PhoneGap - Writing to the iCloud directory? - iphone

My app is telling me that my iCloud ubiquity container is here:
When I try to get the directory with fileSystem.root.getDirectory, I error and don't get a DirectoryEntry. I tried window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI, but that also ends with error.
How do I get an entry for this directory, so that I can write to it?

Use a javascript bridge. iCloud has so much setup and error handling that it's not really possible to handle this entirely in javascript without a complex wrapper of some kind.


Flutter: Reading and Writing User Visible Files

I am looking for something along the lines of getExternalStorageDirectory that is available in both iOS and android. The purpose of this directory is to save and retrieve .json configuration files that would be later read back by the application. However the normal getApplicationDocumentsDirectory isn't really what I need. The user is likely to want direct access to the saved files to send them to friends, forums, etc.
Workflows might include:
User A emails a config to User B
User uploads a configuration to a forum
User downloads a configuration from a forum
User creates a configuration offline using a json editor
It seems like I must be missing something obvious here as this seems like a common requirement but I have not found a suitable way to do this.
Assuming we're speaking of the path_provider plugin, it actually contains a function called getExternalStorageDirectory, though, as the documentation states, iOS prohibits the user from arbitrarily accessing any directory on the device. I would suggest checking for the platform. If on Android, use getExternalStorageDirectory for Android, and if on iOS, use getApplicationDocumentsDirectory and make it visible to the user. More on that here: How to save a text file in external storage in ios using flutter?
Can't think of any other way of achieving this, since iOS is very strict when it comes to file management (or anything else, really).

Is there a way to run a script on iOS?

I need to define a processing rule for web data in iOS and thought it would be a good idea to pull the processing rule as a script file from my server and execute it on the iOS device, since the web API I'm interacting with might change URLs or response syntax and I need to be able to fix such issues fast and cannot rely on pushing an update (takes forever).
I wanted to do it with a small JS file that is pulled from my server every once and a while, but unfortunately iOS doesn't include the JavaScriptCore framework.
Are there other options?
Apple developer agreement will not let you run a downloaded, interpreted script, on the device.
Your best bet is probably downloading a data structure (potentially in JSON format) and parse that and take some predefined actions in your client code based on that, rather than trying to execute the downloaded code directly.
You can let a UIWebView run a Javascript snippet, or you could use another scripting language like LUA (don't forget to add LUA for this). The real problem is: You are not allowed to download code from a webserver or somewhere else. Everything must either be already on the device, or calculated at runtime.
Depending on the information that you want, you could use an XML file that includes the new URLs and parse it, but I don't know if this fits your need.
You can compile JavaScriptCore into your app, evidently, and have it approved by Apple. However, as Mehrdad notes, any scripts run in the app must already be in the app at the time the app is reviewed.

problem with connection of facebook in my app for iPhone

I have complete code of facebook connection. But When i dragged the complete code into my application then 112 errors will occurs. wherever i have use use that code "FBConnect/FBConnectGlobal.h"Then error will arises "FBConnect/FBConnectionGlobal.h" No such file or directory. Even i have given all the path in project setting/project active setting.
So please tell me some solution how to rectify some solution. and also tell me exact place where i have set the path and what to give in that path
I think Ayaz is right, you checked of the "copy items.." box. However, try and start over, deleting the FBConnect folder and do it without copying it. If you start changing the headers you will probably have to do it for all the classes and if there is an update to the FBConnect library you need to start all over again.

