after adding s3 credentials all files 404 -

After I added S3 credentials to filepicker all the files 404. What's up with that? I assume this is because filepicker is trying to get the files from s3 instead its original location without trying to move it?
How do I ensure that filepicker migrates the files.

We have a fix coming out for this in the next two days, in the interim we have a script that can migrate the files into your S3 bucket if you need them moved.


How to recover ‘amplifyconfiguration.dart’ file for AWS S3?

I was creating an app which sends images to a storage place like AWS S3, for which I was following steps to setup Amplify and S3 for flutter.
An amplifyconfiguration.dart file was generated but it got deleted by mistake.
I tried to recovering it back with amplify init and even reinstalling Amplify CLI as guided by ChatGPT, but amplifyconfiguration.dart file did not generate back, what do I do now?

Is it possible to revert the action in Firebase Cloud Storage?

Folders with images in my entire bucket are almost all gone. I do have a backup, but I don't know if it's possible to upload multiple folders with files at once.
Is there any possibility to revert the accidental deletion of folders in bucket in Cloud Console or are there any snapshots of storages being kept?

Deploying web app from Visual Studio Code to Azure but leave out a data folder

I am building a very small Node/Express API app in Azure using Twilio to route communication for a small group. I initially built out a data structure for users in CosmosDB but found out it's minimum $24 per month, which is way over budget for something that will likely hold 20 or so records. Because of this, is seems much more reasonable to just build this into a json file that sits in a ./json subfolder. However, it has occurred to me that whenever I deploy, I would be overwriting this file with the default file I have locally. I have been working via the Azure App Service tool in Visual Studio Code and can't figure out a way to make it ignore the file.
I can go into Kudu and copy the file down each time before I deploy, but I will eventually forget and this sounds like a very brittle process.
I added a json/ line to .gitignore, but that has no effect on the deployment (as expected).
I also added "appService.zipIgnorePattern": ["json{,/**}"] to the settings.json file, but instead of just ignoring that folder on the server, it erases it on deploy (the zip ignores it and then it wipes/replaces the whole wwwsite folder). Looking for the file gives me {"Message":"'D:\\home\\site\\wwwroot\\json\\users.json' not found."}
I was hoping there is a setting that would deploy, replacing all folders in the package, and ignoring all content in the ./json folder. Does this exist?
Alternative solution, 2021:
Instead of excluding folders, select the folder that you do want to deploy. Data in other folders will not be affected.
Deploy from: edit .vscode/settings.json in your local project and add "appService.deploySubpath": "./folderToDeploy"
Deploy to: In the Azure Portal go to your app service. Under Configuration / Application Settings add a new Application Setting with name SCM_TARGET_PATH and value ./folderToDeployTo
Using VS Code right+click deploy will deploy the contents of the folder. I was able to work around this by adding Azure as a remote branch and using .gitignore. I placed my json file inside a random folder (content/json) then placed /content/json in my .gitignore file.

SugarmCRM: Upload document files to S3 bucket instead of cache/upload in sugar 6.2

I am on SugarCRM 6.2 CE.
My requirement is to push the document to S3 bucket instead of sugar's local directory. Like when user uploads a document, it should go to s3 bucket. For this I want to know which file I need to change. Any suggestion ?

override existing files in Downloads on GitHub

Is there a way to override the file in the Downloads section on GitHub when uploading a file with the same filename? (e.g. via developer API or the ruby script, etc) The reason is that I want to keep track of the number of downloads. Thanks!
I havn't tried this but it's possible that you could replace the file on Amazon S3. I don't know if it will work or if it's a one-time upload token you get without the posibility to delete the file.
See the API documentation for uploading a file on Github (which includes using the amazon s3 rest api to upload the file):
And API documentation for deleing a file on amazon s3:
And API documentation for putting a file on amazon s3: