I'm trying to plot a gaussian mixture model using matlab. I'm using the following code/data:
p = [0.048544095760874664 , 0.23086205172287944 , 0.43286598287228106 ,0.1825503345829704 , 0.10517753506099443];
meanVectors(:,1) = [1.3564375381318807 , 5.93145751073734];
meanVectors(:,2) = [3.047518052924292 , 3.0165339699001463];
meanVectors(:,3) = [7.002335595122265 , 6.02432823594635];
meanVectors(:,4) = [6.990841095715846 , 3.5056707068971438];
meanVectors(:,5) = [6.878912868397179 , 1.1054191293515965];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,1) = [1.3075839191466305 0.07843065902827488; 0.07843065902827488 0.3167448334937619];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,2) = [0.642914957488056 0.15638677636129855; 0.15638677636129852 0.382240356677974];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,3) = [0.8216051423486987 0.15225179380145448; 0.15225179380145445 0.37030472711188295];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,4) = [1.064002437166605 0.11798234162403692; 0.11798234162403692 0.2687495955430368];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,5) = [0.6445011493286044 0.15295220981440236; 0.1529522098144023 0.5231676196736254];
obj = gmdistribution(meanVectors', covarianceMatrices, p);
ezcontour(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10]);
ezsurf(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10]);
But the resulting surface appears to be really "spiky". Am i doing something wrong?
It seems that the problem is ploting the function
This piece of code is much slower, but it works for me
p = [0.048544095760874664 , 0.23086205172287944 , 0.43286598287228106 ,0.1825503345829704 , 0.10517753506099443];
meanVectors(:,1) = [1.3564375381318807 , 5.93145751073734];
meanVectors(:,2) = [3.047518052924292 , 3.0165339699001463];
meanVectors(:,3) = [7.002335595122265 , 6.02432823594635];
meanVectors(:,4) = [6.990841095715846 , 3.5056707068971438];
meanVectors(:,5) = [6.878912868397179 , 1.1054191293515965];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,1) = [1.3075839191466305 0.07843065902827488; 0.07843065902827488 0.3167448334937619];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,2) = [0.642914957488056 0.15638677636129855; 0.15638677636129852 0.382240356677974];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,3) = [0.8216051423486987 0.15225179380145448; 0.15225179380145445 0.37030472711188295];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,4) = [1.064002437166605 0.11798234162403692; 0.11798234162403692 0.2687495955430368];
covarianceMatrices(:,:,5) = [0.6445011493286044 0.15295220981440236; 0.1529522098144023 0.5231676196736254];
obj = gmdistribution(meanVectors', covarianceMatrices, p);
x = -10:.2:10; y = x; n=length(x); a=zeros(n,n);
for i = 1:n, for j = 1:n, a(i,j) = pdf(obj,[x(i) y(j)]); end, end;
The problem is the default grid size, which is 60. Set a higher number and you will get the expected result:
ezcontour(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10],300);
ezsurf(#(x,y)pdf(obj,[x y]), [-10 10], [-10 10],300);
I have a problem with the following code. In the evidence part, the value is very small so, in the end, the probabilities are not calculated. I need to normalize it, but in which part should it be?
