class A has one type parameter, but type B has one - scala

Recently I stumbled across a strange (to me) compiler error message. Consider the following code:
trait Foo {
type Res <: Foo
type Bar[X <: Res]
class MyFoo extends Foo {
override type Res = MyFoo
override type Bar[X <: Res] = List[X]
type FOO[F <: Foo, R <: Foo, B[_ <: R]] = F { type Res = R;
type Bar[X <: R] = B[X] }
def process[F <: Foo, R <: Foo, B[_ <: R]](f: FOO[F, R, B]) {}
Now, if I want to call the process method I have to explicitly write the type parameters:
process[MyFoo, MyFoo, List](new MyFoo) // fine
If I write:
process(new MyFoo)
process((new MyFoo): FOO[MyFoo, MyFoo, List])
I get the following error message:
inferred kinds of the type arguments (MyFoo,MyFoo,List[X]) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type F,type R,type B). List[X]'s type parameters do not match type B's expected parameters: class List has one type parameter, but type B has one
Why isn´t the compiler able to infer the types (although I explicitly stated them at call parameter)? And what does that class List has one type parameter, but type B has one mean? Something has one, but the other has also one, and that´s why they don´t fit together???

If we look to the Scala compiler, the sources could help us understanding what the problem is. I have never contributed to the Scala compiler, but I found the sources very readable and I have already investigated on that.
The class responsible for type inference is which you can find simply by looking in the Scala compiler sources for a part of your error. You'll find out the following fragment:
/** error if arguments not within bounds. */
def checkBounds(pos: Position, pre: Type, owner: Symbol,
tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], prefix: String) = {
//#M validate variances & bounds of targs wrt variances & bounds of tparams
//#M TODO: better place to check this?
//#M TODO: errors for getters & setters are reported separately
val kindErrors = checkKindBounds(tparams, targs, pre, owner)
if(!kindErrors.isEmpty) {
prefix + "kinds of the type arguments " + targs.mkString("(", ",", ")") +
" do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters "+ tparams.mkString("(", ",", ")") + tparams.head.locationString+ "." +
kindErrors.toList.mkString("\n", ", ", ""))
So now the point is understanding why checkKindBounds(tparams, targs, pre, owner) returns those errors. If you go down the method call chain, you will see that the checkKindBounds call another method
val errors = checkKindBounds0(tparams, targs, pre, owner, true)
You'll see the problem is connected to checking bounds of higher-kinded type, at line 5784, inside checkKindBoundsHK :
if (!sameLength(hkargs, hkparams)) {
if (arg == AnyClass || arg == NothingClass) (Nil, Nil, Nil) // Any and Nothing are kind-overloaded
else {error = true; (List((arg, param)), Nil, Nil) } // shortcut: always set error, whether explainTypesOrNot
The test is not passed, it appears that in my debugger:
hkargs$1 = {scala.collection.immutable.Nil$#2541}"List()"
arg$1 = {$ClassSymbol#2689}"class List"
param$1 = {$TypeSymbol#2557}"type B"
paramowner$1 = {$MethodSymbol#2692}"method process"
underHKParams$1 = {scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon#2688}"List(type R)"
withHKArgs$1 = {scala.collection.immutable.Nil$#2541}"List()"
exceptionResult12 = null
hkparams$1 = {scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon#2688}"List(type R)"
So it appears like there is one higher kinded param, type R, but there is no provided value for that.
If you actually go back to the to checkKindBounds, you see that after the snippet:
val (arityMismatches, varianceMismatches, stricterBounds) = (
// NOTE: *not* targ.typeSymbol, which normalizes
checkKindBoundsHK(tparamsHO, targ.typeSymbolDirect, tparam, tparam.owner, tparam.typeParams, tparamsHO)
the arityMismatches contains a tuple List, B. And now you can also see that the error message is wrong:
inferred kinds of the type arguments (MyFoo,MyFoo,List[X]) do not
conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type F,type
R,type B). List[X]'s type parameters do not match type B's expected
parameters: class List has one type parameter, but type B has ZERO
In fact if you put a breakpoint at line 5859 on the following call
checkKindBoundsHK(tparamsHO, targ.typeSymbolDirect, tparam, tparam.owner, tparam.typeParams, tparamsHO)
you can see that
tparam = {$TypeSymbol#2472}"type B"
targ = {$UniqueTypeRef#2473}"List[X]"
For some reason, when dealing with complex higher-kinded types such as yours, Scala compiler inference is limited. I don't know where it does come from, maybe you want to send a bug to the compiler team

