I am having a problem with fpdf and its eps extension that I can't seem to get past it.
This is what my code looks like:
$pdf = new PDF_EPS();
$pdf->MultiCell(0,5,"some text with multiple lines");
$pdf->Output("filname.pdf", "D");
And this is what I constantly get:
Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in (...php file and line...)
FPDF error: Could not include font metric file
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The eps extension can be found here: http://valentin.dasdeck.com/fpdf/fpdf_eps
About Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in (...php file and line...)
This means what it says.. You can only hand variables by reference (the & characters before arguments in the function definition). You can either lose the & or make sure error_reporting() does not include E_STRICT, which will suppress this warning. (at any rate php should just copy whatever you pass to that function instead of handing over a reference to it so i wouldn't worry about it)
Regarding: FPDF error: Could not include font metric file
This error is related to SetFont(). There should be a .ufm or .afm file for Arial (or whatever font you want to load) in the font path so fpdf can load and use them.
I have a code
var test = Base64.getDecoder.decode(base64);
var input_stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(test);
How do I get the file extension of the variable input_stream?
I believe you are asking how to determine the image file format from its bytes.
This has already been answered here: Java get image extension/type using BufferedImage from URL
I would not use the term "file extension" to refer to the file format -- while many systems (including Windows) conventionally use the file name extension to indicate the file format, you cannot always rely on this convention, and these are two separate concepts. I found the above question by Googling "java how to detect image type"
Good luck!
I wonder if there is any way how to access jEdit variables (like the buffer variable) from the beanshell inside SuperAbbrevs plugin template.
When I try to expand following template, the error Attempt to resolve method: getName() on undefined variable or class name: buffer appears int Activity log.
<#= buffer.getName() #>
When I try to run this code in the BeanShell console then it displays the current buffer name:
Is it possible to access buffer name from the SuperAbbrevs template?
As far as I can see from a quick look at that plugins sources, those variables are not forwarded to the templates. Only the variables you define in the options of the plugin and additionally filename and selection.
In your example filename is exactly what you want, so <#= filename #> works for inserting the name of the file. If you would need more, you would probably need to issue a plugin feature request.
I've been trying to use raster calculation in ipython for a tif file I have uploaded, but I'm unable to find the whole code for the function. I keep finding examples such as below, but am unsure how to use this.
gdal_calc.py -A input.tif --outfile=result.tif --calc="A*(A>0)" --NoDataValue=0
I then tried another process by assigning sections, however this still doesn't work (code below)
a = '/iPythonData/cstone/prec_7.tif'
outfile = '/iPythonData/cstone/prec_result.tif'
expr = 'A<125'
gdal_calc.py -A=a --outfile=outfile --calc='expr' --NoDataValue=0
It keeps coming up with can't assign to operator. Can someone please help with the whole code.
Looking at the source code for gdal_calc.py, the file is only about 300 lines. Here is a link to that file.
The punchline is that they just create an OptionParser object in main and pass it to the doit() method (Line 63). You could generate the same OptionParser instance based on the same arguments you pass to it via the command-line and call their doit method directly.
That said, a system call is perfectly valid per #thomas-k. This is only if you really want to stay in the Python environment.
Say I've written a class in a package, called mypackage.myclass. I've written my own HTML documentation for the package and the class, and have included this within the MATLAB help browser as described in the MATLAB documentation.
I can display this HTML documentation by using the help browser to navigate directly to it, but typing doc mypackage.myclass does not display it; instead it displays some HTML documentation that is auto-generated by helpwin (which is a nice feature, but not what I want - the auto-generated documentation is too techy for my users).
How can I force doc to display my documentation, rather than the auto-generated documentation?
When you run doc docTopic, inside the doc command the Java class com.mathworks.mlservices.MLHelpServices.showReferencePage(docTopic) gets called. If a reference page for docTopic exists, it displays it and returns a success value. If a reference page doesn't exist, it returns a failure value, which then causes helpwin(docTopic) to get called. Somewhere there must be some catalog that connects values of docTopic with individual reference HTML files. How can I fiddle with that catalog - or can I create one for my package?
MathWorkers and #Yair, please give me enough undocumented rope to hang myself with :)
As far as I know this is not possible and not intended by MathWorks. I don't know of an undocumented way of doing this either. As far as I remember the keywords for doc are hard-coded somewhere.
Depending on your setup you can try the following: Prepare your own doc command that uses web(..., '-helpbrowser') to display HTML pages in MATLAB's help browser:
function doc(topic)
my_topics = {
'foo', 'foo.html'
'bar', 'bar/help/intro.html'
for i = 1 : size(my_topics, 1)
if strcmpi(topic, my_topics{i, 1})
web(my_topics{i, 2}, '-helpbrowser');
% Fall back to MATLAB's doc. Note that our doc shadows MATLAB's doc.
docs = which('doc', '-all');
old_dir = cd();
c = onCleanup(#() cd(old_dir));
If you put that function in a file doc.m and put the corresponding directory at the beginning of the MATLAB path (see help addpath) then it will be called instead of the built-in doc.
Of course you could use some other place to store your custom doc mapping (a file, for instance) or use some kind of dynamic lookup scheme.
UPDATE: As of MATLAB R2012b, the '-helpbrowser' option of web is undocumented. This is probably related to the GUI changes in that MATLAB version, which also include the help browser. web(..., '-helpbrowser') still works as intended, but that may change in future versions of MATLAB. As far as I know, there is no documented way of opening any HTML page in the help browser in R2012b.
I'm trying to add the item
to my plist that's auto-generated by CMake. For certain keys, it appears there are pre-defined ways to add an item; for example:
But I can't find a way to add an arbitrary property.
I tried using the MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST target property as follows: I'd like the resulting plist to be identical to the old one, except with the new property I want, so I just copied the auto-generated plist and set that as my template. But the plist uses some Xcode variables, which also look like ${foo}, and CMake grumbles about this:
Syntax error in cmake code when
parsing string
syntax error, unexpected cal_SYMBOL,
expecting } (47)
Policy CMP0010 is not set: Bad
variable reference syntax is an error.
Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0010"
for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the
policy and suppress this warning. This
warning is for project developers.
Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
In any case, I'm not even sure that this is the right thing to do. I can't find a good example or any good documentation about this. Ideally, I'd just let CMake generate everything as before, and just add a single extra line. What can I do?
Have you looked into copying the relevant *.plist.in file in /opt/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules (such as MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in), editing it to put <key>UIStatusBarHidden</key><true/> (or #VAR_TO_REPLACE_BY_CMAKE#), and adding the directory of the edited version in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH?
If you have CMake installed as an app bundle, then the location of that file is /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/share/cmake-N.N/Modules
You can add your values using # and pass #ONLY to configure_file.
Unfortunately there is no simple way to add custom line to generated file.