The code in MATLAB is:
clear all; close all; clc;
randn('seed', 1234);
resistivities = [50 200 2000 1500];
thicknesses = [500 100 200];
Par_real = [resistivities, thicknesses];
dataFreq = logspace(log10(0.001), log10(1000), 100);
[Ydata, phase] = modelMT2(Par_real, dataFreq);
sigma = 0.1;
Yexp = Ydata + sigma*randn(size(Ydata));
plot(dataFreq, Yexp, '.'); hold on; plot(dataFreq, Ydata, '-')
nsamples = 20000;
R1 = 5;
R2 = 2050;
P1 = 25;
P2 = 500;
Resis = R1 + (R2-R1)*rand(nsamples, 7);
Profs = P1 + (P2-P1)*rand(nsamples, 6);
for ii=1:nsamples
par3C = [Resis(ii, 1:3), Profs(ii, 1:2)];
par4C = [Resis(ii, 1:4), Profs(ii, 1:3)];
par5C = [Resis(ii, 1:5), Profs(ii, 1:4)];
par7C = [Resis(ii, 1:7), Profs(ii, 1:6)];
Like_M3C(ii) = log_likelihood(#modelMT2, dataFreq, Yexp, sigma, par3C);
Like_M4C(ii) = log_likelihood(#modelMT2, dataFreq, Yexp, sigma, par4C);
Like_M5C(ii) = log_likelihood(#modelMT2, dataFreq, Yexp, sigma, par5C);
Like_M7C(ii) = log_likelihood(#modelMT2, dataFreq, Yexp, sigma, par7C);
subplot(1, 2, 1)
subplot(1, 2, 2)
Evidencia(1) = mean(exp(Like_M3C));
Evidencia(2) = mean(exp(Like_M4C));
Evidencia(3) = mean(exp(Like_M5C));
Evidencia(4) = mean(exp(Like_M7C));
Denominador = sum(Evidencia);
PPMM = Evidencia/Denominador;
fprintf('La probabilidad de los modelos : \n');
fprintf('Modelo M3C: %.4f \n', PPMM(1));
fprintf('Modelo M4C: %.4f \n', PPMM(2));
fprintf('Modelo M5C: %.4f \n', PPMM(3));
fprintf('Modelo M7C: %.4f \n', PPMM(4));
model = [1, 2, 3, 4];
bar(model, PPMM), grid on
ylim([0, 1])
ylabel('Probabilidad del modelo')
function [LogPDF_post] = log_likelihood(Mod, xx, data, sigma, oldpar)
erro = (Mod(oldpar, xx) - data)';
LogPDF_post = -0.5 * erro' * 1/sigma^2 * erro;
I have tried to normalize the likelihood as follows, but it doesn't work. It gives equal probability in all cases.
function [LogPDF_norma] = log_likelihood(Mod, xx, data, sigma, oldpar)
erro = (Mod(oldpar, xx) - data)';
LogPDF_post = -0.5 * erro' * 1/sigma^2 * erro;
LogPDF_norma = (1/max(LogPDF_post))*LogPDF_post;
I am trying to reproduce the colorbar below for my chart. Specifically it is the string colorbar axis title (above and below the colorbar) that I am struggling with, the rest seems fine.
Below is my current code:
time_begin = [1981, 1, 1, 0,0,0];
time_end = [2010,12,31,23,0,0];
years = (time_begin(1):time_end(1))';
nyears = length(years);
TXx1 = randi(100, 288, 192, 30);
lat = rand(192, 1);
lon = rand(288, 1);
time = rand(30,1);
M = numel(lon);
N = numel(lat);
slope1 = zeros(M, N);
intercept1 = zeros(M, N);
T = numel(time);
x = ([ones(T, 1) years]);
for i = 1 : M
for j = 1 : N
y1 = squeeze(TXx1(i, j, :));
c = regress(y1, x);
intercept1(i, j) = c(1);
slope1(i, j) = c(2);
TXx2 = randi(100, 288, 192, 30);
slope2 = zeros(M, N);
intercept2 = zeros(M, N);
T = numel(time);
x = ([ones(T, 1) years]);
for i = 1 : M
for j = 1 : N
y2 = squeeze(TXx2(i, j, :));
c = regress(y2, x);
intercept2(i, j) = c(1);
slope2(i, j) = c(2);
set(gcf, 'color', 'w');
temp = [slope1(:) slope2(:)];
temp(temp == 0) = NaN;
[Q,Qc] = hist3(temp,'Nbins',[100 100],'CDataMode','auto');
Qx = cell2mat(Qc(1));
Qy = cell2mat(Qc(2));
Q = Q';
Q = Q./trapz(Qy,trapz(Qx,Q,2));
grid off
set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'Bold'); %added
cmap = jet(500);
cmap(1,:) = [1,1,1];
set(h,'position',[.91 .34 .031 .475]) %[xposition yposition width height].
set(get(h,'ylabel'),'string','Point density');
set(h,'XTickLabel',{'Low',' ',' ',' ',' ','High',});
Here is my current colourbar:
Replace this line:
set(h,'XTickLabel',{'Low',' ',' ',' ',' ','High',});
h.YTick = h.Limits;
h.YTickLabel = {'Low', 'High'};
This makes two tick-lines and two tick labels. By setting YTicks of the colorbar to its limits, the tick-lines get overlapped by colorbar boundary. So these get hidden and now there is no need to remove them.
