scala type 'extraction' - scala

This might not be the most correct terminology but what I mean by boxed type is Box[T] for type T. So Option[Int] is a boxed Int.
How might one go about extracting these types? My naive attempt:
type X[Box[E]] = E //doesn't compile. E not found
type boxed = Option[Int]
type parameter = X[boxed] //this is the syntax I would like to achieve
implicitly[parameter =:= Int] //this should compile
Is there any way to do this? Apart from the Apocalisp blog I have hard time finding instructions on type-level meta-programming in Scala.

I can only imagine two situations. Either you use type parameters, then if you use such a higher-kinded-type, e.g. as argument to a method, you will have its type parameter duplicated in the method generics:
trait Box[E]
def doSomething[X](b: Box[X]) { ... } // parameter re-stated as `X`
or you have type members, then you can refer to them per instance:
trait Box { type E }
def doSomething(b: Box) { type X = b.E }
...or generally
def doSomething(x: Box#E) { ... }
So I think you need to rewrite your question in terms of what you actually want to achieve.


Scala: Casting results of groupBy(_.getClass)

In this hypothetical, I have a list of operations to be executed. Some of the operations in that list will be more efficient if they can be batched together (eg, lookup up different rows from the same table in a database).
trait Result
trait BatchableOp[T <: BatchableOp[T]] {
def resolve(batch: Vector[T]): Vector[Result]
Here we use F-bounded Polymorphism to allow the implementation of the operation to refer to its own type, which is highly convenient.
However, this poses a problem when it comes time to execute:
def execute(operations: Vector[BatchableOp[_]]): Vector[Result] = {
def helper[T <: BatchableOp[T]](clazz: Class[T], batch: Vector[T]): Vector[Result] =
.flatMap { case (clazz, batch) => helper(clazz, batch)}
This results in a compiler error stating inferred type arguments [BatchableOp[_]] do not conform to method helper's type parameter bounds [T <: BatchableOp[T]].
How can the Scala compiler be convinced that the group is all of the same type (which is a subclass of BatchableOp)?
One workaround is to specify the type explicitly, but in this case the type is unknown.
Another workaround relies on enumerating the child types, but I'd like to not have to update the execute method after implementing a new BatchableOp type.
I would like to approach the question systematically, so that the same solution strategy can be applied in similar cases.
First, an obvious remark: you want to work with a vector. The content of the vector can be of different types. The length of the vector is not limited. The number of types of entries of the vector is not limited. Therefore, the compiler cannot prove everything at compile time: you will have to use something like asInstanceOf at some point.
Now to the solution of the actual question:
This here compiles under 2.12.4:
import scala.language.existentials
trait Result
type BOX = BatchableOp[X] forSome { type X <: BatchableOp[X] }
trait BatchableOp[C <: BatchableOp[C]] {
def resolve(batch: Vector[C]): Vector[Result]
// not abstract, needed only once!
def collectSameClassInstances(batch: Vector[BOX]): Vector[C] = {
for (b <- batch if this.getClass.isAssignableFrom(b.getClass))
yield b.asInstanceOf[C]
// not abstract either, no additional hassle for subclasses!
def collectAndResolve(batch: Vector[BOX]): Vector[Result] =
def execute(operations: Vector[BOX]): Vector[Result] = {
.flatMap{ case (_, batch) =>
The main problem that I see here is that in Scala (unlike in some experimental dependently typed languages) there is no simple way to write down complex computations "under the assumption of existence of a type".
Therefore, it seems difficult / impossible to transform
Vector[BatchOp[T] forSome T]
into a
Vector[BatchOp[T]] forSome T
Here, the first type says: "it's a vector of batchOps, their types are unknown, and can be all different", whereas the second type says: "it's a vector of batchOps of unknown type T, but at least we know that they are all the same".
What you want is something like the following hypothetical language construct:
val vec1: Vector[BatchOp[T] forSome T] = ???
val vec2: Vector[BatchOp[T]] forSome T =
assumingExistsSomeType[C <: BatchOp[C]] yield {
/* `C` now available inside this scope `S` */[C])
Unfortunately, we don't have anything like it for existential types, we can't introduce a helper type C in some scope S such that when C is eliminated, we are left with an existential (at least I don't see a general way to do it).
Therefore, the only interesting question that is to be answered here is:
Given a Vector[BatchOp[X] forSome X] for which I know that there is one common type C such that they all are actually Vector[C], where is the scope in which this C is present as a usable type variable?
It turns out that BatchableOp[C] itself has a type variable C in scope. Therefore, I can add a method collectSameClassInstances to BachableOp[C], and this method will actually have some type C available that it can use in the return type. Then I can immediately pass the result of collectSameClassInstances to the resolve method, and then I get a completely benign Vector[Result] type as output.
Final remark: If you decide to write any code with F-bounded polymorphisms and existentials, at least make sure that you have documented very clearly what exactly you are doing there, and how you will ensure that this combination does not escape in any other parts of the codebase. It doesn't feel like a good idea to expose such interfaces to the users. Keep it localized, make sure these abstractions do not leak anywhere.
Andrey's answer has a key insight that the only scope with the appropriate type variable is on the BatchableOp itself. Here's a reduced version that doesn't rely on importing existentials:
trait Result
trait BatchableOp[T <: BatchableOp[T]] {
def resolve(batch: Vector[T]): Vector[Result]
def unsafeResolve(batch: Vector[BatchableOp[_]]): Vector[Result] = {
def execute(operations: Vector[BatchableOp[_]]): Vector[Result] = {
.flatMap{ case (_, batch) =>

