How to get the extension file of Input Stream - scala

I have a code
var test = Base64.getDecoder.decode(base64);
var input_stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(test);
How do I get the file extension of the variable input_stream?

I believe you are asking how to determine the image file format from its bytes.
This has already been answered here: Java get image extension/type using BufferedImage from URL
I would not use the term "file extension" to refer to the file format -- while many systems (including Windows) conventionally use the file name extension to indicate the file format, you cannot always rely on this convention, and these are two separate concepts. I found the above question by Googling "java how to detect image type"
Good luck!


Novacode LineChart type

I have a code that implements a Novacode.LineChart. And the LineChart type which is shown by default is this one:
But I dont want this type of chart, I want it without points, like this:
This is the code where I create the chart:
LineChart c = new LineChart();
c.AddLegend(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom, false);
c.Grouping = Grouping.Stacked;
Anyone knows how can I hide thoose points and show only the lines? Thanks to everyone!!
Your question is shown up while I was searching for the exact same feature. It's probably a bit late but I hope it would be useful for other people in need of this feature.
My so called answer is not more than a few lines of dirty and unmanageable hack so unless you are not in dire need, I do not recommend to follow this way.
I also do not know if is it an approved approach here but I prefer to write the solution step by step so it may help you to grasp the concept and use better methods.
After I have realized that I was unable to use DocX to create a line chart without markers, using currently provided API, I wanted to know what were the differences between actual and desired output. So I saved a copy of .docx file with line chart after I manually edited the chart to expected result.
Before and after the edit
As you may already know, a .docx is a container format and essentially comprised of a few different folders and files. You can open it up with a .zip archive extractor. I used 7-Zip for this task and found chart file at location of /word/charts/chart1.xml but this may differ depending on the file, but you can easily figure it out.
Compared both of chart1.xml files and the difference was, the file without the markers had and extra XML tag with an additional attribute;
<c:symbol val="none" />
I had to somehow add this segment of code to chart. I added these up to example code provided by DocX. You can follow up from: DocX/ChartSample.cs at master
This is where the fun begins. Easy part first.
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Xceed.Words.NET;
// Create a line chart.
var line_chart = new LineChart();
// Create the data.
var PlaceholderData = ChartData.GenerateRandomDataForLinechart();
// Create and add series
var Series_1 = new Series("Your random chart with placeholder data");
Series_1.Bind(PlaceholderData, "X-Axis", "Y-Axis");
// Create a new XmlDocument object and clone the actual chart XML
XmlDocument XMLWithNewTags = new XmlDocument();
I've used XPath Visualizer Tool to determine the XPath query, which is important to know because you can't just add the marker tag to somewhere and expect it to work. Why do I tell this? Because I appended marker tag on a random line and expected it to work. Naive.
// Set a namespace manager with the proper XPath location and alias
XmlNamespaceManager NSMngr = new XmlNamespaceManager(XMLWithNewTags.NameTable);
string XPathQuery = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea/c:lineChart/c:ser";
string xmlns = "";
NSMngr.AddNamespace("c", xmlns);
XmlNode NewNode = XMLWithNewTags.SelectSingleNode(XPathQuery, NSMngr);
Now create necessary tags on newly created XML Document object with specified namespace
XmlElement Symbol = XMLWithNewTags.CreateElement("c", "symbol", xmlns);
Symbol.SetAttribute("val", "none");
XmlElement Marker = XMLWithNewTags.CreateElement("c", "marker", xmlns);
And we should copy the contents of latest changes to actual XML object. But oops, understandably it is defined as private so it is a read-only object. This is where I thought like "Okay, I've fiddled enough with this. I better find another library" but then decided to go on because reasons.
Downloaded DocX repo, changed this line to
get; set;
recompiled, copied Xceed.Words.NET.dll to both projectfolder/packages and projectfolder/projectname/bin/Debug folder and finally last a few lines were
// Copy the contents of latest changes to actual XML object
line_chart.Xml = XDocument.Parse(XMLWithNewTags.InnerXml);
// Insert chart into document
// Save this document to disk.
Is it worth it? I'm not sure but I have learned a few things while working on it. There're probably lots of bad programming practises in this answer so please tell me if you see one. Sorry for meh English. gives "does not register as an accepted file" error when extension is allowed

