Where can i find the reference to a link giving an error? - eclipse

Using libgdx and just trying to get the HTML version of the basic setup is driving me crazy. I get this error
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/me/mygdxgame/GwtDefinition.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] shell failed in doStartup method
this happens unless i actually named my app com.me.mygdxgame
i can't find any mention of this link(com.me.mygdxgame) any where in any of the .xml files and don't know where eclipse is getting it from. It gets that error on loading the index.html file but even in it the links are correct. Any help would be appreciated.
and i just searched for any mention of mygdxgame in all file in the workspace and got back 0

OK found out what it was.
The war directory was somehow getting cross linked to a same named game so no matter how many times i remade it it was getting linked to an old folder i had before. So even though all the directory's in the properties looked right the war folder was wrong. to fix it i had to un-check the "This project has a war folder" from the property's |Google|Web Application tab apply it then i tried running it as a web app it told me i didn't have a war directory so it would not run. That part may not be necessary but when i rechecked the box and re-selected the only war folder it would let me. the next time i ran i got to re-select the war folder from a full directory and not just my projects directory. This fixed the problem.
Just to clarify Eclipse seems to save war folder information by the name of the folder in which the project is contained what happened in my case was i had created a folder called MyGame in which i stored a project named com.me.mygdxgame the default for using libgdx. later i renamed that folder MyGame_old and started over with a new MyGame folder in which i named the project anything else doesn't matter the point is it never asked me for the war folder when i went to run it the first time, it just assumed somehow i was using the old one which was now in MyGame_old don't know how it found it but it did. so it was reading old files with bad links.
hopefully this might help someone else with this problem.

I came across this error as well but your suggested fix didn't work for me. After some investigating, here is what I did to get it to run: open the "Run Configurations" for the project and then click on the "Arguments" tab. Remove any reference to the com.me.mygdxgame.GwtDefintion in the arguments.
After this, project ran error free. Hope this helps.

After reading some posts it was clear that this problem was caused by GWT. One main reason for this problem is you are constantly reusing the same port and GWT is reusing the old properties.
There is really simple fix for this.
right click -html project.
Run-> run configuration.
Go to server tab.
check automatically select an unused port.
Press apply and


LibGDX Assets are not updating

I have changed some image files in my assets folder and they are appearing correctly in the Package Explorer of Eclipse but when I run my game the new versions do not appear and the old versions are still being used. When I add a new file and try to use it in code I get a "Couldn't load file" error, even though it is appearing in the file hierarchy. It seems like my assets are stuck as what they were 6 hours ago all of a sudden. What could cause this?
EDIT: The only thing I can think of is that I added new dependencies to the build.gradle file, and I think that was around the time new resources stopped loading. Could that be connected?
Have you tried doing Project->Clean, followed by a Project->Build All?
Eclipse will most likely not recompile your project automatically, if you do not change the source and just swap out some resources. Thus, your old resource files still reside in the build folder (and in the path at run time).
Your new files only seem to be present in the source folder and are not used at run time.
You can try deleting the bin folder in the project and then rebuilding. This will definitely change it.
The above is not, a permanent fix.

Eclipse: "'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a pro‍blem."

