Read Call History from iPhone on iOS 7 - iphone

My application needs to access the call history of the iPhone, it's possible to access
"/private/var/wireless/Library/CallHistory/call_history.db" since iOS 5.
So i had like to know if Apple has changed the security in iOS7 to allow third party apps to access the "call_history.db"

Apple has never allowed or provide API for third-party application to read your call log history. Third-party apps can only read files outside of its sandbox if the phone is jailbroken.


How to Upgrade my flutter app without using Playstore or App store?

I have an app created for internal use. I have not published it on the play store, but I have to update it regularly.
Can anyone help...with which library should I use for implementing a self-upgrade system to my app. Any answer would be appreciated.
The answer is - yes,
You can upload your app to the Apple Store and Google Play but Not publish it to the public, instead, you can use internal testing
So only users that you define will be able to see or download your app in the Google Play and Apple Store
Google Play internal test
Apple test flight
Yep it has some limitations, for example, Apple allows up to 10000 testers but I hope it's ok for your company, but its only way to share app internally without any issues on iOS (android allow you to download apps from anywhere, iOS don't)
The answer is - no, you can't do that - not at least the Flutter* apps. As #Abion47 said, you can publish the new APK and ask users to install it. If you app involves back-end then you can check the (client) mobile app version and display the alert if the version is below minimum version required.
On the iOS side, it is slightly more difficult. For internal use, the organisation needs to sign-up with Apple's enterprise program. You can then distribute the app internally.
*- I've seen certain apps downloads the zip (or whatever) file, and updates themselves without actually going through App update process via AppStore/Playstore. However, it is more of a web part within the particular app which gets updated. The app version as such remains same.

Delete an application from iOS device using Push Notification

Is there a way could i delete my application from some users iPhone by sending a push notification?. The reason can be a security concern.
This can't be done for any iOS device, but it can be done for devices enrolled in Mobile Device Management (MDM). Apple has documented all of the available operations, including removing applications remotely.
An MDM server can manage third-party apps from the App Store, as well as enterprise in-house applications. The server can remove managed apps and their associated
data on demand or specify whether the apps are removed when the MDM profile is removed.
No. You can't execute any code in response to a push notification, unless your app is already running in the foreground. And you definitely can't programmatically delete your app in any situation.
Your best bet would be to have your app phone home when it starts, and not function unless it's supposed to.
You cant delete your application programmaticaly. But you can block some functionalities using client server communication. For example, Write in your code to send a request if security risks identified, and based on response you can control the program flow.

Is there a neat way to tell if iPhone/iPad has been set a passcode by user

I have asked this question long before.
I know it maybe impossible, but as far as I know, 'Find my friends' has this features and it works just so well, so I wonder if now there is a neat and legitimate way of doing that.
Just because Apple's Find My Friends app has a feature does not mean the API is publicly available. If this app is not an enterprise app, you can't use private APIs and have your app put on the app store. If it is an enterprise app, you may want to look into setting up a configuration profile for the device. In order to access the VPN for my employer, I had to install a configuration profile (visible in Settings) that requires a passcode to be entered every time I unlock my iPad. Without that, I cannot VPN into their intranet. TestFlight uses a similar approach with profiles to register a device to receive builds. I would check out this link from Apple on setting up these sorts of profiles for enterprise applications:
There's no way to detect this programmatically from within an iPhone SDK-based application. If you need to, you should file an enhancement request with Apple at

iOS Application in Cydia and AppStore

I have an app in Cydia and I want to make the same application but LITE version and put it in AppStore. My question is will Apple reject my app if the check it some how. Actuality my app work with web services so I have real worked domain. And I want to use the same domain or to make another second lite-like domain of the original one...
Thank's in advance..
No, the yxflash team does a similar thing, they have a version of their application in Cydia (because, when they released it, the code was using private APIs), and they have another version (actually 3) in the AppStore called yxplayer. So from what I see there, you should be fine, apple doesn't seem to check those things.
This is an explicit violation of the iOS developer agreement; your presence in the App Store will depend on being obscure enough that Apple doesn't notice what you're doing and nobody tells them. That's not how I would want to do business, but to each their own?
7.3 No Other Distribution Authorized Under this Agreement
Except for the distribution of freely available Licensed Applications and the distribution of Applications for use on Registered Devices as set forth in Sections 7.1 and 7.2 above, no other distribution of programs or applications developed using the Apple Software is authorized or permitted hereunder. In the absence of a separate agreement with Apple, You agree not to distribute Your Application to third parties via other distribution methods or to enable or permit others to do so.
Just submit the app, you will be fine.
Apple simply can't prove that YOU also submit the same app to Cydia.
That is, you can claim that your dog/cat/fish/wife/kid used the code to submit to Cydia during your sleep

Is the Mach API publicly available to use in iOS apps?

Is the Mach API (mach/mach.h, mach/mach_time.h, etc.) OK to use in iOS apps that are intended for the App Store, or will they get your app rejected?
I've been told that they are part of the 'SPI' (System Programming Interface) and therefore inaccessible.
To provide one answer to my question, I know of one person who is using mach_wait_until in an iOS app that is in the app store. He has confirmed that apple had no problems with him using it.