What does `SomeType[_]` mean in scala?

Going through Play Form source code right now and encountered this
def bindFromRequest()(implicit request: play.api.mvc.Request[_]): Form[T] = {
I am guessing it takes request as an implicit parameter (you don't have to call bindFromRequet(request)) of type play.api.mvc.Request[_] and return a generic T type wrapped in Form class. But what does [_] mean.
The notation Foo[_] is a short hand for an existential type:
Foo[A] forSome {type A}
So it differs from a normal type parameter by being existentially quantified. There has to be some type so your code type checks where as if you would use a type parameter for the method or trait it would have to type check for every type A.
For example this is fine:
val list = List("asd");
def doSomething() {
val l: List[_] = list
This would not typecheck:
def doSomething[A]() {
val l: List[A] = list
So existential types are useful in situations where you get some parameterized type from somewhere but you do not know and care about the parameter (or only about some bounds of it etc.)
In general, you should avoid existential types though, because they get complicated fast. A lot of instances (especially the uses known from Java (called wildcard types there)) can be avoided be using variance annotations when designing your class hierarchy.
The method doesn't take a play.api.mvc.Request, it takes a play.api.mvc.Request parameterized with another type. You could give the type parameter a name:
def bindFromRequest()(implicit request: play.api.mvc.Request[TypeParameter]): Form[T] = {
But since you're not referring to TypeParameter anywhere else it's conventional to use an underscore instead. I believe the underscore is special cased as a 'black hole' here, rather than being a regular name that you could refer to as _ elsewhere in the type signature.

F-Bounded Polymorphic return types in Scala?