I'm using Eclipse Indigo on Mac 10.7.4. While working, I get these periodic, annoying dialogs
'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a problem.
Could not write metadata for '/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders'.
/Users/davea/Dropbox/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders/.markers.snap (No such file or directory)
I seem to be able to continue as normal, but I was wondering how I can eliminate these errors.
I had the same problem.
'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a problem.
Could not write metadata for '/External Files'. D:\java\fuentes\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\External
Files\.markers.snap (El sistema no puede hallar la ruta especificada)
I created the folder "External Files" and it worked fine. In a few minutes the files ".markers.snap" and ".syncinfo.snap" appeared in this folder and the message didn´t appear any more.
I fixed mine by closing eclipse and deleting the whole .metadata folder inside my workspace folder.
Today I faced the same issue consistently, whenever I exit the eclipse.
While trying the above solution provided by TS.xy, the below steps got rid of this issue for now.
Switch to new workspace and close the Eclipse.
Open the Eclipse with new workspace and after that switch to the actual workspace(in which
exception occurs).
Actual workspace loaded with all my previous projects.
Now exiting the Eclipse, does not result in that exception.
Hope that this step may work for someone.
Just for another data point, none of the above helped my situation. The way I finally got past this issue is that each time Eclipse complained about some folder not being there, I went on my hard drive and created the folder. E.g. after I see
Could not write metadata for '/servers'.
C:\...\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\servers\.markers.snap (The system cannot find the path specified.)
I create the "servers" folder (not the file inside it). This gets me to the next error. I went through 3-4 of these iterations (exiting Eclipse each time to force the save) before the issues went away.
HTH, Mark
This was simple for me -
(pre) the listed directory is not present, see pic
Run Eclipse, see the error shown in pic below. Close Eclipse
Create the directory (RemoteSystemsTempFiles) where it is looking
note: ignore the items in this folder (e.g. .markers), they are auto-generated
Restart Eclipse, problem solved!
Example Problem Message
Not sure why this took me so long to resolve, but quite easy now, and quite obvious in retrospect! ;)...
Using Ubuntu, got the same issue
I noticed that the owner of some of the directories in
~/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/ ...etc...
was root
changed owner to me and the error stopped happening.
Looks like the same sort of issue may be caused by multiple causes.
Close the Eclipse , Clear the .metadata folder completely.. Start Eclipse & Import the necessary project once again if your project references are deleted..
The solution that work for me is the following:
Delete .metadata folder
Restart eclipse
Solved it by setting workspace on a local folder, and set data from import project, from existing resources.
I encountered the same problem , my resolution was to rename the the folder name under the workspace folder. i.e. com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.alertmanager.embedded was renamed to com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.alertmanager.2embeddedxx and rebuilt my project.
In my case, because I've accidentally deleted my workspace folder, and I observed the 'Periodic workspace save has encountered a problem". To solve this issue, I just simply create a new workspace and load all my projects to the new one. Hope you can solve your problem by doing the same thing.
I also ran into this problem. My situation was a little different. I was using 'working sets' to group my projects inside of eclipse. What I had done was attempt to delete a project and received errors while deleting. Ignoring the errors I removed the project from my working set and thus didn't see that I even had the project anymore. When I received my error I didn't think to look through my package explorer with 'projects', opposed to working sets, as my top view. After switching to a top level view of projects I found the project that was half deleted and was able to delete its contents from both my workspace and the hard drive.
I haven't had the error since.
I had gotten a little too aggressive about removing some directories in my project area when I was running out of disk space, and deleted this directory. Eclipse can leave some huge core files if it crashes in your workspace directories, (I had 35 gig of them) so it's worth taking a look there in your workspaces occasionally.
Anyway, as per the problem I tried the 'create a directory' approach. And it worked.
I was also seeing this error when I closed Eclipse by the way, not only after the 'periodic save'. So the exit/restart was also part of this.
Note that the last item on the directory path specified in the error message is a file -- not a directory, so don't get confused here. Probably worth checking that the directory permissions are created correctly as well (as the other projects in the workspace I think).
Obviously this is a bug in the Eclipse code base, (creating the full directory path under the file that is being created), but had I not deleted it in the first place, I would not have caused it in the first place.
I have the same problem since yesterday. Yesterday, I fixed it by creating a new workspace and reimporting the projects. It seemed to work well, but today it started again.
So, today I created the folder and the file manually and gave the full permissions -rwxrwxrwx.
Seems to work again...
Close Eclipse. Open RemoteSystemsTempFiles folder in Workspace, and clear inside this folder. Again open eclipse and close, warn about .project. Press Ok, then open Eclipse.
Solved my problem that.
I ran into this problem today after they switched our anti-virus software to Kaspersky.
In my case, the platform is Windows 7. My workspace is stored on mapped network drive. The strange thing is that, even though this appears to be a permission issue, I could manipulate files and folders at the same level as the inaccessible file without incident. So far, the only two workarounds are to move the workspace to the local drive or to uninstall Kaspersky. Removing and re-installing Kaspersky without the firewall feature did not do the trick.
I will update this answer if and when we find a more accommodating solution, though I expect that will involve adjusting the anti-virus software, not Eclipse.
In my case, the drive I was storing my workspace on had become full downloading SDK updates full and I just needed to clear some space on it.
This happened to me because i deleted one of the resources files inside the .metadata folder in my workspace.
After trying all methods, deleting the .metadata folder in my workspace worked.
Infact, this nuke option seems to work when there are a lot of issues related to eclipse bugs. One such example is working-sets. Working-sets are extremely buggy(but useful) and it is there that most of my eclipse problems start.
Hope this helps someone.
I solved the problem switching the workspace.
Go to File (Switch workspace)
Select the destination and create a folder named Workspace
Run a Hello World and close Eclipse (notice that Eclipse creates the folder RemoteSystemsTempFiles automatically)
now copy all your projects into the new folder Workspace
Open Eclipse and if necessary (sometimes Eclipse does not show the projects) import all of them (go to File/ Open projects from File System)
After you exit the eclipse, there would be an specific failed reason.
Mine is that the DISK IS FULL so the eclipse can't write into it anymore.
Agree with #J-Dizzle,
I am a beginner in web-development and had a hard time solving this today.
Had similar problems when I was creating a SpringBoot project in STS.
Tried most of the solutions mentioned but they didn't work.
Tried removing .metadata folder and re-building my springboot project but still nothing worked.
NOTE : I had multiple workspace in STS and this error occurred after migrating a project from one workspace to another.
Solution : All you need to do is restart your eclipse/STS IDE and it will work just fine.

