Error-timeout after 30000ms in Selenium IDE - selenium-ide

I want to open a pop up (panel) using ADD button but I am getting time out even with setting- settimeout-30000/600000/1200000 and also using waitforpagetoload function with the same time as I mentioned for settimeout.
Anyone help ?

Change configuration in Selenium IDE. Click on menu, Options->options->In general Tab give 60,000 or above in Default Timeout Textbox.

As you said waitforpagetoload is not working for you.
Try using pause command, that might help you.

I think the problem you are having is that the script doesn't recognize the popup and also the ide get stuck. if that is the case,
This happened to me several times. This is happening because a popup can't be located by the script. You have to use a locate the frame of the popup and get it's id.
try using:- WebElement frame = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"));
(iframe should be the id of the frame you take from the ide)
hope this would help.

Slow down the speed of your test to run. Probably Selenium doesn't have enough time to catch the element


reveal editor when debug with breakpoint step

is possible to auto-reveal a window when track step in debug mode ?
When i do next step and the instance is in other sheet, the window no open automatically.
"workbench.editor.revealIfOpen": true,
will work fine for ctrl click reference, but seem not affect the debug mode with breakPoint tracking.
So the issue is when i push next step, if the step is in other files, i need search the file and open manually.
I made a little sketch to show the behavior i want.
sorry for my poor english guys.
thanks for help
fixed thanks ............................

Eclipse freezes on suggestion popup

I am having a problem in Eclipse where it freezes whenever I add a period (to try to bring up the content assist popup with possible methods). I can move the mouse, but the blinking text cursor disappears, I can't switch tabs or save, and I need to use a task manager to close Eclipse. This happens with all Java projects/files.
I have never had a problem like this with Eclipse before, and can't tell what started it. After doing several Google searches, all I found was this bug. However, I don't see a solution and am running Windows 7, not Linux. Also, I have never heard of Xulrunner. Does anybody have a solution or explanation? Is it an Eclipse setting, or a problem with my computer?
Error Log:
When I watched the error view, it seemed to output "Unhandled event loop exception" a lot.
For now, I have disabled the content assist, which seems to fix the problem.
However, this feature is very helpful, so any answers are appreciated!
Try opening Preferences and tick "Suspend all validators".
Try disable the hovers feature:
eclipse menu: Wndow > Preference

Programmatically affecting load order of perspectives

So, I'm working on an Eclipse Plugin which includes a custom view based on analysis of source code. The majority of the time, it works great. However, if I quit Eclipse with that view open, when I reopen it, it runs into an error with either IWorkbenchWindow.getActivePage() or IWorkbenchPage.getEditorReferences() returning null. This inconsistency seems to be because the view has the focus when Eclipse quits and is the first thing that Eclipse tries to reconstruct on start up. the focus is on a non-window shell (I don't fully understand this, but that's what this said). Is there a workaround so that I can ensure that Eclipse fully loads its IWorkbenchWindow before my custom plugin regardless of what has the focus when Eclipse closes?
You can consider using the site instead: getSite().getPage()...
Tonny Madsen pointed out in the comments that, from within a View, I can access the Active Page from getSite().getPage(), which solved the issues.

Disable Netbeans exception report window

I need to disable the "Exceptions" window that pops when you encounter an IDE error in Netbeans - I always report when I can but is driving me crazy right now.
Don't get me wrong, I love the application, but I'm getting tired of the errors on my screen, sometimes needing to delete a file and create him again to enable me to continue.
I can drag it to the side but my mouse loses focus.
I'm using Windows 7 and latest version of Java (netbeans PHP ide)
Is this possible?
You need to modify <netbeans-install-dir>/etc/netbeans.conf
to the netbeans_default_options entry.
You have to set some properties when launching Netbeans. Modify your application configuration in "nbproject/" by finding a line run.args.extra=... and adding at the end:
You'll find the details in Netbeans' wiki.
I would recommend using but not the other one. This means the error icon will still appear when there is a problem, and you can report the error if you have a moment, but no dialog will pop up without your asking it to.

Eclipse (3.4): how to get Problems to appear automatically if one has errors?

When I build my projects in FlexBuilder, I want to see any errors immediately; I don't want to have to hover or open the Problem pane every time, nor do I want to always leave it open.
Any ideas?
I do not think this is a problem.
As far as I know the Eclipse settings and there is no such.
You can use shortcut keys SHIFT+ALT+Q and press X to fast open the problem panel.