I only have a vague understanding of the exact workings of the type inferrer in Scala so consider this ideas not definitive answers.
Type inferring has problems with inferring more then one type at once.
You use an existential type in the definition of FOO, which translates to: there exists a type such, not sure if this is compatible with the specific type given in MyFoo


Subtyping leads to Any: Bug in compiler or issue with my code?

Let me get straight into the problem that I faced while hanging around with type bounds.
Let's consider the following...
I created a function 'foo' like this
def foo[A,B](x:A,y:B):(A,B)=(x,y)
I invoked foo in scala worksheet, like
I obtained a result like
res0: (String, Int) = (Mars,2400)
Notice the inferred types of Mars and 2400
Now I wanted to enforce that the function 'foo' accepts Integers or floats or Doubles (any type that is a subtype of AnyVal).
To enforce I wrote a code like
def fooNew[A<:B,B](x:A,y:B):(A,B)=(x,y)
The inferred types from the previous code was (String,Int) and when I invoked fooNew like
I was surprised to see that the compiler did let my code pass and did not raise the error instead it did give an output like
res0: (String, Any) = (Saturn,2400)
Now, the desired way of enforcing did not work here. Had I done something like this
def fooNew[A<:B,B<:AnyVal](x:A,y:B):(A,B)=(x,y)
The compiler would have surely raised an error for me and it did!
Error:(2, 2) inferred type arguments [String,Any] do not conform to method fooNew's type parameter bounds [A <: B,B <: AnyVal]
I want to ask, why didn't the compiler the type as Int instead it inferred the type Any and let my code pass the type checks? Do I always need to enforce the second type to be a subtype of AnyVal instead of letting the compiler infer it for me? or is it a bug in the compiler. Seek pardon if you found my question misleading or not upto your expectations.
Currently I am using scala-library 2.11.8
def fooNew[A<:B,B](x:A,y:B):(A,B)=(x,y)
In the above you are declaring type parameter A to be a subtype of type parameter B. When you pass A as String and B as Int, the compiler goes up the class hierarchy to find a suitable type for B such that Int is a B and also String is a subtype of B. The only type in the heirarchy which satisfies these two conditions is the Any type. So, String is a subtype of Any and Int is of type Any
You can think of using your original declaration with inferred types as "find A and B such that x has type A, y has type B, and A is a subtype of B". Since A = String and B = Any satisfy these conditions, the compiler correctly infers them (there are also other solutions, e.g. A = B = Any, but this one is the most specific).
But you can change the declaration to tell the compiler "find A and B such that x has type A and y has type B, and then check that A is a subtype of B". This is done as follows:
def fooNew[A,B](x:A,y:B)(implicit evidence: A <:< B): (A,B)=(x,y)
This works because the compiler will only use the first parameter list to infer A and B. Search for "generalized type constraints" to find more information about <:< and =:=.