I have a instance where I am using the pickAndStore function to allow users to upload various files, however while testing Microsoft Visio I found the files are being blocked / denied upload by a yellow error that states it does not register as an accepted file type (and lists out all the files it believes are allowed)?
In my logs of the arguments sent to the function, I can see the full array of file types I allow and the 4 variants of visio I added are clearly there:
The four I added:
".vss", ".vssx", ".vsd", ".vsdx"
Full array:
[".doc", ".dot", ".docx", ".docm", ".dotx", ".xls", ".xlt", ".xlsx", ".xltx", ".xlsm", ".xlsb", ".oft", ".msg", ".ppt", ".pptx", ".pptm", ".pps", ".ppsx", ".mpp", ".pub", ".pdf", ".html", ".mhtml", ".txt", ".rtf", ".csv", ".xml", ".css", ".zip", ".tar", ".rar", ".vss", ".vssx", ".vsd", ".vsdx", ".mp3", ".wav", ".swf", ".ics", ".srt", ".wmf", ".eps", ".ai", ".psd", ".gif", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".m4v", ".mp4", ".flv", ".f4v", ".mov", ".wmv", ".wm", ".webm", ".3gp", ".3gpp", ".m2p", ".rv", ".rm", ".avi", ".3gp2", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".ts", ".vp6", ".h264", ".arf", ".wrf", ".m2ts"]
However When I use "My Computer" as a source and upload any one of the twenty odd .vsd files I have to use as tests, all of them trigger the error to appear and deny upload:
The image i am seeing saying that .vsd does not register
I'm not sure what else I can do at this point to fix? I don't particularly want to have to use mimetype in this one instance as it suggests not to use this along side extension in the filepicker documentation.
Here is the link i used that provides various Visio files you can use to test. I would rather not use the files clients upload using our platform as I would need to ask permission and in case they are sensitive. I don't think there has been a single successful upload (of a visio file, others are fine) so I would be surprised if it was file specific.
All extensions are converted back to mimetype therefor you can't mixed extension & mimetype.
It appears that ".vss", ".vssx", ".vsd", ".vsdx" are in the database.
Could you post some of the files you are testing so we can check them ourselves.
Filepicker needs to include "application/" in the mapping from those file extensions. It looks like that's what the browser is reporting the MIME type for those files to be.

Convert MathType equation embedded in OLE Binary file to MathML

I am trying to convert MathType's equation which is stored as OLE binary file to MathML using MathType's SDK.
The input file for my program is a DocX which would contain embdedd MathType equations. I am looking for a solution thats independent of using MS Word. DocX is a zip file, and once it is extracted we can find the a binary file for each OLE object in the folder "word/embeddings/". Typically the file name would be oleObject1.bin, oleObject2.bin etc.
When I checked with MathType SDK it has a class "ConvertEquation" which has following method:
virtual public bool Convert(EquationInput ei, EquationOutput eo)
EquationInput is an abstract class for which following concrete classes are made available:
In the above listed classes none of them seems to support OLE binary.
According to MathType's SDK doc, MTEF data is saved as the native data format of the object. Whenever an equation object is to be written to an OLE "stream", a 28- byte header is written, followed by the MTEF data. I guess this is exactly what is present in this binary file. But just that there seems to be no way by which this format can be made to be used by SDK to convert it into MathML. Any thoughts?
you can convert mathtype wmf file to mathml as follow:
ConvertEquation conv = new ConvertEquation();
var input = EquationInputFileWMF("mathTYpe.wmf");
var output = EquationOutputFileText("MathMLName.txt", "MathML2 (m namespace).tdl"));
conv.Convert(input , input);
the "MathML2 (m namespace).tdl" string stand for "tdl" file which contains in "MathType\Translators" path, if you open the Translators path ,you can find many of type.
You may try MathMagic equation editor (Windows version).
MathMagic can extract all Word embeded equations out of the document(s) (.doc or .docx), and can save/covert them to other format (such as JPG, PNG, BMP, PDF, TeX, LaTeX, MathML, ...) as a batch conversion job.
Unfortunately, their trial version does not support this batch conversion. A valid license (even 1-month or 2-month license) is required to enable the Conversion feature.