I'm going crazy trying to make F-Bounded Polymorphism work as I want in Scala.
The following code will not compile:
object TestTypeBounds {
trait Upper[T <: Upper[T]] {
def map() : T
class Impl extends Upper[Impl] {
def map() : Impl = this
type Arr = Upper[T] forSome {type T <: Upper[T]}
def testBounds() {
// Though any is specified as the type parameter, the definition of Upper specifies
// an upper bound of Upper
val upper: Upper[_] = new Impl()
// This must 'logically' be an Upper, but the compiler thinks it's an Any
val mapped =
// This line will fail!
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
The problem here is that the compiler complains that the type of mapped is Any, and therefore it has no method map. It's not clear to me why the compiler does not assign mapped the type Upper since this is in fact the upper type bound of the parameter type of Upper, even if any was specified in this instance.
Note that replacing the type of "val upper...:" with the alias Arr would work, because now Scala can see that the type is recursive and will always be an Upper. Unfortunately, this approach does also not work for me because I am implementing a Java library which passes Upper[_] arguments to functions, and these then run into the above problem. The compiler also does not accept code where such functions are overridden as having "Arr" arguments, i.e. the alias does not work in that scenario.
Edit: The final paragraph is not entirely correct, see my answer below
As #Rado Buransky pointed out, you cannot just omit the type constructor parameter by using an underscore. The following works for example:
def testBounds[T <: Upper[T]](make: => T): Unit = {
val upper: T = make
val mapped =
testBounds(new Impl)
Also this, using an existential type:
def testBounds: Unit = {
val upper: Upper[T] forSome { type T <: Upper[T] } = new Impl
val mapped =
My view on this is that you should not use underscore "_". It tells the compiler that you don't care about the type parameter. But you do. I know that there is the upper bound, but probably there is an optimization which makes the compiler really don't care.
Just a hint, sometimes, for me, if nothing works, there is always the asInstanceOf[T] method. Maybe this helps you:
def giveMeUpper[T <: Upper[T]] = (new Impl).asInstanceOf[Upper[T]]
val upper = giveMeUpper[Impl]
In terms of the 'pure' Scala part of the question, 0__ is correct and I have accepted his answer.
Regarding the Java Part: It turns out that if a Java function returns Upper and the Upper interface is defined in Java equivalently to the Scala implementation above, then the compiler does in fact correctly assign it the type Upper[_$2] forSome {type $2 <: Upper[$2]} - i.e. it interoperates correctly. The final problem I had was in fact caused by implicit functions defined in Scala that still returned Upper[_]. Mea Culpa.

Covariance and method parameters

I have a confusing problem in my project and can't quite solve it, so please help me!
Here is a sample code that simplifies my original one:
trait Sample[A] {
def doit(param: A)
case object SampleEx1 extends Sample[Int] {
def doit(param: Int) = {
param + 0
Now I need to make A covariance for outer reasons, but it results in an error as commented out:
trait Sample[+A] {
def doit(param: A) // ERR: covariant type A occurs in contravariant position in type A of value param
case object SampleEx1 extends Sample[Int] {
def doit(param: Int) = {
param + 0
So I stacoverflowed and found a solution with another type B, but then another error happens:
trait Sample[+A] {
def doit[B >: A](param: B)
case object SampleEx1 extends Sample[Int] {
def doit[Int](param: Int) = {
param + 0 // type mismatch; found : Int(0) required: String
Apparently param is no longer Int because of [B >: Int].
I tried solving this one with myself and with google but couldn't get it. Could anyone help? Thank you so much! :))
The first error covariant type A occurs in contravariant position in type A of value param means that if a generic type Foo declares itself to be covariant over T (i.e. Foo[+T]), it means that its methods can only return T and not require it. Otherwise type consistency will be violated. For instance you could pass in an instance of Sample[Dog] where Sample[Animal] is required, and then something could call doit(new Duck) on it, even though Sample[Dog]#doit can only handle instances of Dog. However, return values behave the exact opposite way in this context (I'll let you figure out why).
However this
def doit[Int](param: Int)
means doit has a type parameter called Int, which has nothing to do with the Int type (although it sure does seem like it does at first impression, which is why you should never use type parameter names that coincide with the names of other/built-in types). So the error you're getting is because Int in that context means "any type", and using + on any type will fall back to string concatenation as opposed to arithmetic addition.
instead you need (to correctly inherit from Sample[+A]):
def doit[B >: Int](param: B)
however, that will still not allow you to do addition on param because param is now any supertype of Int, not Int itself or a subtype thereof.
So I do not see how you can "fix" this—the way variance works fundamentally simply doesn't allow for generic types to be covariant over method parameters. This has nothing to do with Scala really. But see e.g. or for more information on how variance works and why it has to work exactly like it does (in any language implementing correct variance rules).
I think a better way in general to get a really helpful answer on Stackoverflow is to also describe what you really need to achieve, not just the implementation you've been working on so far.