However there is this TickLength property which can be used otherwise i.e.
h.TickLength = 0;
I'm trying to make a compound plot in matlab, with a data table below. Just like the one in this image (yes, that one was made in excel):
As far as I go, I'm able to make the plot, but have no idea of how to make the table below. Here's my code:
y = [1,4; 0,0; 0,0; 1,0; 4,5; 21,10; 13,9; 3,3; 2,NaN; 0,NaN; 0,NaN; 1,NaN];
z = [16,34; 16,17; 26,17; 27,21; 42,37; 60,45; 45,47; 37,33; 28,NaN; 14,NaN;
16,NaN; 21,NaN];
z(z==0) = nan;
P= max(aa);
q= max(bb);
yyaxis left
ylim([0 (P+2)]);
yyaxis right
ylim([0 (q+5)]);
b(1).LineWidth = 2;
b(1).Marker = 's';
b(1).MarkerFaceColor = [1 0.5216 0.2];
b(2).Marker = 'o';
b(2).MarkerFaceColor = [0 0.5255 0.9020];
b(2).LineWidth = 2;
b(2).Color = [0 0.4392 0.7529];
XTickLabel={'Enero' ; 'Febrero' ; 'Marzo'; 'Abril' ; 'Mayo' ; 'Junio' ;
'Julio' ; 'Agosto' ; 'Septiembre' ; 'Octubre' ; 'Noviembre' ;
set(gca, 'XTick',XTick);
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', XTickLabel);
set(gca, 'XTickLabelRotation', 45);
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1000, 350])
%Maximizar el espacio de la figura
ax = gca;
outerpos = ax.OuterPosition;
ti = ax.TightInset;
left = outerpos(1) + ti(1);
bottom = outerpos(2) + ti(2);
ax_width = outerpos(3) - ti(1) - ti(3);
ax_height = outerpos(4) - ti(2) - ti(4);
ax.Position = [left bottom ax_width ax_height];
%%%%%% Grilla %%%%%%%
grid on
legend('Total Episodios 2017','Total Episodios 2018','Conc.Prom. Mensual
2017','Conc.Prom. Mensual 2018');
%%% Colores %%%%
barmap=[1 0.4 0; 0 0.4392 0.7529];
I would deeply appreciate any help you could give me.
% Plot first part
x = [2 3 4 1 2 4 12 45];
% Plot table
ha = subplot(2,1,2);
pos = get(ha,'Position');
un = get(ha,'Units');
ht = uitable('Units',un,'Data',randi(100,10,3), 'Position',pos);
I tried to set same figure size for several images using for loop in matlab and save in png
But some (usually one) of them has different size.
In below code, I tried to save image in (48,64).
Why some figure sizes are not set properly as I commanded?
nMarker = 5;
mark = ['o', 's', 'd', '^', 'p'];
nSize = 3;
mSize = [9, 18, 27];
nRow = 48;
nCol = 64;
BG = zeros(nRow, nCol);
idxStage = 2;
numAction = 1;
numPositionX = 4;
numPositionY = 4;
xtrain = [1,2,3,4];
ytrain = [1,2,3,4];
xpos = [20, 30, 40, 50];
ypos = [8, 18, 28, 38];
nStepS = 10;
nStepB = 10;
nStep = nStepS + nStepB;
for a = 1
for x = 1:numPositionX
for y = 1:numPositionY
for obj = 1:nMarker
for s = 1:nSize
obj_command = x*1000 + y*100 + obj*10 + s;
fig1 = figure(1);
hold on
scatter(xpos(x), ypos(y), mSize(s), mark(obj), 'k', 'filled')
axis off
set(fig1, 'Position', [500, 500, 64, 48]);
set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1],'units','normalized')
F = getframe(gcf);
[X, Map] = frame2im(F);%
tmp_frame = rgb2gray(X);
tmp_im_fn = sprintf('tmp/image_seq%04d.png',obj_command);
imwrite(tmp_frame, tmp_im_fn)
I found some trick to solve the problem for now.
