No sound being played in Unity - unity3d

I have a game in Unity I am working on and I installed a plugin called FMOD to help me edit sound but it didn't work so I uninstalled it and removed every file on my computer with the text FMOD but the sound no longer plays in my game. Does anyone know how to solve this?


Why is my unity app crashing when I start another one?

I'm trying to create a multiplayer scene with VR in Unity using a HTC Vive and steamVR. But I can't test my app on a single computer. I do a "build and run" then my app start but when I click on play in the unity interface, the built app crashes. I don't why. I observed that this phenomenon exists when I add the [CameraRig] prefab from the Steam VR plugin which is essential for the VR
Could you help me please ?
Thank you

Unity : How to test Oculus OVRinput through the editor? Workflow question

Here is my problem,
I'm using unity 2017.4.30 to develop an Oculus Go application. If anyone else has done this before you know that you can get Unity to build an APK and upload to the headset to test your software.
At the moment we are writing code to do with OVR Utilities, specifically OVRInput which basically is to do with the Oculus Go controller interacting with canvas or objects etc.
What I want to be able to do is test code we are writing in the editor and not have to upload the APK each time to test it. It seems some things like OVRCamera rig work in the editor fine but the controllers only show up when you run from the Oculus Go itself.
Any ideas how we could 'simulate' or 'virtualize' OVR controller in the editor so I can just click things with my mouse?
Thanks for reading,
If you do not want to write your own controller simulator, I'd suggest using the method oculus quest dev's have been using to quickly debug their game, which involves emulating a rift by using programs like ALVR or VirtualDesktop.
If set up correctly you'll be able to just press the play button in unity and instantly see your game on the oculus go.
The answer was the Oculus Link. When the Quest was connected to the PC via Link the Quest controllers where emulated inside unity. Problem solved.

360 video glitch on Oculus Go APK

I have published the same Unity 360 video app to Gear VR and it works perfectly and used to on Oculus Go. However, recently this glitch has appeared when loading a new scene or playing a video file via VideoPlayer on the Oculus Go. Does anyone know a way of removing this or even what it is? It doesn't appear in the Unity editor and seems localised to the Oculus Go.

Unity Steam VR launches incorrect

I've programmed a virtual reality game for the HTC Vive in Unity. I used Steam VR.
If I play the game on Unity, everything runs perfectly. It runs also perfectly if I build it. But if I copy my build to another computer, nothing's working.
It looks like this:top right corner
Does anyone no how to solve this?.
My Vive is setup correctly and other games are working just fine.
Thank you
Make sure before each build that OpenVR is set as first target in the player settings and not "None" (sometimes Unity changes it).
On the other computers, they should obviously have Steam and SteamVR installed
Since Steam workflow is to launch games from Steam Library,which launch SteamVR automaticly. make sure the SteamVR app is launched before launching your .exe.

Play Video without touch in AR Vuforia Sdk

I am working on AR project with Vuforia sdk and following VideoPlayBack sample project, i just want to play video without touch, I mean when marker detect then video will play. I am doing this when marker detect [videoPlayerHelper[touchedTarget] play:NO fromPosition:VIDEO_PLAYBACK_CURRENT_POSITION]; but it run video greater then marker size. I am getting confuse please help me on that this will be great help for me. Thanks in advance.
I am not an iphone developer I am an android developer,i done that by finding whether marker is being tracking or not,as soon as it start tracking you can start playing video and pause on lost tracking,my ans for this ques for android here.hope this will clear atleast logic.