newff, different numbers of hidden layers but get the same result - neural-network

I'm trying to compare the result of newff with different number of hidden layer but the result is the same. I used 1 hidden layer and 2 hidden layers to compare.
net = newff( minmax( pn ), [5 1], {'tansig' 'purelin'}, 'trainlm');
net = newff( minmax( pn ), [5 5 1], {'tansig' 'tansig' 'purelin'}, 'trainlm');
load data.txt;
P = data(1:20,1:3);
T = data(1:20,4);
[a,minp,maxp,b,mint,maxt] = premnmx(P',T');
net = newff( minmax( pn ), [5 1], {'tansig' 'purelin'}, 'trainlm');
net.trainParam.epochs = 10000; = 5;
net = train(net,a,b);
y = sim(net,a)
x = postmnmx(y',mint,maxt);
plot(x, 'r');
What is the problem here?

May I suggest you to use a GUI based matlab command nprtools for neural networks.


How to regularize 'fitcecoc' using templateSVM in Matlab?

I am using polynomial SVM in MATLAB for CIFAR-10 dataset using HOG features for data extraction. I wanted to know how I can tune the regularization parameters for 'fitcecoc' to avoid overfitting the training set.
template = templateSVM(...
'KernelFunction', 'polynomial', ...
'PolynomialOrder', 2, ...
'KernelScale', 'auto', ...
'BoxConstraint', 1, ...
'Standardize', true);
SVM_model = fitcecoc(...
X_train, ...
Y_train, ...
'Learners', template, ...
'Coding', 'onevsone', ...
'Verbose', 2,...
'ClassNames', [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]);

Simple denoising autoencoder for 1D data in Matlab

I'm trying to set up a simple denoising autoencoder with Matlab for 1D data. As currently there is no specialised input layer for 1D data the imageInputLayer() function has to be used:
function net = DenoisingAutoencoder(data)
[N, n] = size(data);
%setting up input
X = zeros([n 1 1 N]);
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:N
X(i, 1, 1, j) = data(j,i);
% noisy X : 1/10th of elements are set to 0
Xnoisy = X;
mask1 = (mod(randi(10, size(X)), 7) ~= 0);
Xnoisy = Xnoisy .* mask1;
layers = [imageInputLayer([n 1 1]) fullyConnectedLayer(n) regressionLayer()];
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm');
net = trainNetwork(X, Xnoisy, layers, opts);
However, the code fails with this error message:
The output size [1 1 n] of the last layer doesn't match the
response size [n 1 1].
Any thoughts on how should the input / layers should be reconfigured? If the fullyConnectedLayer is left out then the code runs fine, but obviously then I'm left without the hidden layer.
The target output should be a matrix, not a 4D tensor.
Here's a working version of the previous code:
function DenoisingAutoencoder(data)
[N, n] = size(data);
X = data;
Xoriginal = data;
Xout = data';
% corrupting the input
zeroMask = (mod(randi(100, size(X)), 99) ~= 0);
X = X + randn(size(X))*0.05;
X = X .* zeroMask;
X4D = reshape(X, [1 n 1 N]);
layers = [imageInputLayer([1 n]) fullyConnectedLayer(n) regressionLayer()];
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm');
net = trainNetwork(X4D, Xout, layers, opts);
R = predict(net, X4D)';

how restrict values of chosen weights in matlab neural network?

I know about regularization, but I wanna restrict only choosen weights. For example, I have code
H = rand(10, 100);
H = rand(1, 100);
net = newff(H, F, [10, 5], { 'tansig' 'tansig'}, 'traingdx', 'learngdm', 'mse');
net = train(net, H, F);
and i wanna have during train
net.IW{1}(i, i) = 0
or even
a <= net.IW{1}(i - 1 : i + 1, i) <= b
how can i achieve this result?

