Can I use iPhone or ipad device as a server? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Can I use iPhone or iPad device as a server without jail breaking it ?

uPnP server?
Even you have unlimited data plan, or connected to Wi-Fi, it is unwise to make the device as a server. It is not designed to be a server.
But you can still implement the logic of uPnP and give out your device IP for other people to connect to your device. However, intense use of network will cause battery draining fast. You should note that.


track a guest user's actions on my iPhone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is it possible in iPhone if we can track users actions? Like which applications he has opened, sent messages or calls etc.
Simple answer: no
Apps cannot access the usage information of different apps.
There is a (work arround) solution by implementing a Proxy-App, which provides a proxy server and registers this proxy server in the preferences. All network data would pass that proxy and your Proxy-App could send usage statistics to your server.
However, you can only track network traffic, not other usage statistics. Moreover, this App would never pass the App Review process...

Is there a way to toggle vpn on and off programmatically in iOS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
is there a way to toggle vpn on and off programmatically in iOS?
I need to know iOS Private API for VPN
Asked the same question 2 days ago. Unfortunately there is no api/framework so far. But, CISCO and Juniper apps implements this using their private frameworks. As for now there is nothing we could do programmatically, other than asking users to change the settings.
No, iOS doesn't allow to access the data network related settings..
No, there is no way to toogle VPN, Wi-Fi or bluetooth now.

Disable ipad fully [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Can we disable the ipad fully? I have heard that its not possible. I have searched for it and it shows that the above cannot be done and if its done then the app will be rejected. But still for an accurate answer i'm posting this. Can any one provide me with the correct response?
No, you cannot do this without rooting the iPad (thereby invalidating its warrantee) and installing what most users would consider malware. (You may well have a reasonable use case — loaning them out or something — I'm just saying, that's how most users would see it.)

iphone locking all functionality except calling [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am thinking of making an app for my younger brother's iphone, through which i could lock all functionality of iPhone except making and receiving calls for the time he is doing homework. Will apple allow me? if "yes" then how?
There are no public APIs to do what you're asking. If you managed to use Apple's private APIs to do this (which would take an extremely large amount of effort), Apple would reject your app from the app store. That said, if you're just looking to install the app on his phone, you can do that with a $99 developer license and Xcode.

Xcode console outside Xcode [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Is it possible to display the Xcode console of an application in real time on an iPhone/iPad without to need the computer?
Download the iPhone Configuration Utility at . It can display the console of any iOS device, as long as it's connected by USB. Runs on both MacOS and Windows.
You don’t need Xcode per se, but you do need to be connected to a Mac with a USB cable. The iPhone Configuration Utility is also able to view console logs of applications.