VS Code terminal showing ERROR on every line with oh-my-posh - visual-studio-code

My terminal in VS Code has since the previous update shown the word ERROR on every single line. I have installed oh-my-posh a little while back to make the terminal more pleasant to look at and give me some basic information.
Does anyone know where to look, to find the source of the error message? Tyvm :)
Noticed something different when running echo $ as suggested by #kamen-minkov
When I booted Ubuntu up again and my VS Code opened from the previous state it was in the ERROR label was gone:
However. When I opened up a new tab it returned:
The only difference I can notice between the two is that there is a little, unfilled, circle/dot on the left side of the newly opened tab and not the one that opened up with VS Code. Is it some sort of debugger marking or something else? Could it be the source of the problem?

Apparently it's the Shell Integration decorations that's causing the hazards..
// settings.json
"terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": false,
"terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled": "never",
disable these settings and oh-my-posh error label will be gone :)


Is there a way to remove this feature on vscode?

Recently whenever I am coding specifically in Java and have a line of code like sysout, I keep getting the data type or variable before the actual code. Unable to backspace it as it seems to be an overlay without doing anything to the code. I've never had this picky issue before and am unsure if its been implented through vs code or its an extension I have. If anyone knows how I could get rid of the "x: " in line 4 of the image below then that would be great.
Thank you
Line 4 of code
This is a new vscode feature and has nothing to do with Java or any extensions. To get rid of it, put the following in your settings.json:
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": false
To open your settings.json, open the command palette and search for “settings” and click on Open user settings (JSON).

visual studio code bash missing error trace

I'm using Julia on Visual Studio Code. I just found that the error trace is missing if I toggle bash up and down. If no toggle action is done, nothing went wrong, which is not possible for me.
Did anybody ever encounter this before? I'm sure it's a problem with Visual Studio Code because I tried toggle in another bash and the output is trimmed.
Taking this shell as example, a full output is what I need, but when I click 'toggle the panel' (marked red) to editor window and then return to shell, the full output is trimmed, like this. Most part will be lost, sometimes in the middle, sometimes at the beginning.

vscode "applying code action organize Imports"

Currently got an annoying issue with VS and saving ts files.
every time I save a ts file I get a little popup in the bottom right telling me its "applying code action organize Imports".
I've tried uninstalled VSCode, removing all extensions, deleting the code folder in Roaming. As far as I can tell all my user settings are blank and it should be back to a clean install of VSCode. I've tried looking in the settings for something similar, even adding this to my settings.
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.organizeImports": false
However, I'm still getting the same message on save and its restructuring the imports.
I've got vs code installed on another 2 machines and don't get the same issue.
Any ideas?
Turns out the folder I was opening had its own custom .vscode folder with its own settings.json which had the organizeImports setting enabled. So no matter what I did to my local settings file this one was always overriding it and nothing was showing up within VS directly.
I had forgotten to select a Python interpreter in vscode. Once I did this, the pop up on bottom right telling saying its "applying code action organize Imports" stopped appearing. This solved it for me.

How can I show code error in VSCode by hovering over it

Today, I was watching a video tutorial. The tutor did a minor mistake in his code and while he was trying to find out what the mistake was, he hoverd over the code and exactly at the place, where his error was, VSCode popped up with an Error message like this:
Does any one know how can I activate this in my VSCode? Do I need to install an extension?
The setting is called "Editor > Hover: Enabled". You can search for it in the VSCode settings and make sure the box is checked to enable it.
this should be a built in feature but may need enabling it..
more info at

Is there a way to improve linting errors highlight in Visual Studio Code?

Currently eslint/tslint highlighting for issues/errors is super invisible (comparing, for example, to Atom). Its almost impossible to catch the issue - find the small green highlight zone (see screenshot)
Question is not relevant since June 2018 (VSCode now has awesome highlights)
Simple. I use 2 extensions for that:
Error Lens (usernamehw.errorlens) for highlight the entire line and show on real time the error diagnostic
Error Gutters (igorsbitnev.error-gutters) for put error icons next of line number
Both look like this:
For those who would like a partial solution for this you can actually open up the console in vscode on the PROBLEMS tab to display all errors on across your application grouped by file.
I would prefer the inline visualised approach, but this does resolve this problem more or less.
To open the PROBLEMS tab, click CMD+Shift+M on Mac.
Not sure about windows.