Eclipse 4.5.1 server timeouts it is not well rendered - eclipse

I've this strange behavior of Eclipse 4.5.1 and STS 3.7.3 as shown in the picture
I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 but also my colleague with Xubuntu 14.04 has the same problem.
I cannot know how many seconds and it is very hard to edit them. The only way I found ctrl-A to select everithing and copy paste.
Anybody knows what it is?

Does resizing the editor help?
Timeouts section in the editor is coming from Eclipse WTP
Think you should raise a bug against Eclipse WTP component Tomcat server integration.


How to prevent upgraded Eclipse Oxygen from automatically downgrading

I'm trying to Upgrade Eclipse Neon to Oxygen on Windows 10.
I started Eclipse with Administrator privileges and then followed the instructions described in the Eclipse Wiki.
The upgrade runs without errors and prompts for a restart. After the restart, Oxygen comes up without errors and everything seems fine. But when I close Eclipse and start it again, it's back to Neon, duh.
Oh, how I miss Arch Linux's pacman...
I had the same problem. Every restart after the initial upgrade from Neon to Oxygen, I got a "Requirements Update" dialog that prompted me to downgrade some of my components from 4.7 to 4.6 after which point I was back on Neon. Oops. Apparently "Oomph" still thought I should be on Neon and was trying to "fix" things.
I followed the following step outlined here:
open the Installation setup (Navigate -> Open Setup -> Installation)
and in the properties view change the product version to say Oxygen
After I did this, Oomph left me on Oxygen after this.
I "solved" the problem by
downloading the Oxygen installer,
installing Eclipse Oxygen as a separate instance,
installing all the plugins I need in Oxygen,
exporting the preferences from Neon and importing them in Oxygen.
A bit annoying, but it works and is probably still way more effective than figuring out what is going wrong with Eclipse's upgrade mechanism...

Upgrade Eclipse without opening it

I have Eclipse Juno with Java EE, PHP, C++ and PyDev in it and it was working perfectly under Ubuntu 12.04 and later under 14.04.
Yet, when I upgraded my OS to Ubuntu 14.10, Eclipse doesn't work anymore, whenever I try to open it, it shuts down immediately.
I want to upgrade it to Luna but it doesn't give me the chance to launch the upgrade, I have an idea I have and wish to hear your advice on whether it is right or wrong.
What I'd like to do is to download Luna and extract it over the older version.
Will this work? Or will it make it even worse?
Is there anyone who tired it before?
You may even download Luna, and extract it to a different folder (not necessary on top of the older version).
Afterwards, launch Luna and try to load your previous workspace(s). You might want to backup your workspaces folder, before letting Luna attempt and load from there.
Updating the eclipse through the command line is safer. Try it using eclipse site
and also refer to this answer
I find solution here on comment 20
This seems to be a bug in GTK according to
(there a similar problem for Meld was reported).
Another workaround mentioned there is
For oxygen, edit the normally already existing file "/usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" and change
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 0
This workaround is working for me.

Jess Editor Plugin not Appearing in Eclipse Luna

I have the Jess DE installed on an old version of Eclipse (Helios), and when I open any of my Jess files there, they are nicely displayed with appropriate colors, etc. I installed a newer version of Eclipse (Luna) in order to install PyDev, and meanwhile added all the Jess editor plugin files. I added them in exactly the corresponding subfolders as my older version of Eclipse, but have had no luck getting those files to open with the right editor. They'll open, but only as plain text, and trying to do an open with does not show the Jess Editor as an option. I restarted Eclipse a couple of times, but no luck. I also tried to follow these instructions:
"Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration in Eclipse, and enable the JessDE feature"
but that menu doesn't actually seem to appear in Luna. Installation details under the plugins tab also doesn't seem to show the Jess editor.
Any ideas what could be going wrong here? I'd love to have just a single version of Eclipse running on my machine, instead of several...
I have your same problem. In mine Eclipse KEPLER version goes all right, but when I do the SAME installation in LUNA, something goes wrong.
Probably, the last version of JESS (7.1p2) doesn't is compatible with LUNA. I hope not.

Eclipse Juno cannot make new project after update

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and to install Eclipse Juno I downloaded it from the official site (I don't use apt-get nor software center)
After updating it from help > check for updates menu, my Eclipse cannot make new project. When I hover File > New, there isn't any menu to select (as the usual Java Project, C++ Project etc.), only an unselectable text like this:
< No Applicable Items >
Anyone know what causes this?
nitind's answer above helped solve my problem. I was using eclipse java ide juno on windows and i could not see any items under File -> New or under Window -> Show View. I noticed eclipse had defaulted to using the Java-EE perspective. Following nitind's suggestion I changed it to the Java perspective and can now see all the menu items. thank you!
I had the same error when i first started the program, but i looked into it, and I saw that the workspace already had .cpp and compiled files in it which i had compiled earlier with a different program. To fix the error, I just changed the workspace to the default, and it worked fine.
I was using eclipse CDT Kepler with java 1.6.0_27. I then tried it with java 1.7.0_25 and eclipse Juno and this method resolved the error in any of these instances.
Try using the default workspace and it should work.

Aptana Studio 3 plugin doesnt get installed properly on Eclipse Juno

I have Eclipse Juno running on 64bit windows 7, I tried installing Aptana Studio 3 plugin for eclipse. The installation goes fine, and aptana plugin shows up in the Installed plugin list too as follows:
But thats it! I cant see Aptana anywhere else in eclipse, not in preferences,perspectives, views nowhere!
A strange thing i noticed was that while installing aptana plugin, i wasn't shown any security warning dialogue box telling me that its an unsigned plugin, something that i was expecting.
Has anyone else faced this problem before? Am i going wrong anywhere? please help.
EDIT: The same problem persists with Eclipse Indigo too.
Solved it myself! after looking at the error logs i realized that i had previously added a archive file to install aptana from disk (failed attempt).It was mentioned in the logs at several places, dont know why, but when i removed that repository Aptana installed fine on eclipse. :)