Scala: Typecast without explicitly known type parameter - scala

Consider the following example:
case class C[T](x:T) {
def f(t:T) = println(t)
type ValueType = T
val list = List(1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
for ((a,b) <- list) {
In this example, I know (runtime guarantee) that the type of a will be some T, and b will have type C[T] with the same T. Of course, the compiler cannot know that, hence we get a typing error in b.f(a).
To tell the compiler that this invocation is OK, we need to do a typecast à la b.f(a.asInstanceOf[T]). Unfortunately, T is not known here. So my question is: How do I rewrite b.f(a) in order to make this code compile?
I am looking for a solution that does not involve complex constructions (to keep the code readable), and that is "clean" in the sense that we should not rely on code erasure to make it work (see the first approach below).
I have some working approaches, but I find them unsatisfactory for various reasons.
Approaches I tried:
This works, and is reasonably readable, but it is based on a "lie". b is not of type C[Any], and the only reason we do not get a runtime error is because we rely on the limitations of the JVM (type erasure). I think it is good style only to use x.asInstanceOf[X] when we know that x is really of type X.
This should work according to my understanding of the type system. I have added the member ValueType to the class C in order to be able to explicitly refer to the type parameter T. However, in this approach we get a mysterious error message:
Error:(9, 22) type mismatch;
found : b.ValueType
(which expands to) _1
required: _1
Why? It seems to complain that we expect type _1 but got type _1! (But even if this approach works, it is limited to the cases where we have the possibility to add a member ValueType to C. If C is some existing library class, we cannot do that either.)
for ((a,b) <- list.asInstanceOf[List[(T,C[T]) forSome {type T}]]) {
This one works, and is semantically correct (i.e., we do not "lie" when invoking asInstanceOf). The limitation is that this is somewhat unreadable. Also, it is somewhat specific to the present situation: if a,b do not come from the same iterator, then where can we apply this type cast? (This code also has the side effect of being too complex for Intelli/J IDEA 2016.2 which highlights it as an error in the editor.)
val (a2,b2) = (a,b).asInstanceOf[(T,C[T]) forSome {type T}]
I would have expected this one to work since a2,b2 now should have types T and C[T] for the same existential T. But we get a compile error:
Error:(10, 9) type mismatch;
found : a2.type (with underlying type Any)
required: T
Why? (Besides that, the approach has the disadvantage of incurring runtime costs (I think) because of the creation and destruction of a pair.)
b match {
case b : C[t] => b.f(a.asInstanceOf[t])
This works. But enclosing the code with a match makes the code much less readable. (And it also is too complicated for Intelli/J.)

The cleanest solution is, IMO, the one you found with the type-capture pattern match. You can make it concise, and hopefully readable, by integrating the pattern directly inside your for comprehension, as follows:
for ((a, b: C[t]) <- list) {
If you are not in a for comprehension already, unfortunately the corresponding pattern assignment does not work:
val (c, d: C[t]) = (a, b)
That's because t is not in scope anymore on the second line. In that case, you would have to use the full pattern matching.

Maybe I'm confused about what you are trying to achieve, but this compiles:
case class C[T](x:T) {
def f(t:T) = println(t)
type ValueType = T
type CP[T] = (T, C[T])
val list = List[CP[T forSome {type T}]](1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
for ((a,b) <- list) {
If the type of the list itself is out of your control, you can still cast it to this "correct" type.
case class C[T](x:T) {
def f(t:T) = println(t)
type ValueType = T
val list = List(1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
type CP[T] = (T, C[T])
for ((a,b) <- list.asInstanceOf[List[CP[T forSome { type T }]]]) {

Great question! Lots to learn here about Scala.
Other answers and comments have already addressed most of the issues here, but I'd like to address a few additional points.
You asked why this variant doesn't work:
val (a2,b2) = (a,b).asInstanceOf[(T,C[T]) forSome {type T}]
You aren't the only person who's been surprised by this; see e.g. this recent very similar issue report: SI-9899.
As I wrote there:
I think this is working as designed as per SLS 6.1: "The following skolemization rule is applied universally for every expression: If the type of an expression would be an existential type T, then the type of the expression is assumed instead to be a skolemization of T."
Basically, every time you write a value-level expression that the compiler determines to have an existential type, the existential type is instantiated. b2.f(a2) has two subexpressions with existential type, namely b2 and a2, so the existential gets two different instantiations.
As for why the pattern-matching variant works, there isn't explicit language in SLS 8 (Pattern Matching) covering the behavior of existential types, but 6.1 doesn't apply because a pattern isn't technically an expression, it's a pattern. The pattern is analyzed as a whole and any existential types inside only get instantiated (skolemized) once.
As a postscript, note that yes, when you play in this area, the error messages you get are often confusing or misleading and ought to be improved. See for example

A wild guess, but is it possible that you need something like this:
case class C[+T](x:T) {
def f[A >: T](t: A) = println(t)
val list = List(1 -> C(2), "hello" -> C("goodbye"))
for ((a,b) <- list) {
It will type check.
I'm not quite sure what "runtime guarantee" means here, usually it means that you are trying to fool type system (e.g. with asInstanceOf), but then all bets are off and you shouldn't expect type system to be of any help.
Just for the illustration why type casting is an evil:
case class C[T <: Int](x:T) {
def f(t: T) = println(t + 1)
val list = List("hello" -> C(2), 2 -> C(3))
for ((a, b: C[t]) <- list) {
It compiles and fails at runtime (not surprisingly).
Here's what generated code looks like for the last snippet (with C[t]):
val a: Object = x1._1();
val b: Test$C = x1._2().$asInstanceOf[Test$C]();
if (
<synthetic> val x2: Test$C = b;
Type t simply vanished (as it should have been) and Scala is trying to convert a to an upper bound of T in C, i.e. Int. If there is no upper bound it's going to be Any (but then method f is nearly useless unless you cast again or use something like println which takes Any).


Scala: Casting results of groupBy(_.getClass)

In this hypothetical, I have a list of operations to be executed. Some of the operations in that list will be more efficient if they can be batched together (eg, lookup up different rows from the same table in a database).
trait Result
trait BatchableOp[T <: BatchableOp[T]] {
def resolve(batch: Vector[T]): Vector[Result]
Here we use F-bounded Polymorphism to allow the implementation of the operation to refer to its own type, which is highly convenient.
However, this poses a problem when it comes time to execute:
def execute(operations: Vector[BatchableOp[_]]): Vector[Result] = {
def helper[T <: BatchableOp[T]](clazz: Class[T], batch: Vector[T]): Vector[Result] =
.flatMap { case (clazz, batch) => helper(clazz, batch)}
This results in a compiler error stating inferred type arguments [BatchableOp[_]] do not conform to method helper's type parameter bounds [T <: BatchableOp[T]].
How can the Scala compiler be convinced that the group is all of the same type (which is a subclass of BatchableOp)?
One workaround is to specify the type explicitly, but in this case the type is unknown.
Another workaround relies on enumerating the child types, but I'd like to not have to update the execute method after implementing a new BatchableOp type.
I would like to approach the question systematically, so that the same solution strategy can be applied in similar cases.
First, an obvious remark: you want to work with a vector. The content of the vector can be of different types. The length of the vector is not limited. The number of types of entries of the vector is not limited. Therefore, the compiler cannot prove everything at compile time: you will have to use something like asInstanceOf at some point.
Now to the solution of the actual question:
This here compiles under 2.12.4:
import scala.language.existentials
trait Result
type BOX = BatchableOp[X] forSome { type X <: BatchableOp[X] }
trait BatchableOp[C <: BatchableOp[C]] {
def resolve(batch: Vector[C]): Vector[Result]
// not abstract, needed only once!
def collectSameClassInstances(batch: Vector[BOX]): Vector[C] = {
for (b <- batch if this.getClass.isAssignableFrom(b.getClass))
yield b.asInstanceOf[C]
// not abstract either, no additional hassle for subclasses!
def collectAndResolve(batch: Vector[BOX]): Vector[Result] =
def execute(operations: Vector[BOX]): Vector[Result] = {
.flatMap{ case (_, batch) =>
The main problem that I see here is that in Scala (unlike in some experimental dependently typed languages) there is no simple way to write down complex computations "under the assumption of existence of a type".
Therefore, it seems difficult / impossible to transform
Vector[BatchOp[T] forSome T]
into a
Vector[BatchOp[T]] forSome T
Here, the first type says: "it's a vector of batchOps, their types are unknown, and can be all different", whereas the second type says: "it's a vector of batchOps of unknown type T, but at least we know that they are all the same".
What you want is something like the following hypothetical language construct:
val vec1: Vector[BatchOp[T] forSome T] = ???
val vec2: Vector[BatchOp[T]] forSome T =
assumingExistsSomeType[C <: BatchOp[C]] yield {
/* `C` now available inside this scope `S` */[C])
Unfortunately, we don't have anything like it for existential types, we can't introduce a helper type C in some scope S such that when C is eliminated, we are left with an existential (at least I don't see a general way to do it).
Therefore, the only interesting question that is to be answered here is:
Given a Vector[BatchOp[X] forSome X] for which I know that there is one common type C such that they all are actually Vector[C], where is the scope in which this C is present as a usable type variable?
It turns out that BatchableOp[C] itself has a type variable C in scope. Therefore, I can add a method collectSameClassInstances to BachableOp[C], and this method will actually have some type C available that it can use in the return type. Then I can immediately pass the result of collectSameClassInstances to the resolve method, and then I get a completely benign Vector[Result] type as output.
Final remark: If you decide to write any code with F-bounded polymorphisms and existentials, at least make sure that you have documented very clearly what exactly you are doing there, and how you will ensure that this combination does not escape in any other parts of the codebase. It doesn't feel like a good idea to expose such interfaces to the users. Keep it localized, make sure these abstractions do not leak anywhere.
Andrey's answer has a key insight that the only scope with the appropriate type variable is on the BatchableOp itself. Here's a reduced version that doesn't rely on importing existentials:
trait Result
trait BatchableOp[T <: BatchableOp[T]] {
def resolve(batch: Vector[T]): Vector[Result]
def unsafeResolve(batch: Vector[BatchableOp[_]]): Vector[Result] = {
def execute(operations: Vector[BatchableOp[_]]): Vector[Result] = {
.flatMap{ case (_, batch) =>

Scala - pattern matching traits that have "self type" as type argument gives unchecked warning

I'm trying to define "immutable setter traits", and generic functions for those.
I have a working implementation, but i'm bit disturbed about the "unchecked" warnings from the pattern matching. I'm not really sure what i can do about it.
type Point = (Double, Double)
trait Sizable[A] {
this: A =>
def size: Point
/* immutable object value setter, returns a new of the same object*/
def size(point: Point): A with Sizable[A]
def partitionToSizable[T](elements: List[T]):
(List[T], List[T with Sizable[T]]) =
elements.foldLeft((List[T](), List[T with Sizable[T]]()))((p, c) =>
c match {
case a: T with Sizable[T] => (p._1, p._2 ++ List(a))
case a => (p._1 ++ List(a), p._2)
The code above demonstrates the problem.
I'm not even sure how big of an issue is that T being unchecked, since all the elements in the list will have a type of T, and the point of the pattern matching is not to determine if it's type is T since we already know that.
In theory Sizable will always have type of T because of the signature of it's enclosing function.
If it's there is no other solution i'd at least like to suppress the warning. #unchecked annotations does not seem to suppress the warning.
If i modify case a: T with Sizable[T] to case a: Sizable[_] it will not compile, since the result type will obviously not confirm to T.
ClassTags or TypeTags might solve the warning, but i suspect they are not necessary really. (also that might have a performance overhead and TypeTags don't work with Scala.js)
I think just case a: Sizable[T #unchecked] => a.size((15,20)) should work.
The main problem here is in partitionToSizable. It's taking a List[T] and then trying to partition it into a List[T] and a List[T with Sizable[T]]. You are taking a list of a single type and then saying that one type T is actually two different types T and T with Sizable[T]. This indicates an issue with your type design. I would recommend solving that first.
One solution might be to recognise that things that are sizable and things that are not sizable should be represented as two different types. Then you can use the following signature:
def partitionToSizable[T1, T2 <: Sizable[T2]](
elements: List[Either[T1, T2]]): (List[T1], List[T2])
Then you don't need to cast; you can pattern match or fold on the Either.

Why doesn't type inference work here?

This problem arose in a module I'm writing, but I have made a minimal case that exhibits the same behaviour.
class Minimal[T](x : T) {
def doSomething = x
object Sugar {
type S[T] = { def doSomething : T }
def apply[T, X <: S[T]] (x: X) = x.doSomething
object Error {
val a = new Minimal(4)
Sugar(a) // error: inferred [Nothing, Minimal[Int]] does not fit the bounds of apply
Sugar[Int, Minimal[Int]](a) // works as expected
The problem is that the compiler manages to figure out the inner parameter for Minimal (Int), but then sets the other occurrence of T to Nothing, which obviously does not match apply. These are definitely the same T, as removing the first parameter makes the second complain that T is not defined.
Is there some ambiguity that means that the compiler cannot infer the first parameter, or is this a bug? Can I work around this gracefully?
Further information: This code is a simple example of an attempt at syntactic sugar. The original code tries to make |(a)| mean the modulus of a, where a is a vector. Clearly |(a)| is better than writing |[Float,Vector3[Float]](a)|, but unfortunately I can't use unary_| to make this easier.
The actual error:
inferred type arguments [Nothing,Minimal[Int]] do not conform to method apply's type parameter bounds [T,X <: Sugar.S[T]]
This isn't a Scala compiler bug, but it's certainly a limitation of Scala's type inference. The compiler wants to determine the bound on X, S[T], before solving for X, but the bound mentions the so far unconstrained type variable T which it therefore fixes at Nothing and proceeds from there. It doesn't revisit T once X has been fully resolved ... currently type inference always proceeds from left to right in this sort of case.
If your example accurately represents your real situation then there is a simple fix,
def apply[T](x : S[T]) = x.doSomething
Here T will be inferred such that Minimal conforms to S[T] directly rather than via an intermediary bounded type variable.
Joshua's solution also avoids the problem of inferring type T, but in a completely different way.
def apply[T, X <% S[T]](x : X) = x.doSomething
desugars to,
def apply[T, X](x : X)(implicit conv : X => S[T]) = x.doSomething
The type variables T and X can now be solved for independently (because T is no longer mentioned in X's bound). This means that X is inferred as Minimal immediately, and T is solved for as a part of the implicit search for a value of type X => S[T] to satisfy the implicit argument conv. conforms in scala.Predef manufactures values of this form, and in context will guarantee that given an argument of type Minimal, T will be inferred as Int. You could view this as an instance of functional dependencies at work in Scala.
There's some weirdness with bounds on structural types, try using a view bound on S[T] instead.
def apply[T, X <% S[T]] (x: X) = x.doSomething works fine.

