GWT Designer on Juno (Ubuntu) - eclipse

I've read about problems with GWT Designer with Ubuntu and there is not a Juno update site? Anyone confirmed that this setup with work? Ubunto 12.10.

I too had some issues with it. Eclipse was crashing when switching to designer view. What worked for me was installing xulrunner 1.9.2, setting export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=false before starting Eclipse.

I had to
1) export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=false
2) install 64 bit nightly build of xulrunner (
3) insert -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath=/usr/local/xulrunner at the end of eclipse.ini


Eclipse 4.5.1 server timeouts it is not well rendered

I've this strange behavior of Eclipse 4.5.1 and STS 3.7.3 as shown in the picture
I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 but also my colleague with Xubuntu 14.04 has the same problem.
I cannot know how many seconds and it is very hard to edit them. The only way I found ctrl-A to select everithing and copy paste.
Anybody knows what it is?
Does resizing the editor help?
Timeouts section in the editor is coming from Eclipse WTP
Think you should raise a bug against Eclipse WTP component Tomcat server integration.

No Google icon after installing the google-plugin-eclipse

After I installed google plugin for eclipse 4.4, the blue Google icon does not appear in the toolbar. And when I check in the installation details of Eclipse, the plugin is listed as installed, but in Preference there isn't any "Google" entry.
The problem is, I have tried the solution suggested in the plugin's FAQ site and tried reinstall as an Administrator user (from a completely new Eclipse), to no avail.
Have anyone else encountered the same problem ?
My environment: Windows 7 32bit, Eclipse Luna 32bit (version: for Java EE developers), Google plugin for Eclipse 4.4, JDK: tried both 1.7 and 1.8 32bit
Thanks in advance for any suggestion and help.
You may have eclipse starting in older java. I had the same issue, my eclipse was running with Java 6. As soon as I started eclipse with JDK7 it starts showing.

Zend Studio on Eclipse "HELIOS"

I'm trying to install Zend Studio on an existing installation of Eclipse HELIOS, but Zend doesn't want to behave. The PDF instructions here say it's for "Eclipse Galileo version 3.5.1 only". Sure enough, I'm getting a strange error on a Helios.
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
I've already upgraded to Helios and don't want to go back to Galileo, so has anyone solved this problem or knows how to get around it?
Studio 7.x does not support Helios. Studio 8.x which is just about to go to beta does.
On my Linux (Ubuntu) I was able to install multiple versions of Eclipse for various purposes. You can install a new Eclipse Galileo version 3.5.1 and it should not effect your Helios.
For a good explanation of how to do this see:

Eclipse (on Ubuntu) do not have jsp, html and other web-files template

I installed Eclipse using Synaptic Package Manager (Ubuntu 9.10).
However, my Eclipse does not have any HTML template (in New dialog) or JSP template.
How can I fix it so that I will have some HTML and JSP templates overthere?
Fetch Eclipse plugin from and select Web Developments stuffs solve the problem.
I do not recommend to install Eclipse from the ubuntu repository but to install it manually instead (and grab Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers). Just be sure to check this answer to fix the "click problem" due to a bug with Eclipse 3.5 and GTK+ 2.8.
Update: The reasons to prefer a manual install are explained in EclipseIDE. First, there is no guarantee to find the most recent of Eclipse in the repository (in Ubuntu 9.04, the packaged version of Eclipse was totally outdated). Second, even if you find an up-to-date version (like for Ubuntu 9.10), you'll need to run Eclipse as root to install plugins not available in Package Manager - why did they start to package plugin, this is just crazy - which is not a good idea. User mode installation solves this problem.
You can install eclipse-wtp-webtools package for static html files. I can't find one for jsp though.

Eclipse Galileo click problem on Ubuntu 9.10

I've just upgrade my Ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 and I'm experimenting a very annoying problem with Eclipse Galileo.
The problem is that Eclipse doesn't catch some button clicks. For example, I've tried to install a plugin and I clicked on next, and then nothing happened.
I didn't have the same problem before the upgrade of my Ubuntu version.
This is a known bug (bug 291257) with Eclipse 3.5 and GTK+ 2.8 (fixed in Eclipse 3.6). The workaround is to set the GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS environment variable to true before to start Eclipse.
I use the following startup script for Eclipse:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla/
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/opt/IBM/eclipse
export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true # workaround for Karmic -
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
The important part is the line export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true.
There was a change in GTK with Karmic. Here are the relevant bugs: