Is it possible to transfer money from one paypal account to another without touching my paypal account, but I get notified when the payment happened? - paypal

Is it possible to transfer money from one PayPal account to another without touching my paypal account, but I get notified when the payment happened?
Seller on my website uploads product
Buyer comes on the website and purchase
If Seller receives the amount from buyer
Me (the websites unlock product for download (money dosen't touch the websites account)
coding Language dosen't really matter, if not possible is it possible to a business account with automated payout to the seller?

Use PayPal Checkout with a server backend
Specify a payee object in the purchase_unit:


Is it possible to send an ACH payment directly from a US bank account to a PayPal account?

Is it possible to send a payment through PayPal, where the payment originates as an ACH payment, and then is sent to a PayPal account holder, without having to originate the payment from a PayPal account?
Put differently — we would like to send a payment to a PayPal account holder, without first having to pull the money into our own PayPal account. We process payments via ACH, and we'd prefer to not have to deposit the funds into our PayPal account before transferring them to the destination PayPal account. We'd prefer to be able to deposit them directly into the PayPal account.
Is that possible?
The only way to do that would be to have a 3rd party user add your bank account to their PayPal account so they could submit deposits directly into their PayPal account from your bank. I'm guessing that's not what you're after.
If you simply submit a regular PayPal payment, though, while it will technically flow through the PayPal account it would go directly to the receiver's PayPal account instantly as long as you have a credit card associated with your PayPal account. This is much faster than ACH and protects your bank account details from receivers as well, so that's really what I would recommend anyway.
The only disadvantage I can see to having it flow through PayPal is may an additional entry for your accountant to deal with in the books (transfer from bank to PayPal, then payment from PayPal to vendor) but that is not a very big problem. The advantages far outweigh that in my opinion.

Which PayPal Payment API should i select?

I've tried PayPal payment standard, Website Payments pro for authorization and capture of payment. But what i need is authorize payment and capture it. But not all captured amount should transferred to my account. Instead some of my website fee should be deducted and that deducted amount should be added to my account. And receiver gets payments only when they send me a request to release their fund. My system works as like "User add any gift which he/she wants. His well wisher purchase the gift and pay through PayPal for it.After that admin will capture the fund and then amount should be transferred to user until admin wants. But the problem is that all balance is transferred to admin's account."
Please steer me in right direction. Thanks.

Paypal recurring payment change account and decline

My customer is using recurring payment. I have two problem to resolve:
Case 1 : My a customer have some recurring bill. This want change these recurring bill to other paypal account. Is there paypal api to support to delete recurring bills in current account and renew thes bills to new account.
Case 2 : If due to payment,customer's paypal account is not enough money, my system will lock some customer's function. I want paypal call my system 's function to handle this. Is there a way to resolve my problem.
1) You can use ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus to cancel/suspend the profile on the existing account. You'll need to have the user go through the process of creating the new profile on the new account, but this can be done via the use of CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile.
If you happen to be working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make these calls very simple for you.
2) You'll want to utilize Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to automate the management of the profiles. PayPal will POST transaction data in real-time to a listener script that you have setup on your web server. This script can receive that data and then update your database, send out email notifications, hit 3rd party services, or whatever you want to do from within it.
PayPal will send an IPN when a profile is created, updated, suspended, canceled, as well as when payments are completed, failed, skipped, etc.

Paypal integration in php by storing user credentials

I tried to integrate paypal in my website and I was able to implement it . I tested the transcations with sandbox account provided by paypal. For each transaction, buyer need to enter his credit card details or other paypal account informations. So I would like to store the user credentials in my database and then at the time of transaction, make the buyer proceed with transaction without entering details again. Can you please suggest if there is any possibility for implementing this or any suggestions to do so? All suggestions are welcome.
You wouldn't store the buyer's PayPal credentials (because that's about the worst crime you can commit in internet security), but you can create a billing agreement with the buyer. The billing agreement would allow you to charge the buyer, at a later date, without having to send the buyer to PayPal again to approve the payment. This page tells you how to do it:

How to check Payment failure for Paypal Express Checkout

We are using Paypal recurring billing service (using Express Checkout) at our website for monthly subscription.
Since we have an Australian account so we are not able use the DPRP (Direct Payment Recurring Payment) service offered by Paypal because it seems, DPRP service is limited
to only few countries (US, UK and Canada).
In Express checkout payment details are received at Paypal Website. So we do not have any information, whether the payment failed, user pressed the Back button in browser or He/She intentionally clicked the cancel payment.
After speaking to Paypal support team we get know that there could be multiple possible reason for Payment failure, and seller has to contact Paypal by themself. So we can
not provide any troubleshooting for that at our website.
So we want to know, Is there any possible solution to avoid this or atleast can we diffrentiate between the user for whom payment failed and who intentionally moved to
our website back without doing payment because this way we are not only unable to followup with them but also loosing a part of the customer base, interested in our service.
Any help in this is Appreciated.
You should implement the Pay Pal IPN (Instant Payment Notification).
You configure the IPN url address on your PayPal merchant account settings. This page is simple HTML page with server-side programming that is listening for requests coming from PayPal.
There's no need to do something extra in the checkout process for making IPN work. Once you set this up, it will automatically work.
Every time something happens with a transaction in your merchant account, e.g. transaction completed/failed/canceled, PayPal will send an HTTP Post to your IPN listener URL.
Here you can get all the relevant information about the transaction, like the payer ID, the payment status. With this information you can decide what to do with your customer's order.