gwt - RequestFactory usage, missing content in returned EntityProxy - gwt

my environment:
- RequestFactory (GWT 2.5rc2, before 2.5rc1 and 2.4 - makes no difference regarding the question)
- Hibernate
- Spring's OpenSessionInView Filter (Session per Request)
I want to persist an EntityProxy with basically a Structure like follows:
... other properties ...
--> Set<EntityProxy_B setEntProxB;
--> EntityProxy_C entProxC;
--> EntityProxy_D entProxC;
My request methods are implemended in a class separate from my domain class (locator concept). Therefore I don't use InstanceRequest persist().
Solution/Question 1 - should the following approach work:
I have request methods like
Request<EntityProxy_A> save(EntityProxy_A);
Request<EntityProxy_A> createNew();
I use createNew() to get an instance of EntityProxy_A (initialized with values regarding "... other properties ..." and already persisted in the db) to the client. Important to mention no Set of EntityProxy_B is created at that point.
In the OnSuccess of createNew() I do
public void onSuccess(EntityProxy_A response) {
MyRequest request = myRequestFactory.getMyRequest();
EntityProxy_A editableA = request.edit(response);
I then with "request" create my EntityProxy_B,C,D and assemble everything (like listed above).
Now i call
.fire(Receiver<EntityProxy_A>() {
public void onSuccess(EntityProxy_A response) {
The parameter Entity_A arrives at my request method impl at the server with all its childs, is then persisted, everything shows up in the db fine.
If I call on the hibernate session a forced flush (remember I use OpenSessionInView, so normally everything is persisted after I leave the request method impl) I can even see all the ID's for the newly created/persisted instances of EntityProxy_B,C,D.
When I look at the JSON returned to the client I can even find data which is stored as attribute of entProxC, so I assume the object graph is built correctly and sent to the client.
BUT what happens now in my OnSuccess of the "save" call is like follows
public void onSuccess(EntityProxy_A response) {
MyRequest request = myRequestFactory.getMyRequest();
EntityProxy_A editableA = request.edit(response);
On calling "edit" I get an error
" ... error Unfrozen bean with null RequestContext ..."
which happens because EntityProxy_C and EntityProxy_D (not the EntityProxy_B in the Set!) return as "frozen = false" and of course at that point also there is no request context. When I look into the JSON I see like entProxC: {} (everything empty in there - no payload).
I found exactly that situation documented in Link, but I can't see a solution there in the code ... just the error mentioned.
Now my question - should I be able to use RequestFactory like that?
Solution/Question 2 - my solution for now and is it ok to use requestfactory like that:
I have now request methods like
Request<Void> save(EntityProxy_A);
Request<EntityProxy_A> createNew();
Calling createNew() like in the 1st approach. Now I also have a Instance Variable
EntityProxy_A myWorkA;
public void onSuccess(EntityProxy_A response) {
MyRequest request = myRequestFactory.getMyRequest();
myWorkA = request.edit(response);
then I do editing on my "myWorkA" and finally.
.fire(Receiver<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
Here I get no EntityProxy_A back from the server - anyways I thought why transport everything back to the client (except the newly created ID's from the persisted EntityProxy_B,C,D). So as found I now use EntityProxy.stableId() when I need to have a pointer to a specific EntityProxy on the Client side - which perhaps is anyways better.
In OnSuccess I do
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
MyRequest request = myRequestFactory.getMyRequest();
myWorkA = request.edit(myWorkA);
I have already my "myWorkA" so why not make it editable within a new RequestContext and continue editing and save and save and save ...
This works perfectly for me ... my question ... is that a good thing to do?
When I re-save my "myWorkA" which of course has still NULL Entity ID's in it, because I never loaded an up-to-date version from the server - I have no problems, the corresponding entites are updated on the server and not created over and over again (as could be guessed because of the NULL ID's).
If someone could please clear up, why Solution 1 doesn't work (or is not expected to work anyways) and if it's ok to work like shown in Solution 2.
My only other approach left then would be to have something like:
Request<Void> save(EntityProxy_A);
Request<EntityProxy_A> load(Long entProxId);
Request<EntityProxy_A> createNew();
But I don't like that ... traffic ...
Anyways for now - if that is correct usage of RequestFactory - by far I would prefer Solution 2.
Looking forward to your answers.
Greetings, Andreas.