MVC2 publish failing due to image that was removed

I have recently tried to deploy my MVC2 application and have had great success in the past. Now, I have removed an image that was no longer needed and I'm no longer able to publish the application. I keep getting:
Error 54 Copying file Images\xxx.jpg
failed. Could not find file
How do I get rid of this error so I can publish my application again?
Ah hah! A question I can answer!
I would make sure that any references to the file(s) in question are removed from the project.
If you see any files that have an exclamation mark next to it, exclude these from the project.
Installer? If so, that is where the reference to the image is. You can either rebuild the output of the package (delete and reset) or manually prune the reference.
Is there a reference to it in the project file?
Unload your project (right click on the project -> Unload Project)
Edit the project (right click on the project -> Edit Project)
Search for the image name in the project XML file.

Please help with EclipseIDE message: "No appropriate file located or no file selected. Debug Terminated"

I'm always getting this message in alert box.
Please tell me what should I do to avoid it?
Thank you
Ensure you've added PHP support to your project and have adjusted your PHP Include Path Source such that the project is contained within the Source directory.
The reason why I was getting this message and my solution see here
XDebug, how to disable remote debugging for single .php file?
I have also been having this problem, and I do not want to disable remote debugging.
After fruitlessly trying many different combinations of configuration, I tried deleting my Eclipse project and recreating it. Now the project debugs perfectly!
I guess my project (which is large and quite old) has become somehow corrupted or tangled. I only tried it because a newer project was debugging fine, so I was pretty sure my settings were right. I hope this helps someone.
You also get error this if you are missing project include path under your project settings: PHP Include Path > Source.
create a new project with path settings the folder at the source of your project ( that includes all your project files )

Why are static library headers not found?

I've used Clint Harris' tutorial to set up code sharing between projects, and everything works just as expected on my computer. But on my co-worker's machine, it seems the compiler doesn't find the header file from the static library project when he builds.
My co-worker got my project by cloning a git repository. We've gone through all relevant build flags and XCode settings n times, but the project simply refuses to compile on his machine.
This is what I asked my co-worker to do, mostly copied and pasted from the tutorial:
Make sure there is NO blank space in the complete path to the projects' directory.
Inside the projects directory, create another folder called "build_output".
In XCode, under “XCode > Preferences" choose the "Building” tab and set “Place Build Projects in” to “Customized location” and specify the path to the common build directory you created.
Set “Place Intermediate Build Files in” to “With build products.”
Choose the “Source Trees” tab and create a new Source Tree variable by clicking on the “+” button and filling in the columns. In both "Setting Name" and "Display Name", put
[the name of the shared project which created the static library]. In path, you put the full path to the framework folder.
Following these steps, the project that uses the static library should compile the same on his machine as on mine. But it doesn't. Basically, the error he gets is:
error: TheFrameworkHeader.h: No such file or directory
and then a string of other errors caused by the missing header.
Any strategies for trouble-shooting this? Or anyone who had a similar experience and could share some hard-earned knowledge? Is anything missing from the instructions I've summarized? Do I need to set the roles of headers in the Copy Headers build phase when compiling a static library?
Despite some helpful advice, I never figured this one out, but here's a little info for anyone in a similar situation. I created the library and dependent project by splitting an original project into two. At first, the library and application were just two targets within the same project. Later, I moved the app to a separate project. Everything seemed to work, and I pushed both projects to remote git repositories. When these were cloned on other computers, however, the library headers were not found.
Later, I discover that the same error occurred when I cloned the projects on the original computer. After a lot of struggle, I pinned it down to one scary detail: the name of the dependent project's folder! (That is, the project with the application, not the library.) Not the name of the .xcodeproject package, not the application identifier, but the name of the containing folder. As soon as I change that, everything works. If I change it back to the original name (on any computer), again the headers are not found.
If anyone has any insight on this, please post an answer!
EDIT: Since I posted this, the same problem occured with another project, and again, merely renaming the folder that contains the .xcodeproject folder fixed the problem.
I don't think it is Git, I think it's xcode. I got a very similar problem here, where xcode / xcodebuild resolves an include path falsely (making it a simple .) With the exactly the same library project and xcconfig files (clean checkout from svn repo) but another containing folder - it works. So, thanx for the solution and don't blame Git anymore ;-)
I often forget to check this: are you sure that the missing file (i.e., TheFrameWorkHeader.h" is in the git repository? It may well be that your build settings are correct, but the file somehow did not get added to git correctly.
If you're having trouble building on a particular machine, then the problem likely is a machine or user setting. Such as an environment variable (perhaps INCLUDE_PATH or one of its relatives -- XCode uses GCC). You may have a "." in one of these variables.
The best way to fix this would be to add the needed folder path to the -I switch in the build script.
Double check that the "Search Paths->User Header Search Paths" build setting (for all configurations) points to the directory containing the shared Xcode project (you can use the new Source Tree variable you created).