Is there a way to start a hangout from another app with openURL: on the Google+ app for iPhone? - iphone

I'm building an app that needs to start a video conference from an iPhone.
They way i've implemented it is to first check if Skype is installed, if it is, i start video conferencing with skype.
If not, im checking if the Google+ app installed. And if it is i want to open that app with a Google+ username to start a hangout with the user.
an example would be:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:"googleplus://"]
Do you know if this is possible, and whats the correct identifier to call?

Currently, there is no way to start a Google+ Hangout with only an API call. However, there is a Google+ Hangouts Button that will start one.


How to open application/itunes store by one link?

I have idea! E.g I send invite to application for my friend by email. I wanna have link in this email. When user will click it, he will open application, if it's installed, if it's not - show iTunes store. Any idea how to realize it?
Communicating with Other Apps
I begun to read this one, but didn't find solution yet.
I provide the method to check whether an app is installed on iphone.
If the URL scheme for your app is "myapp:", then
BOOL myAppInstalled = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL urlWithString:#"myapp:"]];

How to add twitter follow button in my iPhone app?

Am developing an iPhone app. From my app user can to follow my twitter account. I want to add the Follow twitter button in my app. When the user press the button make the user to follow my twitter account. Before i didn't used any twitter api and twitter functionality so am struggling to make this. Can you please help me to follow another twitter user account from the app itself? Thanks in advance.
Without plugging into another twitter app or anything you could probably open a URL to do the job.
- (IBAction)followMeOnTwitter:(id)sender {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"<twitter_screen_name>"]];
Just replace the end of that URL with your twitter account name, and it should open to follow that account in the browser. Be sure to connect your button to "followMeOnTwitter" by including it in your view's .h file.

How to use facebook connect in an iphone app

I have looked at the facebook iphone api and watched the tutorial they offer but an not sure if one needs to have a facebook app as well to be able to connect an iphone app to facebook.
I would like to allow my users to be able to share things on their profile. e.g. set their status from within my iphone app.
How is this done?
Try the Facebook iPhone SDK
You need to register your application to use the API.
Authentication Docs

How Can I open another App from my app?

I have rediATM app installed on my iphone. rediATM app is free on itunes.
I want to open that app from my iphone app.
I am not able to find out the way to open it.
i am using the following code to open it but it takes me to the website.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
Please help.
It does not work because you are opening the download link for itunes.
If you want to open another app on your iPhone with your own app, you must find out if this app provides a custom URL scheme. If they do, you could open the app using that custom URL, but otherwise not.
Here is an example how to create a custom URL scheme for your own app Launching Your iPhone App Via Custom URL Scheme and Apple's documentation: Communicating with Other Apps

How can I allow affiliate links to items in my iPhone app?

I'm making an iPhone app that has information about different video games. How can I implement a shopping API that will allow me to redirect users who choose to buy a game?
In other words, I'm looking for some kind of affiliate program API that works with the iPhone and lets me place item buy buttons that redirect the user to a product page.
Your intent is unclear. Are you trying to sell content for your application? If so, there is an established, Apple-approved way to do this:
If you're trying to sell something non-iPhone-related, you should redirect to a web page that actually handles the transaction. You can do this as a link that opens a page in Safari, or as an embedded UIWebView.
The first approach is simplest:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: #""]];
The second a little more complicated:
If your question is really asking how to build an entire product purchase API, then, not to sound sarcastic, I suggest this site as a useful starting point:
what about pointing to the itunes page, e.g.
if you replace "itunes" by "phobos", the app store will be opened when using the iphone to open the linkg, e.g.
Sorry, I may be misunderstanding what you are asking but I'm interpreting your question as you want to create an "app discovery" app where you recommend other iOS games in the App Store. If this is correct then you will want to use the iTunes / App Store Affiliate Program.
More info here -
The API you would then use is the "Search API." More info about that can be found here -