How to get in-app call information - iphone

How can you get information about the call(e.g. caller's and calling numbers(or source and destination phone numbers),call date and call duration etc.), which you make from your app using openURL method in iOS sdk? Any possible way? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

call log is not accessible via apple documented apis but if you do sm google, you'll find that there are ways to access this info (iOS dependent - means iOS4 's method/api is different than iOS 3) using which you can access this log but then you won't be able to post the app on applestore.

In iOS, you cannot access any other App's data from your App


registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution() method call

Im using Branch SDK to supports SKAdNetwork.
I added StoreKit to my iOS app, in the apple documentation they mention that this function is been called after the first launch of an app installed as a result of an ad.
but I didn't find any documentation that talks about where and how to implement it, is it on the app side or on the Branch side. How do I know that its been triggered? how to call it? should I import something?
Any help is appreciated
It appears that you are using Branch SDK with option to let SDK manage SKAdNetwork. If that’s the case, once you initialise SDK in App e.g. in didFinishLaunch function, SDK will take care of registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution Call. You don’t need to call it again in App.
If you opt to manage SKAdNetwork yourself, then you need to call registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution From within App didFinishLaunch function. Ideally call it only once per app install, though Apple documentation says there is not effect if you call it multiple times.

Read Call History from iPhone on iOS 7

My application needs to access the call history of the iPhone, it's possible to access
"/private/var/wireless/Library/CallHistory/call_history.db" since iOS 5.
So i had like to know if Apple has changed the security in iOS7 to allow third party apps to access the "call_history.db"
Apple has never allowed or provide API for third-party application to read your call log history. Third-party apps can only read files outside of its sandbox if the phone is jailbroken.

Get Call log details from NonJailbreakenIPhone

Is it possible to get call log details (Received, Dailed and missed) from NonJailbreakenIPhone?
I follow this link
but i didn't get any thing.
If possible please provide some code or steps.
No, this is impossible because of the way apps are sandboxed on iOS. While it might have been possible in previous iOS versions, iOS 5+ have locked down file system access to only within your own app's bundle.

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive?

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive and sort them in an app?
I would imagine that on a jailbroken phone you could read the DB, but using the normal SDK this is impossible. Each app is sandboxed to prevent it from reading data from other apps. Also, there is no API for it.
In short - no, SDK does not provide access to this information.
If it's jailbroken most certainly, you can even edit it by hand!

Can iPhone API access Mail/Messages/etc.?

My iPhone App needs to access messages (SMS), email and push events on apps. Is it possible with API?
Important enough - my app does not need to capture them in the background (I know this is impossible), but just when it's launched being able to load/aggregate/analyze them (for specific search/analytical purposes).
Thank you!
It is not possible on the current iPhone OS version (3.1).
This is not possible with the current APIs. Not allowed by Apple.