How to Pass object to REST Get Method

I am using Jersey Rest implementation. There are one Rest Services Called HelloWorld. See the below code.
Please consider this code as reference not as compiled code.
public class HelloWorld{
public Response test(Person person){
I am using Jersey client to sent the request.
Here My question is apart from POST method is there any way to send the object to GET method directly. Instead of QueryString.
Please let me if there is any way to do so.
So the problem shouldn't be with the server. I did a few tests on different servers (not weblogic as I don't use it) and all of them seem to have no problems accepting a body in the GET request. The problem seem to be with the client. To test I used the following code
.property(ClientProperties.SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION, true)
.method(HttpMethod.GET, Entity.text("Hello World"));
The SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION allows us to pass a body to the request. If we didn't use this, then we would get an error.
The problem with this code, is that even though we set this override property, the client completely overrides the GET method and automatically makes it a POST method, so I would get back a 405 Method Not Allowed.
The solution I came up with is to just allow the client to set a header, e.g. X-GET-BODY-OVERRIDE, and then use a #PreMatching filter on the server side to check for this header. If the header is present, then just change the method to a GET
public class GetWithBodyFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext request) throws IOException {
String getOverride = request.getHeaderString("X-GET-BODY-OVERRIDE");
if (getOverride != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(getOverride)) {
Then just register the filter with the server side. On the client, you would simply need to add the header
.property(ClientProperties.SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION, true)
.header("X-GET-BODY-OVERRIDE", "True")
.method(HttpMethod.GET, Entity.text("Hello World"));
This solution is good because it takes into account more than just the Jersey client, in regards with being able to send a body in the GET request.

How to produce rendered output from a Sling POST in AEM?

It seems like Sling expects every form POST to modify the JCR. So the expected/standard behavior would be a POST-redirect-GET, which is fine for most things. However, I need to be able to POST to AEM and then use the data in that POST to create a rendered result. Our use of AEM is stateless and so I don't want to carry the POST'd data in Session in order to utilize it in a subsequent GET.
Some have recommended putting the POST'd data in Browser sessionStorage, but that doesn't have broad enough support to be sufficient.
As far as I can tell there is no way for Sling in AEM to take a POST and produce a rendered result.
Here is a screenshot of what a POST produces in the page/resourceType component and in any Sling included jsp's that happen to be involved in the rendering.
I have tried things like using the "nop" operation.
<input type="hidden" name=":operation" value="nop" />
But either way all servlets think a POST is happening and don't render properly.
There is the option of creating a custom servlet, to handle the POST, but then how do you render the templated output and change the request so that all the components think they are serving a GET?
Here is a screenshot of the "nop" POST.jsp result.
What you can do is create a POST.jsp file in the appropiate resourceType.
If your POST request go to /content/yourapp/something, which has a resourceType: your/app/example. Then you can create a file /apps/your/app/example/POST.jsp with whatever render you wish. You can even include your default rendering script in the POST.jsp file if you need it to be rendered the same as the GET requests.
The other option is to use a servlet registered for POST requests and internally use the SlingRequestProcessor service. That service allow you to programmatically process a request through Sling. You can use a SlingRequestWrapper to wrap your request and override getMethod() to return "GET". That should process the request as if it was a GET request.
This sounds like a somewhat funky use case, IIUC you are using a large request parameter P to drive the rendering?
Using a custom POST servlet should work, if you use something like
slingRequest.getRequestDispatcher(resource).forward(request, response) where request is a wrapper around the actual request, where request.getMethod() returns GET. You can then store your P data in request attributes.
The SlingHttpServletRequestWrapper class can be used to create such wrappers.
Creating a custom servlet to handle a post could be an idea. After successfull write you could redirect to the modified resource - simple 302.
The other solution that comes to my mind is a custom Filter that would do the same. However, since AEM expects to get 200 instead of 302, it would be good to tell by atrribute or parameter that this POST needs to be redirected. Otherwise some of the AEM UI functionalities could brake. This is a quick example of an idea. You would probably need to write something more sophisticated.
#Component(immediate = true)
#Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, value = "Desc"),
#Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, value = "Company name"),
#Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, intValue = RedirectFilter.RANKING),
#Property(name = "filter.scope", value = "request") })
public class RedirectFilter implements Filter {
public static final int RANKING = -1000; // low ranking
public void init(final FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
public void destroy() {
public void doFilter(final ServletRequest request, final ServletResponse response, final FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
if (request.getParameter("redirect").equals("true")) {
((SlingHttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(((SlingHttpServletRequest)request).getRequestURI());

Contextual serialization from WebApi endpoint based on permissions

I am using the Asp.Net Web Api. I would like to be able to filter out certain fields on the response objects based on the connected clients access rights.
class Foo
string Wibble { get; set; }
string Wobble { get; set; }
When returning data the filed Wibble should only be returned if the current users context can satisfy the value of "Uberlord".
There are three avenues that I am exploring but I have not got a working solution:
A custom WebApi MediaTypeFormatter.
A custom IContractResolver.
Some sort of AOP wrapper for controllers that manipulates the response object
My issue with these are:
The custom formatter does not feel like the right place to do it but might be the only option.
The custom json serializer would not have access to the current context so I would have to work that out.
With the first two options you would require specific implementations for each response format, json, xml, some custom format, etc. This would mean that if another response type is supported then a custom formatter / serializer is required to prevent sensitive data leaking.
The AOP controller wrapper would require a lot of reflection.
An additional bonus would be to strip out values from the fields on an inbound request object using the same mechanism.
Have I missed an obvious hook? Has this been solved by another way?
It was actually a lot simpler than I first thought. What I did not realise is that the DelegatingHandler can be used to manipulate the response as well as the request in the Web Api Pipeline.
Lifecycle of an ASP.NET Web API Message
Delegating Handler
Delegating handlers are an extensibility point in the message pipeline allowing you to massage the Request before passing it on to the rest of the pipeline. The response message on its way back has to pass through the Delegating Handler as well, so any response can also be monitored/filtered/updated at this extensibility point.
Delegating Handlers if required, can bypass the rest of the pipeline too and send back and Http Response themselves.
Here is an example implementation of a DelegatingHandler that can either manipulate the response object or replace it altogether.
public class ResponseDataFilterHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override System.Threading.Tasks.Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken)
.ContinueWith(task =>
var response = task.Result;
//Manipulate content here
var content = response.Content as ObjectContent;
if (content != null && content.Value != null)
((SomeObject)content.Value).SomeProperty = null;
//Or replace the content
response.Content = new ObjectContent(typeof(object), new object(), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
return response;
Microsoft article on how to implement a delegating handler and add it to the pipeline.HTTP Message Handlers in ASP.NET Web API
I have a similar question in the works over here: ASP.NET WebAPI Conditional Serialization based on User Role
A proposed solution that I came up with is to have my ApiController inherit from a BaseApiController which overrides the Initalize function to set the appropriate formatter based on the user's role. I haven't decided if I will go this way yet, but perhaps it will work for you.
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
// If the user is in a sensitive-data access role
controllerContext.Configuration.Formatters.Add(/*My Formatter*/);
// Otherwise use the default ones added in global app_start that defaults to remove sensitive data