How to save message file in RAW format

One of our client does not know how to save/generate/produce/provide swift messages in its raw format via their swift alliance system, neither do i. By raw format i mean following format
:61:1112061207D110,00NCHKFDD388407 //071211WDM9103
291111 GUJ
:61:1112061207D200,00NCHK3927611471 //071211WDM9104
090911 KAR
Is there any way/interface to integrate with SWIFT and extract these files Or is there any possibility to schedule SWIFT to generate these files Or even manual steps to do it?
Edit 1
Messages are saved by creating a profile from the application and setting connection type to "File Transfer". It will then keep generating files in ISO format to a shared location.
to get output file from swift you need to configure message partner CBSOUT
to do so do the following
enter to swift application SAE or SAA with super user.
click on
Application interface.
from the list right click on
CBSOUT and then enable
to configure CBSOUT double click on it.
Data format :select RJE
output path name : put the folder you want to store the files
output the extension : put the file extension example :out or txt.
session initiation select Auto.
number of message =1
good lucky.
Messages are saved by creating a profile from the application and setting connection type to "File Transfer". It will then keep generating files in ISO format to a shared location.

generic text reading

I am working on a project where I need to read some generic text...I am looking for any api by I can read generic text and also can convert it to .csv file...
Can any one plz help...
using java on windows os...
--------------------------MORE Detail---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let me clarify:
Assume I have a pdf document or for that matter any file type document. I intend to use Print to Generic text printer option and get the file in that format.Finally, I intend to use some API which shoudl enable me to programatically read this Generic Text Format file. I intend to extract text from this generic text file.
So, be it any file (.doc/.pdf/.xls etc wtatever), I intend to create a Generic Text Format file using print option. Then run my code to read those files and extract some information.
PS: Assume that I have a Status report form with standard fields. Ok. But, some people might submit in .pdf, some in .doc , some in text format. But, every document contains same fields, but probably with diferent layouts.
Now, I am looking for a generic solution, by which i shoudl be able to convert every file type in to generic text file format and then apply some logic to extract my Status report fields.
In Java this is more or less what you need to read a text file, assuming it's comma separated (just change the string in the "line.split" method if you need something else). It also skips the header.
public void parse(String filename) throws IOException {
File file = new File(filename);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;
int header = 1;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (header == 1) {
header = 2;
continue; // skips header
String[] splitter = line.split(",");
// do whatever
CSV is a format for data in columns. It's not very useful for, say, a Wikipedia article.
The Apache Tika library will take all kinds of data and turn it into bland XML, from which you can make CSV as you like.
It would help if you would edit your question to clarify 'generic' versus' generated', and tell more about the data.
As for Windows printer drivers, are you looking to do something like 'print to pdf' as 'print to csv'? If so, I suspect that you need to start from MSDN samples of printer drivers and code this the hard way.
The so-called 'generic text file format' is not a structured format. It's completely unpredictable what you will find in there for any given input to the printer system.
A generic free book: Text Processing in Python
Just used the standard Java classes for I/O:
BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter, IOException, PrintWriter
.csv is simply a comma-separated values file. So just name your output file with a .csv extension.
You'll also need to figure out how you'd like to split your content.
Here are Java examples to get you going:
writing to a text file
how to read lines from a file