Is it possible to revert the action in Firebase Cloud Storage? - firebase-storage

Folders with images in my entire bucket are almost all gone. I do have a backup, but I don't know if it's possible to upload multiple folders with files at once.
Is there any possibility to revert the accidental deletion of folders in bucket in Cloud Console or are there any snapshots of storages being kept?


Where does Azurite store blobs, queues and tables on mac?

I'm developing an Azure Function on VSCode. I see that a bunch of files are created in my workspace folder. However, even if I delete them, when I open Azure Storage Explorer, I still see a bunch of containers etc. How can I delete all of them in one command?
Folders in Azure Storage aren't really created or deleted (Azure Blob storage does not have a concept of folders and everything inside the container is considered a blob including the folders. You can easily delete a folder including all its contents in Storage Explorer) , they exist as long as there are blobs stored in them. The way to delete a folder is to retrieve all blobs in it using ListBlobsSegmentedAsync and calling DeleteIfExists() on each of them.
Ref: There is a similar discussion threads here, refer to the suggestions mentioned in this Q&A thread and SO thread

How to restore DatabricksRoot(FileStore) data after workspace is decommissioned?

My Azure Databricks workspace was decommissioned. I forgot to copy files stored in the DatabricksRoot storage (dbfs:/FileStore/...).
Can the workspace be recommissioned/restored? Is there any way to get my data back?
Unfortunately, the end-user cannot restore Databricks Workspace.
It can be done by raising support ticket here
It is best practice not to store any data elements in the root Azure Blob storage that is used for root DBFS access for the workspace. The root DBFS storage is not supported for production customer data. However, you might store other objects such as libraries, configuration files, init scripts, and similar data. Either develop an automated process to replicate these objects or remember to have processes in place to update the secondary deployment for manual deployment.
Refer -

Unable to reclaim Storage for Actions and Packages after deleting all files

When i try to run a github action (it will build android apk) it showing an error
You've used 100% of included services for GitHub Storage (GitHub
Actions and Packages). GitHub Actions and Packages won’t work until a
monthly spending limit is set.
So i delete all Artifacts files but after i delete each Artifacts the Storage for Actions is not reducing For example i delete 20 Artifacts file and each contains 20mb. Which means 400Mb and when i check the "Storage for Actions" it is still showing it is overflowed Why this is happening?
I encountered an identical problem After looking at the docs, it seems it takes one hour for storage usage to update.
From the documentation:
Storage usage data synchronizes every hour.

How to Use Cloud Storage Fuse to backup files when deleted in local machine

I installed gcsfuse on my local macOS system and mounted a folder to cloud storage bucket.
everythings works fine.
but, If deleted a file from mounted folder also deleting on bucket.
I don't want this to be happen.
when ever I delete any files, It should only delete on my local machine.
Can anyone help me to do it.
You can't do this with official version of gcsfuse.
As workaround, you can activate the object versioning. Thereby, even is you delete a file, a versioned copy still live in your Bucket. You lost nothing.
This video is also great for explaining the versioning
If you really want to use gcsfuse with your special feature, you can fork the project and remove the delete part in the code of the open source project after adding s3 credentials all files 404

After I added S3 credentials to filepicker all the files 404. What's up with that? I assume this is because filepicker is trying to get the files from s3 instead its original location without trying to move it?
How do I ensure that filepicker migrates the files.
We have a fix coming out for this in the next two days, in the interim we have a script that can migrate the files into your S3 bucket if you need them moved.