Impredicative types vs. plain old subtyping

A friend of mine posed a seemingly innocuous Scala language question last week that I didn't have a good answer to: whether there's an easy way to declare a collection of things belonging to some common typeclass. Of course there's no first-class notion of "typeclass" in Scala, so we have to think of this in terms of traits and context bounds (i.e. implicits).
Concretely, given some trait T[_] representing a typeclass, and types A, B and C, with corresponding implicits in scope T[A], T[B] and T[C], we want to declare something like a List[T[a] forAll { type a }], into which we can throw instances of A, B and C with impunity. This of course doesn't exist in Scala; a question last year discusses this in more depth.
The natural follow-up question is "how does Haskell do it?" Well, GHC in particular has a type system extension called impredicative polymorphism, described in the "Boxy Types" paper. In brief, given a typeclass T one can legally construct a list [forall a. T a => a]. Given a declaration of this form, the compiler does some dictionary-passing magic that lets us retain the typeclass instances corresponding to the types of each value in the list at runtime.
Thing is, "dictionary-passing magic" sounds a lot like "vtables." In an object-oriented language like Scala, subtyping is a much more simple, natural mechanism than the "Boxy Types" approach. If our A, B and C all extend trait T, then we can simply declare List[T] and be happy. Likewise, as Miles notes in a comment below, if they all extend traits T1, T2 and T3 then I can use List[T1 with T2 with T3] as an equivalent to the impredicative Haskell [forall a. (T1 a, T2 a, T3 a) => a].
However, the main, well-known disadvantage with subtyping compared to typeclasses is tight coupling: my A, B and C types have to have their T behavior baked in. Let's assume this is a major dealbreaker, and I can't use subtyping. So the middle ground in Scala is pimps^H^H^H^H^Himplicit conversions: given some A => T, B => T and C => T in implicit scope, I can again quite happily populate a List[T] with my A, B and C values...
... Until we want List[T1 with T2 with T3]. At that point, even if we have implicit conversions A => T1, A => T2 and A => T3, we can't put an A into the list. We could restructure our implicit conversions to literally provide A => T1 with T2 with T3, but I've never seen anybody do that before, and it seems like yet another form of tight coupling.
Okay, so my question finally is, I suppose, a combination of a couple questions that were previously asked here: "why avoid subtyping?" and "advantages of subtyping over typeclasses" ... is there some unifying theory that says impredicative polymorphism and subtype polymorphism are one and the same? Are implicit conversions somehow the secret love-child of the two? And can somebody articulate a good, clean pattern for expressing multiple bounds (as in the last example above) in Scala?
You're confusing impredicative types with existential types. Impredicative types allow you to put polymorphic values in a data structure, not arbitrary concrete ones. In other words [forall a. Num a => a] means that you have a list where each element works as any numeric type, so you can't put e.g. Int and Double in a list of type [forall a. Num a => a], but you can put something like 0 :: Num a => a in it. Impredicative types is not what you want here.
What you want is existential types, i.e. [exists a. Num a => a] (not real Haskell syntax), which says that each element is some unknown numeric type. To write this in Haskell, however, we need to introduce a wrapper data type:
data SomeNumber = forall a. Num a => SomeNumber a
Note the change from exists to forall. That's because we're describing the constructor. We can put any numeric type in, but then the type system "forgets" which type it was. Once we take it back out (by pattern matching), all we know is that it's some numeric type. What's happening under the hood, is that the SomeNumber type contains a hidden field which stores the type class dictionary (aka. vtable/implicit), which is why we need the wrapper type.
Now we can use the type [SomeNumber] for a list of arbitrary numbers, but we need to wrap each number on the way in, e.g. [SomeNumber (3.14 :: Double), SomeNumber (42 :: Int)]. The correct dictionary for each type is looked up and stored in the hidden field automatically at the point where we wrap each number.
The combination of existential types and type classes is in some ways similar to subtyping, since the main difference between type classes and interfaces is that with type classes the vtable travels separately from the objects, and existential types packages objects and vtables back together again.
However, unlike with traditional subtyping, you're not forced to pair them one to one, so we can write things like this which packages one vtable with two values of the same type.
data TwoNumbers = forall a. Num a => TwoNumbers a a
f :: TwoNumbers -> TwoNumbers
f (TwoNumbers x y) = TwoNumbers (x+y) (x*y)
list1 = map f [TwoNumbers (42 :: Int) 7, TwoNumbers (3.14 :: Double) 9]
-- ==> [TwoNumbers (49 :: Int) 294, TwoNumbers (12.14 :: Double) 28.26]
or even fancier things. Once we pattern match on the wrapper, we're back in the land of type classes. Although we don't know which type x and y are, we know that they're the same, and we have the correct dictionary available to perform numeric operations on them.
Everything above works similarly with multiple type classes. The compiler will simply generate hidden fields in the wrapper type for each vtable and bring them all into scope when we pattern match.
data SomeBoundedNumber = forall a. (Bounded a, Num a) => SBN a
g :: SomeBoundedNumber -> SomeBoundedNumber
g (SBN n) = SBN (maxBound - n)
list2 = map g [SBN (42 :: Int32), SBN (42 :: Int64)]
-- ==> [SBN (2147483605 :: Int32), SBN (9223372036854775765 :: Int64)]
As I'm very much a beginner when it comes to Scala, I'm not sure I can help with the final part of your question, but I hope this has at least cleared up some of the confusion and given you some ideas on how to proceed.
#hammar's answer is perfectly right. Here is the scala way of doint it. For the example i'll take Show as the type class and the values i and d to pack in a list :
// The type class
trait Show[A] {
def show(a : A) : String
// Syntactic sugar for Show
implicit final class ShowOps[A](val self : A)(implicit A : Show[A]) {
def show =
implicit val intShow = new Show[Int] {
def show(i : Int) = "Show of int " + i.toString
implicit val stringShow = new Show[String] {
def show(s : String) = "Show of String " + s
val i : Int = 5
val s : String = "abc"
What we want is to be able run the following code
val list = List(i, s)
for (e <- list) yield
Building the list is easy but the list won't "remember" the exact type of each of its elements. Instead it will upcast each element to a common super type T. The more precise super super type between String and Int being Any, the type of the list is List[Any].
The problem is: what to forget and what to remember? We want to forget the exact type of the elements BUT we want to remember that they are all instances of Show. The following class does exactly that
abstract class Ex[TC[_]] {
type t
val value : t
implicit val instance : TC[t]
implicit def ex[TC[_], A](a : A)(implicit A : TC[A]) = new Ex[TC] {
type t = A
val value = a
val instance = A
This is an encoding of the existential :
val ex_i : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, Int](i)
val ex_s : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, String](s)
It pack a value with the corresponding type class instance.
Finally we can add an instance for Ex[Show]
implicit val exShow = new Show[Ex[Show]] {
def show(e : Ex[Show]) : String = {
import e._
The import e._ is required to bring the instance into scope. Thanks to the magic of implicits:
val list = List[Ex[Show]](i , s)
for (e <- list) yield
which is very close to the expected code.

