Can iPhone API access Mail/Messages/etc.? - iphone

My iPhone App needs to access messages (SMS), email and push events on apps. Is it possible with API?
Important enough - my app does not need to capture them in the background (I know this is impossible), but just when it's launched being able to load/aggregate/analyze them (for specific search/analytical purposes).
Thank you!

It is not possible on the current iPhone OS version (3.1).

This is not possible with the current APIs. Not allowed by Apple.


Can i hook into significant location change service so that i can track a Phone latest location?

i would love to build a auto-start with OS app which runs in IOS background(like a daemon) and when the phone changed its location the app send some information(userid,GPS,time......)to a web server immediately, in addition to,i want my app has no icon and users can not easily find it is on running or easily delete it. so i just wondering if these is some location-change notification i can hook into so that i can perform my code? anyone give me a good idea? i dont want put my app on appstore instead of i packaged it in deb,so i can use any private api or other non-official methods....
You can use CoreLocation native framework.we can access the current location of the user/device dynamically. follow the link for instructions coreLocation tutorials
According to Apple's Documents and guidelines, I don't think an app can exist without icon. The SDK doesn't have this feature as well. And no private API will be accepted into App Store. However, you can post your project on unofficial AppStores for jailbroken phones.

Is there a way to detect the running app, while my app is in the background in ios?

I need to detect the running application when my ios app is in the background. Basically I need to know if the user launched the Safari app?
Is there any way to do this? as I know when an app is in background, it may suspended or it could do only a minimal of things. Any help is very much appreciated.
you can only detect if your app is going to the background, no info is available regarding others apps.
One caveat is that within your app, you can test for another app being available:
- (BOOL)canOpenURL:(NSURL *)url
This can tell you whether the current device has a specific application installed IF that application is setup to handle url schemes for launching from another app.
Apple's Docs
No, there is no such way. Anything you're trying to know outside the scope of your app is forbidden by Apple.

Is it possible to anonymously track someone's location via mobile apps?

Is it possible to anonymously track someone's location via mobile apps?
Assuming, of course, that the user consents and downloads an app that can in the background?
iPhone OS 4 (coming "this summer") will allow you to run your app in the background, I believe that will allow you to keep track of the location.
The answer is both yes and no.
Yes, because Apple already supports this for MobileMe accounts, where you can track a registered iPhone through the "Find My iPhone" feature.
No, because you are not able to have an application run in the background on any current versions of the iPhone OS. It is possible that future versions will allow this, but not for any current versions.
So, Yes if you are Apple (which you are probably not) and no for the rest of us.
I guess the answer is yes, it's possible. Since you can share your location in various forms already, nothing is stopping a service to allow entry to the public.

How to verify that post to website is coming from a specific purchased iPhone application?

I have an iPhone application that posts data to a web application ... and I want to only accept data posted from an iPhone application that was purchased from the iTunes store.
Is there a way to do this? Is there something (or somethings) I can pass from the iPhone app to the web application that I can use to do such verification?
Thanks much
btw, using the asihttprequest library to handle requests/responses.
As far as I know, Apple doesn't provide any information about who purchased your app. That said, there are a few ways to detect if a device is jailbroken, or if your app was cracked. So, your app could detect that and pass that information to your server.
Have you consider using iTunes Store's in-app purchasing to handle the payment?
You could generate some kind of checksum/hash which you thenvalidate on the server, e.g.
In this example the hash is just the sum of the digits in the timestamp but you'd probably want to use something a bit more secure.

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive?

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive and sort them in an app?
I would imagine that on a jailbroken phone you could read the DB, but using the normal SDK this is impossible. Each app is sandboxed to prevent it from reading data from other apps. Also, there is no API for it.
In short - no, SDK does not provide access to this information.
If it's jailbroken most certainly, you can even edit it by hand!