How Can I open another App from my app? - iphone

I have rediATM app installed on my iphone. rediATM app is free on itunes.
I want to open that app from my iphone app.
I am not able to find out the way to open it.
i am using the following code to open it but it takes me to the website.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
Please help.

It does not work because you are opening the download link for itunes.
If you want to open another app on your iPhone with your own app, you must find out if this app provides a custom URL scheme. If they do, you could open the app using that custom URL, but otherwise not.
Here is an example how to create a custom URL scheme for your own app Launching Your iPhone App Via Custom URL Scheme and Apple's documentation: Communicating with Other Apps


How to open my apps audio player to play audio after clicking an audio link which is present in email?

I am working on iphone application which plays audio in app.
I can share audio links via email. The person with whome I have shared link can listen to audio by clicking on audio link in the email.
What I need is, when user will click on audio link in email it should open my application and start playing in my apps audio player(if my app is already installed on the device). if app is not installed prompt user to download my app.
How to achieve this?
Well you will need to register your own URL scheme for your app. Read Apples Implementing Custom URL Schemes on how to do this.
But you can not make iOS prompt to install you app, since the OS does not know about you app.
What you could do is always open a website which will try to open your by its URL sheme and it this fails present the use a webpage that offers them to download it.
Please check this link I hope it will be helpful.
About showing a prompt what you can do is always put your app's app store link in email saying "Please install app using below link if you don't have app installed on your device" or some other meaningful message you can have. Link will redirect user to app store page where user can install the app.

Safari App takes user to Settings App in iPhone in iOS 6. How can this be done in my iPhone app?

I had a requirement to redirect a user to the iOS Settings application from within my application. I know that in iOS 5, we could use the following URL scheme to achieve this: prefs:root=General.
And I could use the following line of code:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs:root=General"]]
But Apple no longer supports this open URL scheme since the iOS 5.1 update.
But recently I have noticed that, in the Appstore app and Safari browser etc, Apple let this happen.Please refer to the attached image where Apple shows the alert. And on clicking the Settings button, user is taken to the Settings app. Any idea, how this is done. I believe if this can be done in App Store application, there should be some way that I can do it in my application also. Please comment if someone has a fix, or more idea on how this can be done.

Iphone app links to app store but shows blank page instead of app to download

I´m making an app on iphone and i have a button that links to the appStore in order to download another app.
I´m using the code below that opens safari and instead of showing the twitter app the his on the link, show a blank page.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
Anyone knows how to solve this?
Was using the simulator, it doesn´t have a app store so offcourse it wouldn´t show it... Guessing it will show on a real device.

Linking the Developer Page at the appStore from an iPhone App

So I know how to open an app page on the appStore from within my iPhone app.
Is there a way to open my company's page? On iTunes on my mac I can do that, but using that URL in the iPhone I can't (or I'm not doing it right).
Thanks in advance.
This is a great article on this subject:
Quote from the article: — Search for all apps by developer
It’s also possible to link to all apps by one developer, but there’s a catch. On a Mac or a PC,
this will open iTunes and land on a developer’s page. On an iPhone or iPod touch it’ll do a bit of a
dance, opening MobileSafari, then iTunes, then the App Store app. Not ideal, a bit ugly and slow, but
it gets there in the end.
If you’d like to hide the redirections and speed up the process, Apple recommend using NSURLConnection.
this prevents it to do little dance it does normally
NSString *iTunesLink = #"itms-apps://";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:iTunesLink]];
I used such URL in iOS 8, 9:
where tivogi is the developer's account name and id507966848 is the your developer id.
You can find correct link for you in the any browser: just go to developer page, copy url, and change scheme to itms-apps
In IOS SDK 6 and above, use below link for open developer link from app
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"itms://"]];

iPhone app switching

Is it possible to run an iPhone app from your own app?
For example when you press a button in your app, the iPhone switches to another app.
If so, how would you do this?
Yes, but the developer of the app being switched to will have to have specified a URL protocol handler. For more information on those, look here. If it has specified a protocol handler, you can use the openURL: method to open the URL. Example (opens the Phone app and dials a number:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"tel://123456789"]];
The easiest way to make sure this works is if you're the developer of the app being launched.
"You can register URL types for your application that include custom URL schemes. A custom URL scheme is a mechanism through which third-party applications can interact with each other and with the system. Through a custom URL scheme, an application can make its services available to other applications."
Implementing Custom URL Schemes
Take a look at "Registering Custom URL Schemes" and "Handling URL Requests"