Scala: Typecast without explicitly known type parameter

Consider the following example:
case class C[T](x:T) {
def f(t:T) = println(t)
type ValueType = T
val list = List(1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
for ((a,b) <- list) {
In this example, I know (runtime guarantee) that the type of a will be some T, and b will have type C[T] with the same T. Of course, the compiler cannot know that, hence we get a typing error in b.f(a).
To tell the compiler that this invocation is OK, we need to do a typecast à la b.f(a.asInstanceOf[T]). Unfortunately, T is not known here. So my question is: How do I rewrite b.f(a) in order to make this code compile?
I am looking for a solution that does not involve complex constructions (to keep the code readable), and that is "clean" in the sense that we should not rely on code erasure to make it work (see the first approach below).
I have some working approaches, but I find them unsatisfactory for various reasons.
Approaches I tried:
This works, and is reasonably readable, but it is based on a "lie". b is not of type C[Any], and the only reason we do not get a runtime error is because we rely on the limitations of the JVM (type erasure). I think it is good style only to use x.asInstanceOf[X] when we know that x is really of type X.
This should work according to my understanding of the type system. I have added the member ValueType to the class C in order to be able to explicitly refer to the type parameter T. However, in this approach we get a mysterious error message:
Error:(9, 22) type mismatch;
found : b.ValueType
(which expands to) _1
required: _1
Why? It seems to complain that we expect type _1 but got type _1! (But even if this approach works, it is limited to the cases where we have the possibility to add a member ValueType to C. If C is some existing library class, we cannot do that either.)
for ((a,b) <- list.asInstanceOf[List[(T,C[T]) forSome {type T}]]) {
This one works, and is semantically correct (i.e., we do not "lie" when invoking asInstanceOf). The limitation is that this is somewhat unreadable. Also, it is somewhat specific to the present situation: if a,b do not come from the same iterator, then where can we apply this type cast? (This code also has the side effect of being too complex for Intelli/J IDEA 2016.2 which highlights it as an error in the editor.)
val (a2,b2) = (a,b).asInstanceOf[(T,C[T]) forSome {type T}]
I would have expected this one to work since a2,b2 now should have types T and C[T] for the same existential T. But we get a compile error:
Error:(10, 9) type mismatch;
found : a2.type (with underlying type Any)
required: T
Why? (Besides that, the approach has the disadvantage of incurring runtime costs (I think) because of the creation and destruction of a pair.)
b match {
case b : C[t] => b.f(a.asInstanceOf[t])
This works. But enclosing the code with a match makes the code much less readable. (And it also is too complicated for Intelli/J.)
The cleanest solution is, IMO, the one you found with the type-capture pattern match. You can make it concise, and hopefully readable, by integrating the pattern directly inside your for comprehension, as follows:
for ((a, b: C[t]) <- list) {
If you are not in a for comprehension already, unfortunately the corresponding pattern assignment does not work:
val (c, d: C[t]) = (a, b)
That's because t is not in scope anymore on the second line. In that case, you would have to use the full pattern matching.
Maybe I'm confused about what you are trying to achieve, but this compiles:
case class C[T](x:T) {
def f(t:T) = println(t)
type ValueType = T
type CP[T] = (T, C[T])
val list = List[CP[T forSome {type T}]](1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
for ((a,b) <- list) {
If the type of the list itself is out of your control, you can still cast it to this "correct" type.
case class C[T](x:T) {
def f(t:T) = println(t)
type ValueType = T
val list = List(1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
type CP[T] = (T, C[T])
for ((a,b) <- list.asInstanceOf[List[CP[T forSome { type T }]]]) {
Great question! Lots to learn here about Scala.
Other answers and comments have already addressed most of the issues here, but I'd like to address a few additional points.
You asked why this variant doesn't work:
val (a2,b2) = (a,b).asInstanceOf[(T,C[T]) forSome {type T}]
You aren't the only person who's been surprised by this; see e.g. this recent very similar issue report: SI-9899.
As I wrote there:
I think this is working as designed as per SLS 6.1: "The following skolemization rule is applied universally for every expression: If the type of an expression would be an existential type T, then the type of the expression is assumed instead to be a skolemization of T."
Basically, every time you write a value-level expression that the compiler determines to have an existential type, the existential type is instantiated. b2.f(a2) has two subexpressions with existential type, namely b2 and a2, so the existential gets two different instantiations.
As for why the pattern-matching variant works, there isn't explicit language in SLS 8 (Pattern Matching) covering the behavior of existential types, but 6.1 doesn't apply because a pattern isn't technically an expression, it's a pattern. The pattern is analyzed as a whole and any existential types inside only get instantiated (skolemized) once.
As a postscript, note that yes, when you play in this area, the error messages you get are often confusing or misleading and ought to be improved. See for example
A wild guess, but is it possible that you need something like this:
case class C[+T](x:T) {
def f[A >: T](t: A) = println(t)
val list = List(1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
for ((a,b) <- list) {
It will type check.
I'm not quite sure what "runtime guarantee" means here, usually it means that you are trying to fool type system (e.g. with asInstanceOf), but then all bets are off and you shouldn't expect type system to be of any help.
Just for the illustration why type casting is an evil:
case class C[T <: Int](x:T) {
def f(t: T) = println(t + 1)
val list = List("hello" -> C(2), 2 -> C(3))
for ((a, b: C[t]) <- list) {
It compiles and fails at runtime (not surprisingly).
Here's what generated code looks like for the last snippet (with C[t]):
val a: Object = x1._1();
val b: Test$C = x1._2().$asInstanceOf[Test$C]();
if (
<synthetic> val x2: Test$C = b;
Type t simply vanished (as it should have been) and Scala is trying to convert a to an upper bound of T in C, i.e. Int. If there is no upper bound it's going to be Any (but then method f is nearly useless unless you cast again or use something like println which takes Any).