Simulating a network that trained with ADAPT

I used ADAPT for incremental training a simple network, and i know that ADAPT changes weights and biases,i used this:
clear all
net = linearlayer([0 1 2]);
pi = {[1; 1] [2;2]};
p = {[3 ;4] [5; 6] [7;8]};
t={[40; 50; 60] [10 ;20; 30] [70;60;50]};
net.adaptParam.passes = 10;
for i=1:1
[net,y,E,pf,af] = adapt(net,p,t,pi);
after that i simulate that network with the same input:
I expect that y =y1, but the results y1 and y are not equal!!
Why there is differnce betweet network output training with ADAPT(y) and the output of the trained network(y1)!?
What does ADAPT do?
there you have it:
net = linearlayer([0 1 2]);
pi = {[1; 1] [2;2]};
p = {[3 ;4] [5; 6] [7;8]};
t = {[40; 50; 60] [10 ;20; 30] [70;60;50]};
net = configure(net,p,t);
net.inputweights{1} = 0.001;
net.adaptParam.passes = 10;
[net,y,E,pf,af] = train(net,p,t);
tout = net(p);
You would use adapt() for post training applications. The matlab documentation specifically says that you use adapt after it has been trained and the network adapts as it is simulated (
So i shoud use ADAPT after training? like this code?
net = linearlayer([0 1 2]);
pi = {[1; 1] [2;2]};
p = {[3 ;4] [5; 6] [7;8]};
t = {[40; 50; 60] [10 ;20; 30] [70;60;50]};
net = configure(net,p,t);
net.inputweights{1} = 0.001;
net.adaptParam.passes = 10;
[net,y,E,pf,af] = train(net,p,t);
tout = net(p);
for i=1:100
[net,y,E,pf,af] = adapt(net,p,t,pi);
If yes,is this incremental training!?

Holes in gaussian mixture plot

I'm trying to plot a gaussian mixture model using matlab. I'm using the following code/data:
p = [0.048544095760874664 , 0.23086205172287944 , 0.43286598287228106 ,0.1825503345829704 , 0.10517753506099443];
meanVectors(:,1) = [1.3564375381318807 , 5.93145751073734];
meanVectors(:,2) = [3.047518052924292 , 3.0165339699001463];
meanVectors(:,3) = [7.002335595122265 , 6.02432823594635];
meanVectors(:,4) = [6.990841095715846 , 3.5056707068971438];
meanVectors(:,5) = [6.878912868397179 , 1.1054191293515965];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,1) = [1.3075839191466305 0.07843065902827488; 0.07843065902827488 0.3167448334937619];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,2) = [0.642914957488056 0.15638677636129855; 0.15638677636129852 0.382240356677974];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,3) = [0.8216051423486987 0.15225179380145448; 0.15225179380145445 0.37030472711188295];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,4) = [1.064002437166605 0.11798234162403692; 0.11798234162403692 0.2687495955430368];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,5) = [0.6445011493286044 0.15295220981440236; 0.1529522098144023 0.5231676196736254];
obj = gmdistribution(meanVectors', covarianceMatrices, p);
ezcontour(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10]);
ezsurf(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10]);
But the resulting surface appears to be really "spiky". Am i doing something wrong?
It seems that the problem is ploting the function
This piece of code is much slower, but it works for me
p = [0.048544095760874664 , 0.23086205172287944 , 0.43286598287228106 ,0.1825503345829704 , 0.10517753506099443];
meanVectors(:,1) = [1.3564375381318807 , 5.93145751073734];
meanVectors(:,2) = [3.047518052924292 , 3.0165339699001463];
meanVectors(:,3) = [7.002335595122265 , 6.02432823594635];
meanVectors(:,4) = [6.990841095715846 , 3.5056707068971438];
meanVectors(:,5) = [6.878912868397179 , 1.1054191293515965];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,1) = [1.3075839191466305 0.07843065902827488; 0.07843065902827488 0.3167448334937619];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,2) = [0.642914957488056 0.15638677636129855; 0.15638677636129852 0.382240356677974];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,3) = [0.8216051423486987 0.15225179380145448; 0.15225179380145445 0.37030472711188295];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,4) = [1.064002437166605 0.11798234162403692; 0.11798234162403692 0.2687495955430368];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,5) = [0.6445011493286044 0.15295220981440236; 0.1529522098144023 0.5231676196736254];
obj = gmdistribution(meanVectors', covarianceMatrices, p);
x = -10:.2:10; y = x; n=length(x); a=zeros(n,n);
for i = 1:n, for j = 1:n, a(i,j) = pdf(obj,[x(i) y(j)]); end, end;
The problem is the default grid size, which is 60. Set a higher number and you will get the expected result:
ezcontour(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10],300);
ezsurf(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10],300);