How to capture commandline output - command-line

I want to run
"runas /user:xxxx "aspnet_regiis /i"
in my windows 2008 server, it failed with a quick popup window disappears right away.
How can I capture the output? or let the popup window not disappear right away until I close it.
Thank you very much.

Issue resolved, all I need is to see the output which has some error message. I run as the cmd and get the right privilege and everything is fine.
Thanks for replying.


/ added to top bar in vscode wsl

I have an extremely frustrating issue, where somehow vscode is adding a "/" to the top bar and then when I go to open a WSL window, it throws errors and isn't usable...
I know for sure that this is causing the issue because at one point I had it solved it, but I don't know how I did it (the ultimate frustration) and again, not sure what I did but the problem is back.
EDIT: I found one way to reliably get past it, which was using the WSL terminal in the directory I want to open and running code .
Would appreciate anyone chiming in who has more insight, though..
How do I edit this default on the top bar?
(see highlighted image below)
I have tried reinstalling vscode
Thanks in advance
As commented by #rioV8 the solution seems to be searching for window title

VS Code terminal showing ERROR on every line with oh-my-posh

My terminal in VS Code has since the previous update shown the word ERROR on every single line. I have installed oh-my-posh a little while back to make the terminal more pleasant to look at and give me some basic information.
Does anyone know where to look, to find the source of the error message? Tyvm :)
Noticed something different when running echo $ as suggested by #kamen-minkov
When I booted Ubuntu up again and my VS Code opened from the previous state it was in the ERROR label was gone:
However. When I opened up a new tab it returned:
The only difference I can notice between the two is that there is a little, unfilled, circle/dot on the left side of the newly opened tab and not the one that opened up with VS Code. Is it some sort of debugger marking or something else? Could it be the source of the problem?
Apparently it's the Shell Integration decorations that's causing the hazards..
// settings.json
"terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": false,
"terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled": "never",
disable these settings and oh-my-posh error label will be gone :)

Configure VS Code output window for python to jump to last line of output window?

I am sorry if the question doesn't make sense, I didn't really know how to phrase it properly.
What I am trying to achieve is similar to how it works in the command prompt when running a python file. When I run a python file from the command prompt, the command prompt window will jump to the last outputted line during the running of the program, so what is currently being outputted is always visible. However in my current VS Code set up, the output window will not jump to the last line as it is printed, and I have to scroll through the output window to see what is happening with the program.
I am currently using the latest version of VS Code and using the code-runner extension as well. Please let me know if what I am asking does not really make sense.
As far as I understand your question, I would like to answer it.
To Auto-Scroll to the last output, you can just click on the Lock Icon near the Clear Console icon.

Visual Studio Code window is not appearing

I've encountered a very strange bug with Microsoft Visual Studio Code. I've been using VSCode for a few months now and never had this issue. When I open VSCode, the window just doesn't appear. The app is definitely open, because when I hover over the icon on my taskbar I can see what is being displayed in the app:
Unfortunately, when I click on it, the window does not appear.... I've uninstalled and reinstalled, deleted cache, tried older versions and nothing has worked. Has anyone else encountered this and fixed it? Any advice?
hover over VSCode icon in taskbar
right click on it
click on "New Window"
That should do it.
I had something similar. It appears that the window is just off-screen. I've used my DisplayFusion display manager - to move windows to center/top where I could handle it myself. I expect it'll also work using <Win> + <←> (maximize window to left side of screen).
In my case, the issue went away when uninstalling the GlassIt-VSC extension. I tried modifying the opacity of the window and then it disappeared. I highly suggest you try uninstalling this extension.
In my case I had connected HDMI cable but due to power off my monitor was off, but when I disconnected hdmi cable; VS code visible on my screen.
Got the answer since no one was helping.
Go to view.
Click solution explorer.
It should show the name of your project.
Click the small arrow at the beginning of the heading of your project.
Click source files.
Click yourproject.cpp.
Thank you.
I encountered a similar issue with a plugin called GlassIt while I was playing with a property called "glassit.alpha" somehow it went to 1 (possibly I changed it accidentally) and nothing showed up. (here's an image where you can slightly see that I set alpha to 20)
what i did was to just edit the %appdata%\..\Roaming\Code\User\Settings.json and set "glassit.alpha": 1, to 255
UPDATE I just realised there was already an answer I didn't see while I was writing this post
I had this issue during a remote desktop session and could bring the VSC window back via hitting F11 (via the onscreen keyboard in my case, since the F11 key on my keyboard was being captured by the host system).
In my case, I have a dual monitor setup, and the laptop was in clamshell mode. However, the laptop's built-in monitor was recognized as a third monitor, and VsCode was going there.

Error-timeout after 30000ms in Selenium IDE

I want to open a pop up (panel) using ADD button but I am getting time out even with setting- settimeout-30000/600000/1200000 and also using waitforpagetoload function with the same time as I mentioned for settimeout.
Anyone help ?
Change configuration in Selenium IDE. Click on menu, Options->options->In general Tab give 60,000 or above in Default Timeout Textbox.
As you said waitforpagetoload is not working for you.
Try using pause command, that might help you.
I think the problem you are having is that the script doesn't recognize the popup and also the ide get stuck. if that is the case,
This happened to me several times. This is happening because a popup can't be located by the script. You have to use a locate the frame of the popup and get it's id.
try using:- WebElement frame = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"));
(iframe should be the id of the frame you take from the ide)
hope this would help.
Slow down the speed of your test to run. Probably Selenium doesn't have enough time to catch the element