Enable CORS for Azure Rest webapi application - rest

I have simple jQuery page that makes calls to azure restful API to get the status of VMs.
I'm facing a problem that it's complaining about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and I can't find where to set that for the Web app/API I have.
I'm using client credentials grant to get the token
I have finished my testing and when I tried to do the calls from jQuery/JS I got the CORS problem.
My setup involved:
From Azure portal, I used App registrations to register an app of type "Web app/API", give it a homepage address "this is where it lives", created a key.
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant id>/oauth2/token
client_id=application id
client_secret=application key
Am I missing any missing anything? my search keeps leading me to Azure hosted apps

Okay, here is how to do it in short:
Add Function App (charge per request)
Open the Newly created function app
In Proxies, select that from the right list
Give it a name, route template will be your new endpoint URL, backend URL is your login endpoint eg: https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/token
After that, back to your function app, select the platform feature tab, Select CORS, delete all of them and enter your application URL or simply a *
You can be more specific with these, but this is enough to get the token. And all the other endpoint didn't have CORS problem.
Good luck.

You cannot use a client secret from front-end Javascript.
Your client secret will be public, it's basically your app's password.
Client credentials grant is for back-end applications.
You need to use e.g. the implicit grant flow with ADAL.JS/MSAL.JS to acquire tokens.
Your front-end app also should be registered as Native since it is a public client.
Here is a sample app: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-javascript-singlepageapp-dotnet-webapi
Oh, and the CORS error comes from Azure AD's token endpoint.
You cannot do anything about it.


How to perform user registration and authentication between a single page application and a REST API with OpenID Connect

Consider that we have:
An SPA or a statically generated JAMStack website.
The website is being served with nignx that also reverse proxies to our API.
It is required that a user should be able to register/authenticate with an identity provider (say, Google) through the OpenID Connect protocol. For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that the user has already registered with our API.
Talking about authentication using OIDC, from what I have read on the subject, the steps you take are the following:
Register the application with the IdP and receive a client id and a secret.
When the user initiates a login (with Google) request on the API ('/api/loginWithGoogle') the API sets a state variable on the request session (to prevent CSRF) and redirects the user-agent to the IdP's login page.
At this page, the user enters their credentials and if they are correct, the IdP redirects the user to the callback URL on the API callback (/api/callback).
The request received on the callback has the state parameter (which we should verify with the one we set on the session previously) and a code parameter. We exchange the code for the identity token with the authorization server/IdP (we also receive access/refresh tokens from the auth server, which we discard for now because we do not want to access any APIs on the behalf of the user).
The identity token is parsed to verify user identity against our database (maybe an email).
Assume that the identity is verified.
-- The next part is what's giving me trouble --
The documentation that I have read advises that from here we redirect the user to a URL (e.g. the profile page)and start a login session between the user agent and the API. This is fine for this specific architecture (with both the SPA/static-site being hosted on the same domain).
But how does it scale?
Say I want to move from a session based flow to a JWT based flow (for authenticating to my API).
What if a mobile application comes into the picture? How can it leverage a similar SSO functionality from my API?
NOTE: I have read a little on the PKCE mechanism for SPAs (I assume it works for JAMStack as well) and native mobile apps, but from what I gather, it is an authorization mechanism that assumes that there is no back-end in place. I can not reconcile PKCE in an authentication context when an API is involved.
Usually this is done via the following components. By separating these concerns you can ensure that flows work well for all of your apps and APIs.
This is a utility API to keep tokens for the SPA out of the browser and to supply the client secret to the token service.
This serves unsecured static content for the SPA. It is possible to use the BFF to do this, though a separated component allows you to serve content via a content delivery network, which some companies prefer.
This does the issuing of tokens for your apps and APIs. You could use Google initially, though a more complete solution is to use your own Authorization Server (AS). This is because you will not be able to control the contents of Google access tokens when authorizating in your own APIs.
This interacts with the Backend for Frontend during OAuth and API calls. Cookies are sent from the browser and the backend forwards tokens to APIs.
This interacts with the token service and uses tokens to call APIs directly, without using a Backend for Frontend.
These only ever receive JWT access tokens and do not deal with any cookie concerns. APIs can be hosted in any domain.
In order for cookies to work properly, a separate instance of the Backend for Frontend must be deployed for each SPA, where each instance runs on the same parent domain as the SPA's web origin.
The backend for frontend can be either a traditional web backend or an API. In the latter case CORS is used.
See this code example for an API driven approach. Any Authorization Server can be used as the token service. Following the tutorial may help you to see how the components fit together. SPA security is a difficult topic though.

Identity Server Resource Owner flow with external Identity Provider

We have a project where the client requests the use of their own Identity Provider, in this case, it is SalesForce.
We secure the application using IdentityServer 3 and have configured it that for this client (based on parameters) it will use SalesForce as the IDP.
For the web app, no problem, Identity Server redirects to the Sales Force login page and everything works great.
Now we have a mobile app to build and the client would like to avoid having a web login page and would rather have a nice polished login form built in the application. This means that we will have to use the Resource Owner flow.
Now, the users creds are on SalesForce side so how does that work and is this at all possible in IdentityServer 3 ?
I see 2 possibilities but I kind of like neither of them:
Send the auth call to IdentityServer which should detect that it is up to SalesForce to validate the user and forwards the request there. I think it is not good as I would rather avoid having my IdentityServer dealing with credentials that he should not even know
Send a first auth call to SalesForce to get some "id token" that would then allow me to send another auth call to IdentityServer which will then recognize the "id token" and release an access token.
That seems like a stretch and forces the app to know that there is an IDP which is none of its business.
Any idea?