I put,
fig1 = figure(1);
in front of the for loop and it seems all sizes are equal now.
But still waiting for better solution...
im trying to use mesh2d function according to a guide I read.
for some reason im getting all the time this issue:
Undefined function 'mesh2d' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in Try1 (line 88)
[p,t] = mesh2d(allnodes, alledges);
I install mesh2d , according to the guide here:
but for some reason im still getting this issue...
this is my code:(im adding the code so it whould be easier in case im missing something, instead il mark the bad part)
file = 'pattern3';
P = imread('Pattern3.png');
P = P(400:3400, 400:3400);
P = 255 - P*6;
P = 1-im2bw(P);
Nmin = min(size(P));
P = P(1:Nmin, 1:Nmin);
[xg, yg] = meshgrid(1:Nmin, 1:Nmin);
P((xg - Nmin/2).^2 + (yg - Nmin/2).^2 > 0.99*0.25*Nmin^2) = 0;
P = padarray(P, [1 1], 0);
CC = bwconncomp(P);
dtheta = pi/24;
theta = (-pi:dtheta:(pi-dtheta))';
nodeouter = [1.1*cos(theta) 1.1*sin(theta)];
Nnodes = length(nodeouter);
nodelist = (1:Nnodes)';
allnodes = nodeouter;
alledges = [nodelist , mod(nodelist, Nnodes)+1];
for n = 1:CC.NumObjects
%for n = 2:2
newP = zeros(size(P));
newP(CC.PixelIdxList{1,n}(:)) = 1;
newP = filter2(fspecial('average',5),newP);
C = contourc(newP,[0.2 0.2]);
C = C(:,2:end)';
C2 = dpsimplify(C,1);
m = 1;
while m <= length(C2(:,1))
if(C2(m,1) == 1 || C2(m,2) == 1)
C2(m,:) = [];
m = m + 1;
C2 = (C2 - Nmin/2)/(Nmin/2);
C = (C - Nmin/2)/(Nmin/2);
hold all
plot(C2(:,1), C2(:,2))
axis image xy
nodeinner = C2;
Nnodeshole = length(nodeinner);
nodelist = (1:Nnodeshole)';
edgelist = [nodelist , mod(nodelist, Nnodeshole)+1];
edgelist = edgelist + Nnodes;
allnodes = [allnodes; nodeinner];
alledges = [alledges; edgelist];
Nnodes = Nnodes + Nnodeshole;
hdata.fun = #(x,y) 0.05*(1 + ((x.^2 + y.^2)/a^2)).^2;
[p,t] = mesh2d(allnodes, alledges); %%here is the issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
as = 0.5;
for n = 1:length(as)
a = as(n);
h = 0;
x = p(:,1);
y = p(:,2);
z = zeros(size(x));
r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);
phi = atan2(y,x);
theta = atan(r/(a+h));
alpha = 2*theta;
xnew = a*sin(alpha).*cos(phi);
ynew = a*sin(alpha).*sin(phi);
znew = -a*cos(alpha);
p2 = [xnew, ynew, znew];
stlwrite('Test.stl', t, p2)
fv.faces = t;
fv.vertices = p2;
patch(fv, 'FaceColor', [1 1 1], 'EdgeColor', 'black', 'LineWidth', 0.1)
axis equal
axis off
xlim([-a a])
ylim([-a a])
zlim([-a a])
camlight head
the photo im trying to use:
I recently completely rewrote MESH2D -- bringing it up-to-date with more recent meshing techniques and MATLAB functionality. It looks like you are trying to use subroutines from old versions of the library.
Based on the updates, the routines you want are refine2 and smooth2 (they build and then optimise a two-dimensional constrained Delaunay triangulation).
I recommend that you have a look at the example code contained in tridemo to see how the updated MESH2D toolbox works.