Scala: please explain the generics involved

Could some one please explain the generics involved in the following code from play framework
class AuthenticatedRequest[A, U](val user: U, request: Request[A]) extends WrappedRequest[A](request)
class AuthenticatedBuilder[U](userinfo: RequestHeader => Option[U],
onUnauthorized: RequestHeader => Result = _ => Unauthorized(views.html.defaultpages.unauthorized()))
extends ActionBuilder[({ type R[A] = AuthenticatedRequest[A, U] })#R]
The ActionBuilder actualy has type R[A], it is getting reassigned, this much I understand. please explain the intricacies of the syntax
The bit that's confusing you is called a "type lambda". If you search for "scala type lambda", you'll find lots of descriptions and explanations. See e.g. here, from which I'm drawing a lot of inspiration. (Thank you Bartosz Witkowski!)
To describe it very simply, you can think of it as a way to provide a default argument to a type constructor. I know, huh?
Let's break that down. If we have...
trait Unwrapper[A,W[_]] {
/* should throw an Exception if we cannot unwrap */
def unwrap( wrapped : W[A] ) : A
You could define an OptionUnwrapper easily enough:
class OptionUnwrapper[A] extends Unwrapper[A,Option] {
def unwrap( wrapped : Option[A] ) : A = wrapped.get
But what if we want to define an unwrapper for the very similar Either class, which takes two type parameters [A,B]. Either, like Option, is often used as a return value for things that might fail, but where you might want to retain information about the failure. By convention, "success" results in a Right object containing a B, while failure yields a Left object containing an A. Let's make an EitherUnwrapper, so we have an interface in common with Option to unwrap these sorts of failable results. (Potentially even useful!)
class EitherUnwrapper[A,B] extends Unwrapper[B,Either] { // unwrap to a successful result of type B
def unwrap( wrapped : Either[A,B] ) : B = wrapped match {
case Right( b ) => b // we ignore the left case, allowing a MatchError
This is conceptually fine, but it doesn't compile! Why not? Because the second parameter of Unwrapper was W[_], that is a type that accepts just one parameter. How can we "adapt" Either's type constructor to be a one parameter type? If we needed a version of an ordinary function or constructor with fewer arguments, we might supply default arguments. So that's exactly what we'll do.
class EitherUnwrapper[A,B] extends Unwrapper[B,({type L[C] = Either[A,C]})#L] {
def unwrap( wrapped : Either[A,B] ) : B = wrapped match {
case Right( b ) => b
The type alias part
type L[C] = Either[A,C]
adapts Either into a type that requires just one type parameter rather than two, by supplying A as a default first type parameter. But unfortunately, scala doesn't allow you to define type aliases just anywhere: they have to live in a class, trait, or object. But if you define the trait in an enclosing scope, you might not have access to the default value you need for type A! So, the trick is to define a throwaway inner class in a place where A is defined, just where you need the new type.
A set of curly braces can (depending on context) be interpreted as a type definition in scala, for a structural type. For instance in...
def destroy( rsrc : { def close() } ) = rsrc.close()
...the curly brace defines a structural type meaning any object with a close() function. Structural types can also include type aliases.
So { type L[C] = Either[A,C] } is just the type of any object that contains the type alias L[C]. To extract an inner type from an enclosing type -- rather than an enclosing instance -- in Scala, we have to use a type projection rather than a dot. The syntax for a type projection is EnclosingType#InnerType. So, we have { type L[C] = Either[A,C] }#L. For reasons that elude me, the Scala compiler gets confused by that, but if we put the type definition in parentheses, everything works, so we have ({ type L[C] = Either[A,C] })#L.
Which is pretty precisely analogous to ({ type R[A] = AuthenticatedRequest[A, U] })#R in your question. ActionBuilder needs to be parameterized with a type that takes one parameter. AuthenticatedRequest takes two parameters. To adapt AuthenticatedRequest into a type suitable for ActionBuilder, U is provided as a default parameter in the type lambda.