Core Data store corruption

A handful of customers for my iPhone app are experiencing Core Data store corruption (I assume so, since the error is "Failed to save to data store: Operation could not be completed. (Cocoa error 259.)")
Has anyone else experienced this kind of store corruption? I am worried since I aim to soon push an update which performs a schema migration, and I am worried that this will expose even more problems.
I had assumed that the Core Data/SQLlite APIs use atomic operations and are immune to corruption except if the underlying filesystem experiences corruption.
Is there a way to reduce/prevent corruption, and a way to reproduce the corruption so I can test this (I have been unsuccessful thus far).
Also getting this error: "The database at /var/mobile/Applications//Documents/foo.sqlite is corrupted. SQLite error code 11, database disk image is malformed."
It happens to me when I manually overwrote my Base.sqlite without deleting Base.sqlite-wal and Base.sqlite-shm. Indeed, these files are new SQLite 3.7 features, maybe added in iOS 7.
To resolve the problem, I deleted Base.sqlite-* and sqlite regenerated them from my new base version.
Also attempt to replicate the error by filling the drive on the Device -- you should receive a disk full error instead of the database corrupting, but it may be possible to get a corrupted database in this manner.
The error you're getting is defined in Foundation.h
NSFileReadCorruptFileError = 259, // Read error (file corrupt, bad format, etc)
I've never encountered it with an actual store but I have hit something similar with bad permissions (on the Mac.) I haven't seen anyone mention a similar error online either. The error prevention systems in Core Data are fairly robust.
I would guess that the easiest way to create this would be send the persistent store to look at the wrong file such as accidentally targeting it at a text file. If it expects an SQL store but finds something else it will complain that the file is corrupt. That's just a shot in the dark.
This will be hard to track down because errors like this are so rare in Core Data that there aren't any tools to assist finding the problem.
I would recommend:
Checking upstream of where the error is coming from code. Perhaps something is throwing the store off or is causing it to look in another place.
Check anywhere you might do something non-standard. For example, if you generate your own entity map in code, its easy to throw it off if your not careful.
For clarity, using Xcode 7.2.1, SQLite data store, Core Data object graph, for a prototype app.
My problem was detailed by the Xcode terminal as:
CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error. The database at
/Users/etc/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/etc/data/Containers/Data/Application/etc/Library/Application Support/com.etc.etc/etc.sqlite is corrupted.
SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'.
Effectively my app was able to load and read the SQLite data, but was unable to save.
This answer by SO user software evolved made sense to me. While using Simulator I was fairly certain I had interrupted a save operation on a managed object context with private queue concurrency type NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType.
Further investigation (using SQLiteManager) revealed the SQLite table I had been saving to at the time was the cause of this problem.
I could have easily deleted the app (no public release yet) however I wanted to understand at least how to repair this problem.
Notes from this experience:
In the app delegate under the UIApplicationDelegate Protocol - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application, if your managed object context hasChanges be sure to include a database save method;
If using more than one queue, use the Home button to trigger the delegate method in item 1 before clicking the stop button in Xcode;
Repair the damaged database file - I developed a solution detailed below from the answer outlined on this webpage Fixing the SQLite error “The database disk image is malformed”.
SQLite Database File Repair Method:
Open terminal [terminal/sqlite commands];
Navigate to the appropriate file location [cd];
For backup purposes, make a copy of the 'malformed' database file (e.g.dbMalFormedBU.sqlite) (that can be deleted later if the repair is successful) [cp];
To be certain, delete the dbMalFormed.sqlite-shm and dbMalFormed.sqlite-wal files [rm];
Open your 'malformed' database file [sqlite3 dbMalFormed.sqlite];
Clone your database file [.clone dbMalFormedNew.sqlite];
Exit SQLite3 [.exit];
Delete the old 'malformed' database file [rm dbMalFormed.sqlite);
Rename the new database file to the name used previously [mv dbMalFormedNew.sqlite dbMalFormed.sqlite].
I experienced that error when trying to get the persistent store coordinator.
Multi-threading was the problem in my case. Fixed it wrapping the whole method with a #synchronized(self) {} block.
- (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator
#synchronized(self) {
// Quickly return persistent store coordinator if available
if (__persistentStoreCoordinator != nil) {
return __persistentStoreCoordinator;
// Persistent store coordination initialization, to be performed once
// ...
return _persistentStoreCoordinator;
Are you ever interacting with the database using the sqlite API? Or have you used any non-Apple tools to create your seed database?
I experienced "Core Data store corruption" when I was preloading the database with a separated thread(not main thread) and it has been really difficult to find this bug since only a few of my customers will crash their app because of this.
I recently ran across this problem. In my case I was performing a search and iterating over the objects to transform the data to XML and KML. I would then spawn the email handler and attach the files. Then I would update a field in the objects and finally save to the backing store (SQL Lite). The worked fine in 3.x. In 4.x it broke.
It was stupid on my part to do all the email handling before altering and saving the DB. Moving all non essential code to the point after the save cleared up this problem.
This problem would totally corrupt the SQL DB. In my case the error is:
File at path does not appear to be a SQLite database

Add files to the app on the run

I was wondering if I could add the files to the app resources from an external url. As in suppose I see a url which has a nice image. Can I download that from the website and add it as a resource and use it locally for later use ? I am sure there is way But Need some guidance on how to approach the problem and The set of Classes that could be used with explanantion.
You can't change anything in your app bundle after it has been signed. If you did, you'd make the signature invalid, and the iPhone would refuse to run your app. Your best bet is to add the files to the Documents or tmp folder. There really isn't much of a reason to have stuff in your own bundle - is there a reason you have to have those images there?