Map from Class[T] to T without casting

I want to map from class tokens to instances along the lines of the following code:
trait Instances {
def put[T](key: Class[T], value: T)
def get[T](key: Class[T]): T
Can this be done without having to resolve to casts in the get method?
How could this be done for the more general case with some Foo[T] instead of Class[T]?
You can try retrieving the object from your map as an Any, then using your Class[T] to “cast reflectively”:
trait Instances {
private val map = collection.mutable.Map[Class[_], Any]()
def put[T](key: Class[T], value: T) { map += (key -> value) }
def get[T](key: Class[T]): T = key.cast(map(key))
With help of a friend of mine, we defined the map with keys as Manifest instead of Class which gives a better api when calling.
I didnt get your updated question about "general case with some Foo[T] instead of Class[T]". But this should work for the cases you specified.
object Instances {
private val map = collection.mutable.Map[Manifest[_], Any]()
def put[T: Manifest](value: T) = map += manifest[T] -> value
def get[T: Manifest]: T = map(manifest[T]).asInstanceOf[T]
def main (args: Array[String] ) {
If you want to do this without any casting (even within get) then you will need to write a heterogeneous map. For reasons that should be obvious, this is tricky. :-) The easiest way would probably be to use a HList-like structure and build a find function. However, that's not trivial since you need to define some way of checking type equality for two arbitrary types.
I attempted to get a little tricky with tuples and existential types. However, Scala doesn't provide a unification mechanism (pattern matching doesn't work). Also, subtyping ties the whole thing in knots and basically eliminates any sort of safety it might have provided:
val xs: List[(Class[A], A) forSome { type A }] = List(
classOf[String] -> "foo", classOf[Int] -> 42)
val search = classOf[String]
val finalResult = xs collect { case (`search`, result) => result } headOption
In this example, finalResult will be of type Any. This is actually rightly so, since subtyping means that we don't really know anything about A. It's not why the compiler is choosing that type, but it is a correct choice. Take for example:
val xs: List[(Class[A], A) forSome { type A }] = List(classOf[Boolean] -> 'bippy)
This is totally legal! Subtyping means that A in this case will be chosen as Any. It's hardly what we want, but it is what you will get. Thus, in order to express this constraint without tracking all of the types individual (using a HMap), Scala would need to be able to express the constraint that a type is a specific type and nothing else. Unfortunately, Scala does not have this ability, and so we're basically stuck on the generic constraint front.
Update Actually, it's not legal. Just tried it and the compiler kicked it out. I think that only worked because Class is invariant in its type parameter. So, if Foo is a definite type that is invariant, you should be safe from this case. It still doesn't solve the unification problem, but at least it's sound. Unfortunately, type constructors are assumed to be in a magical super-position between co-, contra- and invariance, so if it's truly an arbitrary type Foo of kind * => *, then you're still sunk on the existential front.
In summary: it should be possible, but only if you fully encode Instances as a HMap. Personally, I would just cast inside get. Much simpler!