Eclipse cannot add weblogic server - eclipse

Why is Next button greyed even after I selected my weblogic server :

I have faced same problem on the eclipse which i have downloaded from But I search and spend time but, only solution which i found is "download eclipse from oracle site". Oracle is supplying eclipse for development purpose, If you can download that you can find it here.
This eclipse has adapter included by default. It has latest version of weblogic server adapter. You just download it and configure your existing work space and serer domain path. It will work as it is as normal eclipse.
Hope this will solve your problem.


how to add tomcat in eclipse luna

I tried answers in this thread, but it doesn't work.
I checked that I do have JST Server Adapters and the extensions installed, but when I go to Window/Preferences/Server/Runtime Enviroments and click "add", the selections are still not there. Could there be a conflict or I should somehow configure Eclipse? Or is it possible to add manually, what folder should I look for? I installed tomcat8 and also downloaded the .zip, but neither folder is correct.
Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1), and I'm using windows 7.
It seems that now nothing is correct about Eclipse, I installed plugin like AWS toolkit, but it's also nowhere to be found. Now often install new plugin or even update will likely to fail because either of lack of a dependency or can no be found in repository.
Thanks a lot.
There is a link on that preferences page called "Download additional server adapters". Have you tried that, too?

Tomcat server doesn't reflect in my IDE

I downloaded and installed tomcat 6.0. I am using rational application developer. I am not able to see my tomcat server in my IDE at all. I tried server->new-> and windows->preferences->server->server runtime environment but I don't find it here either. Any idea where I am going wrong or which step i missed? I know i installed my tomcat properly because http:localhost:8080 works properly.
thanks in advance!!
Will a trial license affect my servers in any way? Like only a specific server you can use with the IDE while u have a trial license or something like that?
when I click Add, Tomcat isn't there in the list of options for me to select and that is where my problem arises. I tried clicking on search and the selecting the tomcat folder but i get an error that states - No new server runtime found
I had the same issue and I followed these steps to solve it in Eclipse Helios:
Help -> Install New Software
Choose "Helios -" site
Expand "Web, XML, and Java EE Development"
Check JST Server Adapters (version 3.2.2)
Please change the download URL in step 2 according to the Eclipse version which you are using.
Hope this helps.

Adding Tomcat into Eclipse

I am trying to add a tomcat server into runtime environments. I successfully installed tomcat. I already have Java EE eclipse, BUT after I click search under Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime environments and select apache tomcat and then click OK a window with the following text popups: No new server runtime environments were found. What am I doing wrong? I thought after switching to Java EE and installing tomcat I will be able to add the RE... Many thanks in advance!
After trying to add the RE: no tomcat servers list!!!
after trying to search (C:/Program Files/Apache...)
and finally the popup after choosing "apache software foundation" and hitting ok
You need to specify the server runtime in that window. From the browse button, select the base path of the directory where you have installed tomcat and hit next. Hopefully that should do it. There should also be an option to download and install, if you have internet connectivity.
If you dont see any server types in the 'add new Server' dialog, then you are probably missing the server adapters. In which case click on the 'Download additional server adapters' link. This will allow you to pick and download 'tomcat server adapter'. Once that is done.
Some screenshots etc would also help in understanding and helping you resolve your issue.
Hope this helps.
Run time environment click on add button select Apache tomcat-> Click on next button -> Browse the Tomcat 7.0 path -> Finish.
Because you are not having JST server are not able to see installed apache in eclipse ....just install this through 'install new software' in help menu ....
You are most likely are missing the Eclipse Tomcat Server Feature. You can either try reinstalling all of the WTP plugins or maybe install Spring STS which I'm sure has the plugin installed.

Can't install glassfish server -EJB 3.1- on eclipse Indigo

I am facing problem with server adapter of glassfish. Whenever I download the adapter I can't use it as I cannot see it in the wizard.
I download it using "download additional server adapter", but even when it is successfully downloaded, I still do not have choice to work with glassfish as its adapter doesn't show up on the screen.
can any one help?
Hi I found the solution ,
First I am using windows 7 ,64 bit
So when i used JRE 1.6 for 64 bit and i run the eclipse using "run as administrator" , the adapter downloaded and appeared in the wizard .

Uninstalling Oracle WebLogic plugin from Eclipse Galileo

I believe that installing the Eclipse plugin for WebLogic changes the Eclipse behavior somewhat based on my experience with SSL handshake errors due to untrusted certs. I am trying to uninstall the Oracle WebLogic plugin from my Galileo installation. Here is the problem:
I see the Oracle WebLogic plugins and features when i click on help->InstallNewSoftware->Already Installed in the tabs named "plug-ins" and "features".
Those two tabs do not have the uninstall option/button at the bottom, but I do not see any listing for Oracle Enterprise and/or WebLogic plugin in the 'installed software' tab. This is the only place from where I can safely uninstall the plugin instead of just manually removing the plugin and features from the eclipse corresponding folders.
Is there some other entity managing the downloads from Oracle? is anyone else trying to do the same and finding similar problems? if you have any hints/pointers that'll be great -- Thanks.
I just deleted the plugins and features for Oracle tools and WebLogic included, from the corresponding Eclipse folders, and started eclipse with -clean. Everything is executing fine so far.
I have installed the Oracle WebLogic Server Tools in the following way:
In the Servers view "New Server"->"Download additional server adapters"->"Oracle WebLogic Server Tools". Then when I want to uninstall I cannot find it in the installed plugin or features list, just like you.
Then I tried to search "Oracle WebLogic Server Tools" in Eclipse Marketplace, I can find "Oracle WebLogic Server Tools" with the option "Uninstall".
I believe this way of uninstallation is safe.