PayPal buy now, get payments information - paypal

I have website with "PayPal buy now" button.
How do I automatically get the customers which to make a payment?
I need to get the price, email and product name

You can use Instant Payment Notification to receive real-time POST notifications of all transaction data that hits your PayPal account. This will allow you to automate tasks like updating a database, sending email notifications, hitting 3rd party web services, etc.


Is it possible to transfer money from one paypal account to another without touching my paypal account, but I get notified when the payment happened?

Is it possible to transfer money from one PayPal account to another without touching my paypal account, but I get notified when the payment happened?
Seller on my website uploads product
Buyer comes on the website and purchase
If Seller receives the amount from buyer
Me (the websites unlock product for download (money dosen't touch the websites account)
coding Language dosen't really matter, if not possible is it possible to a business account with automated payout to the seller?
Use PayPal Checkout with a server backend
Specify a payee object in the purchase_unit:

PayPal Notification on Payment Sent

All documentation I can find for PayPal development is focused on capturing payments from a customer. Even IPN and Webhook events are all about taking action when payments are received.
I operate a small press and my primary use of PayPal is to send payments to authors. I need to take certain actions when payment is sent from my PayPal account to many different recipients.
Using any PayPal API, how do I programmatically retrieve a list of recent payments I have sent? Alternatively, how can I receive a webhook notification when I send a payment through PayPal instead of when I receive one?
The TransactionSearch API would allow you to pull transactions based on different types. It uses the Classic API, though, not REST.
IPN would send notifications when any transaction hits in your account, including payments you send from it via send_money, masspay, or the Pay API.

Paypal log customers transactions

I am working on a web app which will allow small businesses to track their income. I would like a user of the app to register their paypal account and then paypal inform my software when they have received a payment from one of their customers so it can be logged - is this at all possible?
Yes, Instant Payment Notification (IPN) will do exactly what you're asking.

Paypal canceling recurring profile buyer email notification

I am useing paypal exprees checkout API. I want to cancel recurring profile. I add a note for reason of canceling. The recurring profile cancel successfully and note setup to buyer profile history page. But The note does show buyer email notification.
Can you tell anyone how can I show user reason of cancellation in email notification?
Thanks advance
That note is considered an internal use sort of thing, and isn't meant to be shown to the buyer.
What you can do, though, is setup an Instant Payment Notification (IPN) solution which would get hit when the profile is canceled. Within this you can generate a custom, branded email notification, update your database, hit 3rd party web services, etc. It's a very useful tool that allows you to automate all sorts of things based on different transaction types.

Paypal recurring payment change account and decline

My customer is using recurring payment. I have two problem to resolve:
Case 1 : My a customer have some recurring bill. This want change these recurring bill to other paypal account. Is there paypal api to support to delete recurring bills in current account and renew thes bills to new account.
Case 2 : If due to payment,customer's paypal account is not enough money, my system will lock some customer's function. I want paypal call my system 's function to handle this. Is there a way to resolve my problem.
1) You can use ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus to cancel/suspend the profile on the existing account. You'll need to have the user go through the process of creating the new profile on the new account, but this can be done via the use of CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile.
If you happen to be working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make these calls very simple for you.
2) You'll want to utilize Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to automate the management of the profiles. PayPal will POST transaction data in real-time to a listener script that you have setup on your web server. This script can receive that data and then update your database, send out email notifications, hit 3rd party services, or whatever you want to do from within it.
PayPal will send an IPN when a profile is created, updated, suspended, canceled, as well as when payments are completed, failed, skipped, etc.