS folders showed.

Eclipse Juno Tomcat 6 Remote Host Not Supported

I am trying to add a tomcat 6 server in my eclipse juno but I am getting this error:
The currently selected server type does not support remote hosts
Before juno I had galileo on the same machine and I was able to add tomcat 6 successfully in it without any problems.
I searched on the internet before asking but the only relevant link i got was this:
Eclipse Tomcat7 Server Doesnt support Remote Host
and it doesn't help much.
Pls help
I had the same problem with Tomcat 7 and I solved it by importing a Tomcat 7 project from another workspace which already had the server set up. Additionally I added a Runtime Environment for Apache Tomcat 7 (Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments > Add)
I recently had the same problem and it was because I had a previous version of tomcat installed, upgraded to a newer version, deleted to old one, and never changed the runtime environment in Eclipse. It's kind of a poor error message because it doesn't state the true nature of the problem but anyway... The easiest way to fix this is:
Open Eclipse, right click on the workspace and select New Server.
Once you are at the Define New Server wizard click on Apache and select Tomcat 6. This is where you should see the error The currently selected server type does not support remote hosts. Now below server runtime environment click Configure Runtime Environments and new popup will open. You should see Apache Tomcat v6.0 in the preferences window. Select this and click edit to the right.
You will have a new popup titled Edit Server Runtime Environment. Under Tomcat Installation Directory you can browse to the location of the tomcat directory. Assuming you have downloaded Tomcat and put it at the top level of your C: drive you should have something like this: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.36. Click finish and you should be good to go. Let us know how it works out for you!
I also had the same problem and tried to follow #dbk's solution but I didn't have the "Configure Runtime Environments" in the wizard screen. For me I needed to go to preferences->server->run time environments where I had incorrectly configured runtime environments. So to be clear if you have runtime environments that are not configured correctly you will have to edit them first.

Can't install glassfish server -EJB 3.1- on eclipse Indigo

I am facing problem with server adapter of glassfish. Whenever I download the adapter I can't use it as I cannot see it in the wizard.
I download it using "download additional server adapter", but even when it is successfully downloaded, I still do not have choice to work with glassfish as its adapter doesn't show up on the screen.
can any one help?
Hi I found the solution ,
First I am using windows 7 ,64 bit
So when i used JRE 1.6 for 64 bit and i run the eclipse using "run as administrator" , the adapter downloaded and appeared in the wizard .