Type parameters versus member types in Scala

I'd like to know how do the member types work in Scala, and how should I associate types.
One approach is to make the associated type a type parameter. The advantages of this approach is that I can prescribe the variance of the type, and I can be sure that a subtype doesn't change the type. The disadvantages are, that I cannot infer the type parameter from the type in a function.
The second approach is to make the associated type a member of the second type, which has the problem that I can't prescribe bounds on the subtypes' associated types and therefore, I can't use the type in function parameters (when x : X, X#T might not be in any relation with x.T)
A concrete example would be:
I have a trait for DFAs (could be without the type parameter)
trait DFA[S] { /* S is the type of the symbols in the alphabet */
trait State { def next(x : S); }
/* final type Sigma = S */
and I want to create a function for running this DFA over an input sequence, and I want
the function must take anything <% Seq[alphabet-type-of-the-dfa] as input sequence type
the function caller needn't specify the type parameters, all must be inferred
I'd like the function to be called with the concrete DFA type (but if there is a solution where the function would not have a type parameter for the DFA, it's OK)
the alphabet types must be unconstrained (ie. there must be a DFA for Char as well as for a yet unknown user-defined class)
the DFAs with different alphabet types are not subtypes
I tried this:
def runDFA[S, D <: DFA[S], SQ <% Seq[S]](d : D)(seq : SQ) = ....
this works, except the type S is not inferred here, so I have to write the whole type parameter list on each call site.
def runDFA[D <: DFA[S] forSome { type S }, SQ <% Seq[D#Sigma]]( ... same as above
this didn't work (invalid circular reference to type D??? (what is it?))
I also deleted the type parameter, created an abstract type Sigma and tried binding that type in the concrete classes. runDFA would look like
def runDFA[D <: DFA, SQ <% Seq[D#Sigma]]( ... same as above
but this inevitably runs into problems like "type mismatch: expected dfa.Sigma, got D#Sigma"
Any ideas? Pointers?
As the answers indicate there is no simple way of doing this, could somebody elaborate more on why is it impossible and what would have to be changed so it worked?
The reasons I want runDFA ro be a free function (not a method) is that I want other similar functions, like automaton minimization, regular language operations, NFA-to-DFA conversions, language factorization etc. and having all of this inside one class is just against almost any principle of OO design.
First off, you don't need the parameterisation SQ <% Seq[S]. Write the method parameter as Seq[S]. If SQ <% Seq[S] then any instance of it is implicitly convertable to Seq[S] (that's what <% means), so when passed as Seq[S] the compiler will automatically insert the conversion.
Additionally, what Jorge said about type parameters on D and making it a method on DFA hold. Because of the way inner classes work in Scala I would strongly advise putting runDFA on DFA. Until the path dependent typing stuff works, dealing with inner classes of some external class can be a bit of a pain.
So now you have
trait DFA[S]{
def runDFA(seq : Seq[S]) = ...
And runDFA is all of a sudden rather easy to infer type parameters for: It doesn't have any.
Scala's type inference sometimes leaves much to be desired.
Is there any reason why you can't have the method inside your DFA trait?
def run[SQ <% Seq[S]](seq: SQ)
If you don't need the D param later, you can also try defining your method without it:
def runDFA[S, SQ <% Seq[S]](d: DFA[S])(seq: SQ) = ...
Some useful info on how the two differs :
From the the shapeless guide:
Without type parameters you cannot make dependent types , for example
trait Generic[A] {
type Repr
def to(value: A): Repr
def from(value: Repr): A
import shapeless.Generic
def getRepr[A](value: A)(implicit gen: Generic[A]) =
Here the type returned by to depends on the input type A (because the supplied implicit depends on A):
case class Vec(x: Int, y: Int)
case class Rect(origin: Vec, size: Vec)
getRepr(Vec(1, 2))
// res1: shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.HNil]] = 1 :: 2 ::
getRepr(Rect(Vec(0, 0), Vec(5, 5)))
// res2: shapeless.::[Vec,shapeless.::[Vec,shapeless.HNil]] = Vec(0,0)
:: Vec(5,5) :: HNil
without type members this would be impossible :
trait Generic2[A, Repr]
def getRepr2[A, R](value: A)(implicit generic: Generic2[A, R]): R =
We would have had to pass the desired value of Repr to getRepr as a
type parameter, effec vely making getRepr useless. The intui ve
take-away from this is that type parameters are useful as “inputs” and
type members are useful as “outputs”.
please see the shapeless guide for details.