access a dropbox file without having to login using appkey and secret key - iphone

I need to implement the following functionality:
*send name and e-mail address of an user to an excel sheet in Dropbox.As soon as the user submits details,the data needs to get appended to the file.
i have made an app account in my dropbox, and got its key and secret, which is hardcoded in the app.Want to get rid of the login screen.How is it to be done?
Kindly provide some code examples as Im a newbie.

This is not possible now but may be in future.
Just refer this
In DropBoxSDK, Because the application doesn't call /oauth/authorize directly, there is no direct return value. After the user authorizes the application, use its request token to retrieve an access token via the /oauth/access_token API call.


Limit user access to api calls?

I am creating a rest api to be the backend for a messaging app. I want a user to only have access to their own data. For example user1 can call /users/user1 but not /users/user2. How would I go about doing this.
So first the user will login and be authenticated via their username and password. But where do I go from here? I was thinking of storing a token with the users data so when they access it I can verify that the pair matches but there must be a better way to do this. Do I need to restructure my api?
After the user logs into the system, you should provide them a token or initialize a session for that user. In each consecutive call, the user should send the token to the API. As long as the token/session is alive user should be able to call the API.
You should have a way to verify the user token in the backend for each API call. A very popular way of doing this is to use JWT(JSON Web Tokens) based authentication.
See here for an example using python and flask:
Once you verify the user, you should parse the user id to the database query in order to filter out the data for that user.
Even though I don't understand your full use case, it seems like you need to restructure your API calls as well. You should not provide API calls per user. What happens when the numbers of users increase in your system dynamically?
So you should either accept user id as a parameter or you should let the JWT authenticator take care of it.
Example REST API call would be
GET /user/data?userId=1234

Oauth2: authorize access based on unguessable url in email

Our application uses oauth2 & openid connect for auth&auth. It's built using an angular client that calls a REST API. I would like to know how to authorize access to the API, based on the possession of an unguessable url.
I'll explain this a little more. In the application, a user can invite another user. When this happens, an email is sent to the second user. When user 2 clicks a link in the email, he is sent to a webpage with details about the invitation.
Only user 2 should be allowed to see the invitation page. I was planning to solve this by using an 'unguessable url' in the email. Upon visiting the url, the user must somehow be authorized to fetch the invitation details from the API.
The question: how do I authorize a user, based on knowing the unguessable url? How do I assign a claim when the page is loaded, and how do I verify this claim in the API call that follows? The only solution I see, is to set a cookie containing a token. But this is not in line with our existing auth mechanism. I prefer not writing my own token validation code, and let the Identity Provider handle this.
Additional info: user 2 may or may not have an account in the system, and he may or may not be logged in. Neither should prevent the user from seeing the invitation details. In other words: a totally unknown user should be able to see the page. The knowledge of the url should be the only requirement.
Any solution to this problem? Or am I handling it all wrong?
After asking around, the general consensus is to NOT let the external auth mechanism take care of this, but to validate the link ourselves.
The solution is to turn the unguessable part of the url (the 'link id') in some kind of token, which can be validated upon calling the API. This is done by the API itself, not by the Identity Server.
Applied to the invitation issue: when an invitation is created, store the link id together with some info, i.e. what kind of access it allows (invitation access) and the id of the invitation. When the user calls the API to get the invitation, pass the link id for validation. Match the invitation id with the invitation id stored in the link, and if it doesn't, throw an error.

How to verify email and name on a server using FB access token received by javascript SDK on a client side

I have a client (HTML+JavaScript) and a server (ASP MVC) and I need to provide a user some private information. To achieve that I need to verify that
user authenticated and
use users email address to retrieve its
private information.
I want to use FB authentication. It looks pretty straight forward but has a flaw which I am sure people can tell me how to solve or what am I missing.
client initializes FB SDK and requests user to authenticate using FB
result of successful step #1 is access token.
We can place another call to FB using this access token to retrieve
email and name.
How can my server know what is the email and name of the authenticated user?
My understanding that client should not send email and name to the server (it can be hacked and can not be trusted) but instead client should send the received access token, which server should use to get user's email and name, but on the server side.
Please explain, give me an example, point me to a link on how can I achieve that on the server as all my searches for that failed.
One more time, my backend is ASP MVC.
On the server, make a call to the Graph API:,email
Use the Access Token and you will get the correct data:,email&access_token=xxx
Btw, you should also read this:
I guess I was confused with what I need to do in ASP MVC in order to get a user info having an access token.
The suggested link: helped me to understand that all I really need is to make a HTTPS GET call (from the server) to "" passing access cookie (received from the client) to retrieve the information I need and exclude a possibility of hijacked/compromised client passing me a wrong email.
Using GRAPH API means placing https calls to - that was no clear to me.

