how to use access token to create a new user account using google provisioning api in .net - oauth2-playground

I am trying to create a dektop application to create new user account into particular user group using Provisioning API of google.
I am using some >Net libraries in my code , here is how my code looks like.
string token = GetNewAuthenticationToken("", "adminEmail", "adminPassword");
AppsService service = new AppsService("", token);
service.CreateUser("usernametest", "userfirstname", "userlastname","userpasswordtest12345");
But I am getting this error,
Execution of request failed:
I know it has something to do with token I am getting, can anybody have any idea on how to pass the token with service.createuser method?
And also what is use of that client id and client secret code which is generated while registering app on google.


Do you need to use the OAuth flow to access your own dropbox account?

I'm writing a dropbox integration against my own account. When file get dropped I respond to a webhook notification and import the files into one of our backend systems.
It's all done in back end server code and there is no real opportunity to pop up a UI to get me to sign in.
I've developed it so far using the access token you can get from the app console but that expires after a few hours.
Are there any auth shortcuts when using the API with just your own account?
I've figured out some shortcuts for myself
First off all as its a background process it needs to be running with "offline" access and using refresh tokens to acquire short lived access tokens.
As there is no UI and its only for my own account I can get an authorisation code via the browser from this URL{{Your APP ID Here}}&token_access_type=offline&response_type=code
then use POSTMAN to get an access Token & Refresh Token:
In Postman:
Post to
Authorisation Basic
UserName = {{AppKey}}
Password = {{AppSecret}}
Body :x-ww-form-urlencoded
code = <<Auth Code From Browser>>
grant_type = authorization_code
This produces a result with an access_token and a refresh_token
The refresh token will only expire if I withdraw access so that will be safe to add into my config and use to request access tokens or connect to the client.
In my case its c#
using (var dbx = new DropboxClient(refreshToken,appKey,appSecret))
var myAccount = await dbx.Users.GetCurrentAccountAsync();
String.Format("{0} - {1}",
.Dump("Account Details");

Microsoft Graph API: Getting ErrorAccessDenied for multi-tenant application with application permission

I'm writing a daemon app for my customers (multiple tenants) who are using outlook.
I'm using 2 application permissions that need admin consent - Mail.ReadBasic.All and
User.Read.All. my app first needs to read all the users' ids, then get all the metadata of their emails.
I've created a new tenant with office365 to test this, let's call it - test, and sent a couple of emails between 2 users.
So, at first, I'm redirecting the admin of the test org to the adminconsent endpoint, where he/she is granting application permissions to my app. This is the URL I'm using:
client_id=<the app ID>
&state=<some state>
&redirect_uri=<my redirect URL as written in the app configuration>
After calling this endpoint I can see my app listed in the test org under the Enterprise applications and can see the relevant permissions were granted by an admin.
Since I'm not getting a code from this flow (needed for the oAuth2 authentication flow), I then need to ask the admin to login again. I'm using this URL for that:
client_id=<same app ID>
&redirect_uri=<same redirect URL>
&state=<some state>
After the login is successful I'm getting a code back to my redirect URL and after another request, I'm getting an access token. Using this access token I'm trying to access any of the following APIs:
But I'm getting ErrorAccessDenied with a message: Access is denied. Check credentials and try again.
Further information:
I'm using python and the MSAL package to build the app (using the class - ConfidentialClientApplication) and the URLs for the authentication flow (but not for the adminconsent endpoint, as I couldn't find out how to do it)
Do you know what I'm doing wrong? I'm losing my mind over this... :(
This page should describe everything you need:
The admin consent URL should be specific to the customer's tenant. You can use the word common if you want to allow signing into any tenant.{tenant}/adminconsent
You also must URL encode the redirect_uri param (and all other params). For some reason the example in that document is not URL encoded, but the value here must be URL encoded. You should see no colons, slashes, ampersands, etc. for this parameter.
For a different example that requests specific scopes for admin consent (instead of the default which is all the scopes you listed during your AAD client app registration) see
You will receive a callback to the redirect URI to indicate everything worked. This includes the tenant ID that granted you admin consent.
After that you initiate a separate token request call for the tenant ID, your application client ID and a specific requested scope. This will then return an appropriately scoped access token which you can use directly in all API calls. You can do this like so:
# The pattern to acquire a token looks like this.
result = None
# First, the code looks up a token from the cache.
# Because we're looking for a token for the current app, not for a user,
# use None for the account parameter.
result = app.acquire_token_silent(config["scope"], account=None)
if not result:"No suitable token exists in cache. Let's get a new one from AAD.")
result = app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes=config["scope"])
if "access_token" in result:
# Call a protected API with the access token below.
print(result.get("correlation_id")) # You might need this when reporting a bug.
Hope that helps. The article above has all the details.

okta OAuthError: Could not acquire access token from authorization code

I am using OKTA.
Looks like that i got an error when clicking on login button:
OAuthError: Could not acquire access token from authorization code.
My app is in LIVE. All the settings in app dashboard look correct, because I took a simple js sdk in index.html file and made it work. So Something happens on okta Size. I am using social/identity providers.
Anyone has ever used okta and reached this error?
Another hint is that their support somehow on their back-end admin panel checked and they also get another error message: "Cannot call API on behalf of this user"
I had the same issue, in my case the issue was because the security secret key didn't match with the one in the IDP database.
If you have generated manually the secrete key check that the key is created using ssh256 hash.
You can find how to generate a secrete key here

Enable CORS for Azure Rest webapi application

I have simple jQuery page that makes calls to azure restful API to get the status of VMs.
I'm facing a problem that it's complaining about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and I can't find where to set that for the Web app/API I have.
I'm using client credentials grant to get the token
I have finished my testing and when I tried to do the calls from jQuery/JS I got the CORS problem.
My setup involved:
From Azure portal, I used App registrations to register an app of type "Web app/API", give it a homepage address "this is where it lives", created a key.
POST<tenant id>/oauth2/token
client_id=application id
client_secret=application key
Am I missing any missing anything? my search keeps leading me to Azure hosted apps
Okay, here is how to do it in short:
Add Function App (charge per request)
Open the Newly created function app
In Proxies, select that from the right list
Give it a name, route template will be your new endpoint URL, backend URL is your login endpoint eg:
After that, back to your function app, select the platform feature tab, Select CORS, delete all of them and enter your application URL or simply a *
You can be more specific with these, but this is enough to get the token. And all the other endpoint didn't have CORS problem.
Good luck.
You cannot use a client secret from front-end Javascript.
Your client secret will be public, it's basically your app's password.
Client credentials grant is for back-end applications.
You need to use e.g. the implicit grant flow with ADAL.JS/MSAL.JS to acquire tokens.
Your front-end app also should be registered as Native since it is a public client.
Here is a sample app:
Oh, and the CORS error comes from Azure AD's token endpoint.
You cannot do anything about it.

access a dropbox file without having to login using appkey and secret key

I need to implement the following functionality:
*send name and e-mail address of an user to an excel sheet in Dropbox.As soon as the user submits details,the data needs to get appended to the file.
i have made an app account in my dropbox, and got its key and secret, which is hardcoded in the app.Want to get rid of the login screen.How is it to be done?
Kindly provide some code examples as Im a newbie.
This is not possible now but may be in future.
Just refer this
In DropBoxSDK, Because the application doesn't call /oauth/authorize directly, there is no direct return value. After the user authorizes the application, use its request token to retrieve an access token via the /oauth/access_token API call.