PayPal Notification on Payment Sent - paypal

All documentation I can find for PayPal development is focused on capturing payments from a customer. Even IPN and Webhook events are all about taking action when payments are received.
I operate a small press and my primary use of PayPal is to send payments to authors. I need to take certain actions when payment is sent from my PayPal account to many different recipients.
Using any PayPal API, how do I programmatically retrieve a list of recent payments I have sent? Alternatively, how can I receive a webhook notification when I send a payment through PayPal instead of when I receive one?

The TransactionSearch API would allow you to pull transactions based on different types. It uses the Classic API, though, not REST.
IPN would send notifications when any transaction hits in your account, including payments you send from it via send_money, masspay, or the Pay API.


Get fee amount using PayPal Adaptive Payments API?

I am beating my head against the wall with this one. I am setting up a payment using the PayPal Adaptive Payments API, where one of my platform's users receives a payment from their customer. I need to be able to see the amount of the PayPal fee related to that transaction.
I'm familiar with and have tried using the PaymentDetails API operation, but unfortunately, the only quasi-relevant information that method (and the IPN) returns is fees_payer (who paid the fees), not the amount of the fee.
I've also looked into the GetTransactionDetails operation, but that appears to be only for Express Checkout and Website Payments Pro APIs, according to this document.
Any ideas how I can determine the fee amount on these transactions?
With Adaptive Payments the IPNNotificationURL specified in the Pay request would be an app specific IPN that won't provide much info about that payment itself.
If you setup IPN in the receiver account profile, then an additional IPN would be triggered that would be transaction specific and would include the fee.

Is the only way to send payments through the adapative payment api?

I couldn't find anything in the classic or rest api for sending payments. I want to send payments, is the adaptive payment api the best way to go to sending individual payments? (I'm buying products and want to send them automaticially)
Mass Payments (classic) and Payouts (REST) both send payments to other users, and while these can be used to send sets of payments they can also send one payment at a time. Many merchants use these products this way.

Which PayPal API will achieve crowd payments

My application already receive payments using Stripe API. Once payment is received, I must pay affiliates related to the transaction. This could be 1 to many recipients.
I want to use PayPal, I want to wire an API into my application so that I may pay all pending payments by clicking a "release funds" button...clicking the release funds button would pay related recipients to their email address from a paypal account that I will keep flush with funds.
Which PayPal API will achieve this? (paying many recipients from one paypal account)
I've done a lot of research on this and alternatives. Before I spend valuable dev time on this, I need to know I'm heading down the right path so any advice would be most helpful.
The MassPay API will do it, but you'll need to get MassPay enabled on your PayPal account in order to use it. It's free, but it's just not enabled by default.
You could also look into Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API. In that case you would build a script that loops through all your recipients and sends payments one at a time.

Is it possible to unsubscribe an user via the Paypal Adaptive payment API?

My users subscribe to my project using the paypal button "Subscribe", and then I manage the monthly payments via the IPN, but if the user delete his account, I'd like to unsubscribe him automatically, without asking him to go to Paypal to cancel his subscription.
Is it possible to use the Paypal Adaptive Payment API to tell Paypal to unsubscribe this user ?
Bonus question : is it possible to use the Paypal Adaptive Payment API to know the status of the subscription, and eventually also to modify it (lower the amount for example) ?
You wouldn't use the Adaptive Payments API to unsubscribe a user from a subscription. If the buyer signed up for a subscription, you could ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus API to cancel the profile. As for the status, you would not be able to use the "GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails" API call to get the status for subscriptions. This would only be supported for recurring payments, not subscriptions. However, you could use IPN which would send you the details when the profile gets created, when a new transaction is processed, and etc. Then you could just query your own database for the details.

Does Paypal send an IPN message when payment is captured?

We are using Paypal's Authorisation/Capture. When a user manually captures the payment (on the Paypal website), does Paypal send any notification?
We want our backend to recognise payments that have been captured and authorised versus payments that haven't been captured yet.
We would also like to be notified about payments that were rejected.
Please note we are not using the API.
OK, found out that there is no special variable for this, it is simply stored in the 'payment_status' in the IPN message from Paypal.
The statuses relevant to authorisation/capture are:
Completed (when the payment is captured)
Refunded (when the payment is refunded)
Pending (after the user makes payment but before the payment is manually captured)