Covariance and method parameters

I have a confusing problem in my project and can't quite solve it, so please help me!
Here is a sample code that simplifies my original one:
trait Sample[A] {
def doit(param: A)
case object SampleEx1 extends Sample[Int] {
def doit(param: Int) = {
param + 0
Now I need to make A covariance for outer reasons, but it results in an error as commented out:
trait Sample[+A] {
def doit(param: A) // ERR: covariant type A occurs in contravariant position in type A of value param
case object SampleEx1 extends Sample[Int] {
def doit(param: Int) = {
param + 0
So I stacoverflowed and found a solution with another type B, but then another error happens:
trait Sample[+A] {
def doit[B >: A](param: B)
case object SampleEx1 extends Sample[Int] {
def doit[Int](param: Int) = {
param + 0 // type mismatch; found : Int(0) required: String
Apparently param is no longer Int because of [B >: Int].
I tried solving this one with myself and with google but couldn't get it. Could anyone help? Thank you so much! :))
The first error covariant type A occurs in contravariant position in type A of value param means that if a generic type Foo declares itself to be covariant over T (i.e. Foo[+T]), it means that its methods can only return T and not require it. Otherwise type consistency will be violated. For instance you could pass in an instance of Sample[Dog] where Sample[Animal] is required, and then something could call doit(new Duck) on it, even though Sample[Dog]#doit can only handle instances of Dog. However, return values behave the exact opposite way in this context (I'll let you figure out why).
However this
def doit[Int](param: Int)
means doit has a type parameter called Int, which has nothing to do with the Int type (although it sure does seem like it does at first impression, which is why you should never use type parameter names that coincide with the names of other/built-in types). So the error you're getting is because Int in that context means "any type", and using + on any type will fall back to string concatenation as opposed to arithmetic addition.
instead you need (to correctly inherit from Sample[+A]):
def doit[B >: Int](param: B)
however, that will still not allow you to do addition on param because param is now any supertype of Int, not Int itself or a subtype thereof.
So I do not see how you can "fix" this—the way variance works fundamentally simply doesn't allow for generic types to be covariant over method parameters. This has nothing to do with Scala really. But see e.g. or for more information on how variance works and why it has to work exactly like it does (in any language implementing correct variance rules).
I think a better way in general to get a really helpful answer on Stackoverflow is to also describe what you really need to achieve, not just the implementation you've been working on so far.

scala type 'extraction'

This might not be the most correct terminology but what I mean by boxed type is Box[T] for type T. So Option[Int] is a boxed Int.
How might one go about extracting these types? My naive attempt:
type X[Box[E]] = E //doesn't compile. E not found
type boxed = Option[Int]
type parameter = X[boxed] //this is the syntax I would like to achieve
implicitly[parameter =:= Int] //this should compile
Is there any way to do this? Apart from the Apocalisp blog I have hard time finding instructions on type-level meta-programming in Scala.
I can only imagine two situations. Either you use type parameters, then if you use such a higher-kinded-type, e.g. as argument to a method, you will have its type parameter duplicated in the method generics:
trait Box[E]
def doSomething[X](b: Box[X]) { ... } // parameter re-stated as `X`
or you have type members, then you can refer to them per instance:
trait Box { type E }
def doSomething(b: Box) { type X = b.E }
...or generally
def doSomething(x: Box#E) { ... }
So I think you need to rewrite your question in terms of what you actually want to achieve.