OAuth access token for internal calls

I'm currently tyring to build an API driven symfony2 web applicaiton.Just a basic application to learn symfony2 and REST.
It would be based on a RESTful api. Calls to the API will be authenticated using OAuth.
For e.g.:
if a client application wants to get data (information about all the fruits) through API it will need to make a GET request to the url and pass the access token as a parameter.So the url will look something like this.
http://www.mysite.com/api/fruits.json?=<access token>
Now the problem is that i would be needing the same data in one of my actions as well.
I need some help here.In order to get get data from above url in one of my actions i will also need to send an access token in the url.
How do i get this access token??
Should there be a fixed token which will be used for all such calls within my application??
You basic application project will grow manifold if you try to do what you want here.
Basically, you need to implement an Authentication Server for this.
i) First, the app should be registered for a scope;
ii) Using the app the user logs in to the authentication/authorization server.
iii) The server verifies if the app has access to the scope and if the user is registered in your system.
iv) Server creates an access token (which is a HMAC signed string) and returns to your app.
v) The app then hits the endpoint (restful API) with the token.
vi) The RESTful service then internally sends the token to the server and fetches the customerID for which the call is made and performs the actions that it's supposed to.
I wrote an answer once on how to create a OAuth Service/Provider - How would an efficient OAuth2.0 server / provider work?
Also, OAuth was designed such that client apps/3rd party software can access a user's resources on his behalf. A very simple example is = An app posting something on your facebook wall on your behalf. It is actually accessing a resource that you own (the wall) and posting to it. You do not need OAuth just to get some data - there are other ways to secure the API.

REST API and client on same server, need API authentication?

First, let me describe the application: we are working on a web-based software which is some kind of custom help desk application. It requires the user to login (we use FOSUserBundle). After login the user is redirected to the dashboard. From the dashboard there is no more page reload, the frontend is build on Angularjs and the user can get anywhere within the application without page reload. You could speak of a single page application.
So the data that is presented to the user, is fetched from a rest api (we use FOSRestBundle). This works quite well at this point.
There is some kind of dilemma. Only our staff will access this application (for now). So a staff member needs to login to access the helpdesk. The data that is pushed to the frontend via angularjs is called via api, so the user that has just logged in needs to authenticate again on every request because of rest.
Problem: Since the backend runs on symfony2 let us just try to get the user object of the currently logged in user when an api call is made:
returns anon. that stands for anonymous, or
returns just null.
So the authenticated context seems to be gone when using the rest api. However when I call an action directly without rest, I can get user information.
So what we need is to secure our rest api and get user information on every api call. We don't want third party people to access our application, just staff. I am not familar with OAuth, but the user will be redirected to a third party page to Allow/Deny access to his data? This would not be an option for us.
Based on that information, do you have any suggestions or ideas how to secure the api and transport the user data so that getUser does not return null or anon. but the actuall logged in user?
there's another way to resolve your problem.
It's by using Certificates.
you can generate certificates then use Http tunneling (https obviousley), the server will ask for a certificate (you've to configure Apache for that but it's not a big challenge).
with this in place, you've to add a CertificateManageron the server side to ensure that the certificate is valid and to know who's calling the service (to be able to authenticate the user at each request), the CertificateManager(or what ever you'll call it) will probably have to be configured within you filters chaine (as known in the java world), et voilĂ 
Hop that help you,
REST is stateless so you will have to send some kind of authentication/authorization in each request. You can use HTTP BASIC AUTH or something like OAuth.
Have a look at https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSOAuthServerBundle
I'm kind of building our application in exactly the same architecture (RESTful API with Symfony2 back-end and AngularJS frontend.
Another way is to duplicate the api routes, so that you have the api routes protected by OAUTH and the api routes protected by the session, both of them pointing to the same controllers. The method was explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22964736/435026

Restfull web application with oauth when client is also a website

I am creating a solution that will contains a website and mobile apps. I will use Zend-Framework 2 for the website.
So, to make it good, I am wondering if it would be a good idea to build :
A REST web service (using zf2)
Another website that will call the REST ws (using zf2)
The mobile apps that will call the REST ws
I will use OAuth for the autentication and security.
My question is, if my website gets the data by calling the REST ws, it will have to make a database request at each call to check the token whereas if I do a "normal" website, my app will be able to use session to store the information of the connected user.
Because, for what I have read, there is no such thing as session with OAuth/REST so for each call, I have one more sql request to check the token validity.
Is it still a good idea to make a full REST service, even for the website or to have a "normal" website and also a REST service API just for the mobile apps ?
Oauth is a server to server authentication framework. Like it is between mobile app and your API server , website vs your API server etc. You can adopt an approach where , you generate only one access token for your website client instead of multiple access token for each user from the website. This access token is stored in your webserver vs user cookie in website.Ultimately the aim is to identify all the clients of your REST WS and your website is one of its client and a very trusted one.
This way you can cache the access token to avoid db calls (typically cache time can be equal to or less than token expiry time). Do explore the multiple grant types specified in the oauth spec for this
Regarding maintaining session for user in your website, it is not dependent on whether the back end is a REST WS or not, it can be handled in your website