I used ADAPT for incremental training a simple network, and i know that ADAPT changes weights and biases,i used this:
clear all
net = linearlayer([0 1 2]);
pi = {[1; 1] [2;2]};
p = {[3 ;4] [5; 6] [7;8]};
t={[40; 50; 60] [10 ;20; 30] [70;60;50]};
net.adaptParam.passes = 10;
for i=1:1
[net,y,E,pf,af] = adapt(net,p,t,pi);
after that i simulate that network with the same input:
I expect that y =y1, but the results y1 and y are not equal!!
Why there is differnce betweet network output training with ADAPT(y) and the output of the trained network(y1)!?
What does ADAPT do?
there you have it:
net = linearlayer([0 1 2]);
pi = {[1; 1] [2;2]};
p = {[3 ;4] [5; 6] [7;8]};
t = {[40; 50; 60] [10 ;20; 30] [70;60;50]};
net = configure(net,p,t);
net.inputweights{1}.learnparam.lr = 0.001;
net.adaptParam.passes = 10;
[net,y,E,pf,af] = train(net,p,t);
tout = net(p);
You would use adapt() for post training applications. The matlab documentation specifically says that you use adapt after it has been trained and the network adapts as it is simulated (http://www.mathworks.com/help/nnet/ref/adapt.html)
So i shoud use ADAPT after training? like this code?
net = linearlayer([0 1 2]);
pi = {[1; 1] [2;2]};
p = {[3 ;4] [5; 6] [7;8]};
t = {[40; 50; 60] [10 ;20; 30] [70;60;50]};
net = configure(net,p,t);
net.inputweights{1}.learnparam.lr = 0.001;
net.adaptParam.passes = 10;
[net,y,E,pf,af] = train(net,p,t);
tout = net(p);
for i=1:100
[net,y,E,pf,af] = adapt(net,p,t,pi);
If yes,is this incremental training!?
I am trying to write a code for the colculate autocorrelation function. Could you suggest what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance
i = 1:199;
U =sin(0.3*i);
sum_1 = 0;
for tau = 1:length(U)
for t = tau:length(U)-1
sum_1 = sum_1+sum(U(t).*U(t+1-tau));
You can do something like this. This is an implementation of the original algorithm with only a small optimization; calculating half the sequence and copying the remaining half.
n = length(x);
m = 2*n - 1;
rxx = zeros(1,m);
for i = 1:length(x)
rxx(i) = dot(x(n-i+1:n), x(1:i).');
rxx(m-i+1) = rxx(i)';
x = [2, 3, -1];
rxx =
-2 3 14 3 -2
% MATLAB built-in
ans =
-2 3 14 3 -2
I'm trying to set up a simple denoising autoencoder with Matlab for 1D data. As currently there is no specialised input layer for 1D data the imageInputLayer() function has to be used:
function net = DenoisingAutoencoder(data)
[N, n] = size(data);
%setting up input
X = zeros([n 1 1 N]);
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:N
X(i, 1, 1, j) = data(j,i);
% noisy X : 1/10th of elements are set to 0
Xnoisy = X;
mask1 = (mod(randi(10, size(X)), 7) ~= 0);
Xnoisy = Xnoisy .* mask1;
layers = [imageInputLayer([n 1 1]) fullyConnectedLayer(n) regressionLayer()];
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm');
net = trainNetwork(X, Xnoisy, layers, opts);
However, the code fails with this error message:
The output size [1 1 n] of the last layer doesn't match the
response size [n 1 1].
Any thoughts on how should the input / layers should be reconfigured? If the fullyConnectedLayer is left out then the code runs fine, but obviously then I'm left without the hidden layer.
The target output should be a matrix, not a 4D tensor.