Providing Google login in Metro app, avoiding repeated permission-grants (Oauth2/Google OpenID)

I have the following situation:
I'm currently attempting to write a Metro-style application, with the ability to let the user sign in with his Google account, and the app requestion several permissions, as Userinfo.profile and
For this I'm currently using OAuthv2, and requesting the details worked out fine (after quite some effort and research).
Url used :
const string url = "" +
"client_id=" + clientId +
"&redirect_uri=" + "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" +
"&response_type=code" +
"&scope=" +
Now the problem is, if I want the user to stay authenticated, I'd either have to do it by saving the token at the clientside, by the user, or find some way to log in using Google, keep the session and check if he is authenticated.
Problem is, I don't know how to perform the latter, and have no idea how to use it.
At the moment, every time I open the application, the user is redirected to the google authorization page, where the whole procedure starts over and over again at each restart.
What I want to accomplish is that if a user logs in, I have some way of identifying him, and not always put a burden on him by re-requesting permissions for the given details.
I looked into OpenID, but I always get
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xrds:XRDS xmlns:xrds="xri://$xrds" xmlns="xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)">
<Service priority="0">
As a response on this url :,firstname,language,lastname,country&openid.ns.ext=
Am I building it wrong ?
If any suggestions, on either how to perform this 'correctly', what I'm trying to accomplish (an integration with google, allowing the user log in using google email, and only if he hasn't authorized the application, ask him to do so, plus finding a way of who he is when logging in for a second+ time), or on how I could do it, please feel free.
Besides, by using the stripped down version of the .Net 4.5 framework, it seems I'm unable to use OpenID libraries as they rely on the full 4.5 .
*Edit* Looking at MSDN this comes up :
To support SSO, the online provider must allow you to register a redirect URI in the form ms-app://appSID, where appSID is the SID for your app.
Does this mean it just isn't possible? Because at google I can only request a key for a domain with http(s):// ?
Have you looked at this?
It looks like you are using the Webserver flow and are requesting offline access. This should give you a refresh token after you swap the code. Hold onto this token in your application. If you do an authorization for login as well, you'll get a token back and you can use that to get the userid of the user at Google
Your application should keep track if you have a valid refresh token for a particular user. Then use that token to get the current credentials. You can use tokeninfo enpoint to validate the token. If you have a valid token for the user, there is no need to send them through the code flow to get another refresh token.
If you use the tokeninfo endpoint, the userid field is only present if the scope was present in the request for the access token. The value of this field is an immutable identifier for the logged-in user. Store this and you should have a durable identifier of the user.

Identifying/Managing users based on session ID (Mapping between Session ID to User ID to User Data)

I wrote a web-app that authenticated a user via Facebook connect (o-Auth).
After the user have authenticated I have a facebook token.
Using this token I send a request to Facebook to grab its basic user information.
At this point I have the user unique Facebook id and I know who it is.
How should I link between the user, the token and it's data in the database?
Right now my schema is pretty simple: facebook_id is the Primary key, and there are some other columns that includes the token and the user's data. Is that the correct way to do it?
At which point do I need to set a unique SESSION_ID (cookie) on the user request? After it authenticated?
I am confused about this part (and with Session management in general). When i set an attribute on a session does the browser remember it an send it in every request to my server? across all pages?
And the most important question is, how do i map between the SESSION ID and the user? Once i set a session id on his request, i need to figure out on every request who it is. What's the best way to do it?
That is fine, all you really want to do is to be able to match to a particular Facebook User ID with the data created by or in your web app that doesn't come from the Graph API .
At the moment you complete the Login flow (when you receive the Access Token). When you set a session the browser will remember the key-value pair in it until the session is cleared. So you want your code to be able to associate someone using a browser with a particular user in your database (or not if they don't have a session). Thus, whatever session value you use, you need to also store this in the Database alongside the User ID.
See above.
Honestly though, the very easiest way of doing this is to just use the Facebook Javascript SDK. This will handle all the access token retrieval and user persistence through cookies automatically, without you having to write code for it. Ultimately this will mean that all you need to do is store the Facebook User ID in your database alongside the app-generated content and won't need to worry about storing access tokens or session variables. There's a simple step-by-step guide here:
(in Step 5 you'll receive the User ID and you can make an AJAX call to server-side code from here to store it in your database)