Complex (non string) return type for Jersey REST method

I'm having trouble setting something up that I'm pretty sure /should/ be easy, so I thought I'd throw it to the crowd. I can't seem to find what I'm looking for elsewhere on the web or on SE.
I am simplifying my project of course, but basically I have a JAX-WS annontated Jersey resource class that looks something like this:
public class MyResource {
MyComplexObjectDAO daoInstance;
public MyComplexObject findObject( #PathParam(value="id") String id ) {
return daoInstance.findObject( id );
public MyComplexObject saveObject( MyComplexObject objectToSave ) {
MyComplexObject savedObject = daoInstance.saveObject( objectToSave );
return savedObject;
So you can see I'm autowiring a DAO object using spring, and then I use the DAO methods in the REST handlers.
The 'findObject' call seems to work fine - so far it works exactly as I expect it to.
The 'saveObject' call is not working the way I want and that's what I need some advice on.
You can see that I'm trying to directly take an instance of my complex object as a parameter to the REST method. Additionally I would like to return an instance of the complex object after it's been saved.
I put together some 'client' code for testing this out.
public void saveTest() {
WebResource wsClient = createWebServiceClient();
MyComplexObject unsavedInstance = createMyComplexObject();
MyComplexObject savedInstance =
.put(MyComplexObject.class, unsavedInstance);
Which is returning the following error:
com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: PUT http://localhost:8081/rest/myresource/save returned a response status of 400 Bad Request
I don't see why this isn't working and I think I've tried just about everything I can think of. Any help or direction would be very much appreciated.
Thanks so much!
I see that you call the accept() method in your test client (which means that a "Accept:" header is added to the request, indicating the server what type of representation you would like). However, you don't call the type() method to add a "Content-type:" header and inform the server that you are sending XML data. See for examples.
Side remark: your URLs are not RESTful - you should avoid verbs in your path:
So, instead of:
You should use:
Last note: to create an object on calling /api/objects, you should do a POST and not a PUT to adhere to REST best practices and widely adopted patterns.
switching to the 'concrete class' solution I alluded to in my earlier comment is what fixed things up for me.

adding http headers in call to SoapHttpClient service

I have to consume a service provided by one of our partners. I was given little direction, but was told the security was to be PasswordDigest. I looked it up and immediatly saw lots of references to WSE, so off I went. It was very easy to implement and in no time I had a standard WSE user token using PasswordDigest sitting in the SOAP headers of my messages.
When we started testing today I was immediatly told (by the error message) that things weren't right. Turns out, out partner doesn't look in the SOAP header, but rather wants the security info in the http header.
I have seen lots of articles on how to add custom http headers to a proxy class, but my proxy inherits from SoapHttpClientProtocol which doesn't have a headers collection to add to. I was looking at making a raw httpWebRequest, but I have a specific method to access that has some complex parameters to deal with (and besides it feels like going backwords).
What is the best way to add custom http headers to a service proxy class that doesn't have a GetWebRequest method?
For reference:
Proxy class decleration:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.3053")]
[System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name="MtomServiceSoap11", namespace="")]
public partial class MtomServiceService : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {
Target method I need to call:
[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Bare)]
[return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("uploadDocumentResponse", Namespace="")]
public uploadDocumentResponse uploadDocument([System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Namespace="")] uploadDocumentRequest uploadDocumentRequest) {
object[] results = this.Invoke("uploadDocument", new object[] {
return ((uploadDocumentResponse)(results[0]));
The actual call to the Service is simple. The objects being pass in are not:
request.criteria = docCriteria;
request.document = document;
var result = service.uploadDocument(request);
It figures that 30 minutes after posting I would stumble across the answer. While the proxy class decelaration does not create a GetWebRequest method, its base class System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol has it and it can be overridden.
protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
var request = base.GetWebRequest(uri);
request.Headers.Add("blah", "blah"); // <----
return request;