Here's a working version of the previous code:
function DenoisingAutoencoder(data)
[N, n] = size(data);
X = data;
Xoriginal = data;
Xout = data';
% corrupting the input
zeroMask = (mod(randi(100, size(X)), 99) ~= 0);
X = X + randn(size(X))*0.05;
X = X .* zeroMask;
X4D = reshape(X, [1 n 1 N]);
layers = [imageInputLayer([1 n]) fullyConnectedLayer(n) regressionLayer()];
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm');
net = trainNetwork(X4D, Xout, layers, opts);
R = predict(net, X4D)';
I'm trying to blind unblur an image using a gauss filter using the following code
but I know I've a problem whenever the filter contains zero, so I wonder if there is any other method of deconvolution but using the FFT
function [ out ] = imblur( file)
img = im2double(imread(file));
h = fspecial('gaussian', [15 15], 3);
img_red = img(:,:,1);
img_blue = img(:,:,2);
img_green = img(:,:,3);
[m,n] = size(img_red);
[mb,nb] = size(h);
% output size
mm = m + mb - 1;
nn = n + nb - 1;
x1(:,:,1) = (ifft2(fft2(img_red,mm,nn)./ fft2(h,mm,nn)));
x2(:,:,2) = (ifft2(fft2(img_blue,mm,nn)./ fft2(h,mm,nn)));
x3(:,:,3) = (ifft2(fft2(img_green,mm,nn)./ fft2(h,mm,nn)));
out = cat(3, x1(:,:,1), x2(:,:,2), x3(:,:,3));
replacing the zeros with epsilon worked just fine.
I'm trying to compare the result of newff with different number of hidden layer but the result is the same. I used 1 hidden layer and 2 hidden layers to compare.
net = newff( minmax( pn ), [5 1], {'tansig' 'purelin'}, 'trainlm');
net = newff( minmax( pn ), [5 5 1], {'tansig' 'tansig' 'purelin'}, 'trainlm');
load data.txt;
P = data(1:20,1:3);
T = data(1:20,4);
[a,minp,maxp,b,mint,maxt] = premnmx(P',T');
net = newff( minmax( pn ), [5 1], {'tansig' 'purelin'}, 'trainlm');
net.trainParam.epochs = 10000;
net.trainParam.show = 5;
net = train(net,a,b);
y = sim(net,a)
x = postmnmx(y',mint,maxt);
plot(x, 'r');
What is the problem here?
May I suggest you to use a GUI based matlab command nprtools for neural networks.
I need help rectifying this code to implement XOR using Neural Network in matlab. But, I am unable to set the input weights from the input layer to the first layer. The network has input layer, hidden layer and output layer of 2,2 and 1 neurons respectively.
Can somebody help me with this?
net.numInputs = 1;
net.inputs{1}.size = 2;
net.numLayers = 2;
net.layers{1}.size = 2;
net.layers{2}.size = 1;
net.inputConnect(1) = 1;
net.layerConnect(2, 1) = 1;
net.outputConnect(2) = 1;
net.targetConnect(2) = 1;
net.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'logsig';%>> net.layers{2}.transferFcn = 'purelin';
net.layers{2}.transferFcn = 'logsig';
net.biasConnect = [ 1 ; 1];
net.layers{1}.initFcn = 'initwb';
net.layers{2}.initFcn = 'initwb';
net.inputWeights={1 1;1 1};%ask this. error is not explanatory. probably syntax.
net.biases{1}={-1.5 -0.5};
net.layerWeights{2,1}={-2 1};
P=[0 1 0 1;0 0 1 1];
T=[0 1 1 0];
net.initFcn = 'initlay';
net = init(net);
net.adaptFcn = 'adaptwb';
net.inputWeights{1,1}.learnFcn = 'learnp';
net.biases{1}.learnFcn = 'learnp';
net.adaptParam.passes =3;
net.performFcn = 'mse';
y = sim(net,P)
doc network tells me:
If net.inputConnect(i,j) is 1, then net.inputWeights{i,j} is a structure
defining the weight to layer i from input j.
So instead of setting a cell array for the net.inputWeights you should be setting the elements of net.inputWeights for each combination of input and first-layer nodes like this:
net.inputWeights{1,1} = weight11; % input1 node 1
net.inputWeigtts{1,2} = weight12; % input1 node 2